There was once an old codger called Biden,
Dodgy ballots they say he was a-hiden,
Though he was a rather sleepy chum,
Who could barely wipe his own bum,
And I’ve heard he has wetter kecks than Poseidon.
There was once a cuck called Trudeau,
Who was scared of trucks and tows,
All day they would honk,
As Klaus ordered him on,
So he froze all their banks and cried on.
There was once a Congresswoman called AOC,
A bug-eyed socialist and challenged mentally,
They say she's an actor,
Who abandoned her abuela,
And criticism just means you just want her romantically.
There was once a President whose mind was unmeasured,
Sniffin' kids was his all-time pleasure,
This senile old creep,
Went on national TV,
And vowed to restore "truinanashabadeprezure".
There was once a crackhead called Hunter,
Who smoked parmasan to feed the white hunger,
Distracted by footjobs,
He forgot to retrieve his laptop,
Now Ukraine's in a panic and going under.
There was once a diary that got teef'd,
Belonging to Ashley Biden apparently,
Her dad scored 81 million votes,
(Which was totally not a hoax, folks!)
And now her shower habits have got the Feds on O'Keefe.
There was once a drama queen called AOC,
Who thought Jan 6th was a personal siege,
Though she was nowhere near the Capitol,
When the Shaman bust through so fanatical,
I bet she was snogging Ted Cruz in the tunnels underneath.
There was once a big faker called Jussie,
Who created a rather large fussy,
He staged a fake hate crime,
With black Trumpers and binds,
I doubt he'll find jail "MAGA country."
There was once a group called Antifa,
Full of soy boys, Commie's and tranny divas,
They were funded by Soros,
(Who worships Moloch not Horus),
And they're all as menacing as Queen Latifah.
There was once a cult called QAnon,
(Though no-one knows who or where the leader's from),
They are so dangerous to our democracy,
(All day they trade memes of a frog called Pepe!!)
And don't even ask about Uranium 1.
Anyone wanna continue? lol
The drunk in the house is Pelosi/ She loves the illegals & knows she/ Will never get voted in/ By true Americans/ So she’s ruining the land of the free
That’s all I got on short notice lol. I have posted my “Biden went down to Georgia” poem here awhile back though.
nice one lol - oh i didnt see that can you dm me it? i like poems
I’m not sure how to DM on here lol. I usually just lurk & then comment occasionally. So I’ll drop it on this post if you don’t mind. It’s from right after the scam election though so it’s a little out of date.
Biden went down to GA
Biden went down to Georgia He was looking for a vote to steal. He was in a bind Knew he was way behind & Dems were willing to make a deal.
When he came across the Dems Cheatin’ on the ballots with every chance they got, Biden jumped to cheat out Trump & said Dems, lemme tell you what;
In case you didn’t know it I’m a politician too. And if you care to take a dare I’ll share some wealth with you. Now You do pretty good cheatin’ Dems, and Give ol’ Biden his due, I get paid a good price, You’ll get a small slice We’ll pretend China never knew.
lol, nice!
There was once a company called Pfizer,
Who promised there jabs wouldn’t harm you,
But the results soon came back,
That there shots were a hack,
Meant for profits and crimes against humanity, too
This is fun!
nice ;) love a good limerick haha
Love it! Times short but I'll try:
The sheep sleep and don't even know it /
Got a vax for a beer and a donut /
Now they're shaking in fear /
Forced awake, they're in tears /
After all, Q said: "You must show them" /
Looks like you already have great material for a book.
maybe so lol i'll flog it at CPAC or something haha
There was a green frog who memed them with glee/ Causing the Fake News much misery./ He taunted them until the newsman all cried/ That's the day the Fake News died.