343 COMMS GOOD — You are the news now. — TOGETHER you are invincible. — CONNECTED. UNITED. — #FactsMatter — #Truth — #UnitedNotDivided — #WWG1WGA — You are ready. Prepare for the storm. (media.greatawakening.win) DELTA STORM posted 3 years ago by Qanaut 3 years ago by Qanaut +343 / -0 34 comments download share 34 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Even so much closer to the inevitable
So excited frens :)
When this happens no matter what I am doing I am gonna absolutely lose my shit with no fucks given.
I forget. What’s gonna happen after that’s said? Brain fart moment
The start of the storm. People think that means indictments unsealed and worldwide arrests of the cabal by military. Basically the same way a mafia has to be taken down all at once.