Canadian MP silenced and accused of “disinformation” for suggesting WEF has infiltrated governments.
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Was Freedom Convoy a deep state ploy to get Emergency Act passed?
Remember, remember, the 11th of September
I think the convoys might be a deep state operation or at least it was co-opted and used to pass the emergency act.... logistics does not happen overnight and the planning of it would have not taken the government by Suprise. I think the suprise for government was the fact that it was peaceful comparatively.
If it wasn't initially, it definitely turned into that.
Even the Deep-shit State is smart enough to know it's inevitable that the people will rise up and give them an excuse to enact some bullshit tyranny act crap they drafted in advance if they just fuck with them enough. It's like fool's mate in chess. 2 moves and u lose.
Bill gates’ “freedom” convoy