ironically ive never been goal oriented but i have a math / science mind so i passively accomplished a number of goals without ever having goals (which isn't a good thing). My point of saying that is I've never really had goals because everything seemed so vanilla and predictable. I had no motivation because i didnt want for anything. However, because of the acceleration lately i've gotten more motivated to work out, more motivated to have and do life goals (just bought a house last year) etc. I 100% know how you're feeling, what i have found helpful for me is to identify 3 "selves" for lack of a better term.
my "immediate self", my well being, health, philosophy, beliefs etc. I focus on those things when i first wake up, stretch/yoga maybe some light exercize, mediation/breathwork etc. not all those things each morning, but a subset depending on time & how i feel what i need. I make sure i've got my food situated (ive got autoimmune/gut issues so i stick to an autoimmune palea diet and with that comes making food as most places to eat use things i shouldnt have). Also having a regular sleep schedule super important and ending the day if a nice tea and recapping how the day went, what can i do better, what did i do well, etc
i look at my "local self." This includes my job, house, "wealth," things i own, and neighbors, friends, city (mines relatively small). I work on those things during the day. I completely understand you on financial goals, but i know the system is screwy but I suggest sticking to what you know. For instance, i know i need a place to live so i put most of my cash in buying this house. then i bought tools and other things that have value in its use and still hold value to me if the system collapses. Also bought up food and vitamins / seeds / gardening stuff. THings that are shelf stable for at least a couple years. That way i buy bulk on things i know i will use before it expires (hedges against inflation) also buying bulk usually has good discounts. I spend some time working in my yard, trimming trees, admiring the plants/animals on this small piece of land i am custodial on. (quote from movie "kingdom of heaven" - for what good is a man if he does not improve his lands - something to that effect, great movie). That specifically is helpful, having a responsibility for something. Not joking when i do yard work i take care to watch where i step so i avoid doing any unnecessary damage to the plants and bugs etc. They are all under my "domain" and i feel in some ways responsible to give them the best opportunity at i could go on here as this thought process extends to frens, neighbors, job (career), etc
the "matrix self" no joke i find it so much easier to model the external world as the matrix and all the cliche movie lines apply, any one not freed from the matrix is a possible threat, some are hopelessly dependent on the matrix they will die trying to save it,.... some evil ass architects created it wanting to keep us under control and suck away our energy. so with that in mind, its always helpful to just laugh at how ridiculous it all is.... any ways just like in the movie, we have to operate within the matrix, we know its fake but it is a system of rules and predictable behaviors, your friend taking the booster, thats predictable, you knew she would, i knew she would, she's in the ssystem, we can still be friends but just understand the rules / the game. work within the construct to slowly red pill if possible, and remember they cannot be told, they have to ask for it and see it with their own minds, so instead of telling them the truth, ask questions and indulge their delusions and see if that doesnt slowly lead to more curiousity on their end.
OK, with those 3 selves in mind. If you focus on the immediate self, and keep your health up/exercise etc it will keep your mind clear and will make it easier to work on your local self. Both of those selfs are about building you up, 1 is internal/physical being the other is your close surroundings your stockpile of buried nuts in prep for winter (if you were a squirrel). As long as you contribute to those 2 selves daily, even if small, it will give you the strength to continue and even able to participate in the matrix. If the matrix starts weighing you down, unplug. You're not doing yourself or anyone around you any good if you're not continueing with selves 1 & 2. And remember, that is what they want of you, they want you broken physically and mentally. Don't give them that. You're strong then that, you're better then that and more importantly, they exist in the matrix. you exist primarily in selves 1&2 where YOU have the control! Consider people who live in prison who have turned their lives around and are positive. they have taken control of 1&2, their matrix is far worse then ours. We are at war, our forefathers fought civil wars and all kinds of things, feel their strength it resides inside of you as well, we are in a war and that is the battle field.
I find Wes Watson on youtube to be really helpful. He's a former 10 year prison inmate, his message now is epic and it falls inline with my thoughts on selves 1&2 and being responsible / caring for something thats not you. He uses the term "your people." meaning your familiy, friends, neighbors, anyone you make promises to, be accountable to your people, be the best you for THEM.
also hope you have / find a partner pede, im missing that piece of the puzzle but i know it will also help a lot.
Anyways maybe the ramblings give a different perspective, clearly i wouldnt have written so much if i didnt care and wasn't also dealing with the same thoughts, like a lot of us. Cheers fren!
This is awesome. I love the idea of the “matrix self.” I think the problem I run into is that I get to feeling like the matrix is literally going to kill me and it makes me not want to care about the immediate and local self. Idk… I know for a fact that we will win in the end. I know that God always wins. I know that patriots will win too. There is just some sort of dark feeling in the back of my mind that tells me that I’m not gonna be one of the ones who survives it. I have no clue why I feel like that, but I do. I had so much confidence during the election and even months after the steal. Somewhere along the way that confidence had been lost
There is just some sort of dark feeling in the back of my mind that tells me that I’m not gonna be one of the ones who survives it. I have no clue why I feel like that, but I do.
first off, be honest. you do know why you feel that way. its logical to feel that way.
secondly, again, if the matrix is too much at the moment. step away from it. focus on the immediate self first, then the local self. MAKE YOURSELF DO IT. you will realize, lifes not that bad, Also, dont fear death, we all die and you will hasten it worrying :P accept it. sit with it. meditate with it. were all going to die. now you have a choice. wait for it, or stand up to it, laugh at it. if youre going to do down, be the strongest, fittest, best looking version of yourself. Give death a challenge. Dont rely on hope for your confidence, be the confidence that gives others hope. seriously watch wes watsons videos on youtube. And if you want tell me your workout schedule, i'll message you on those days to hold you accountable. we are all in this together, you need to be strong for us, we need you to be strong, dont let us down.
I’ll admit it- I feel that way bc the whole world is ran by pedovore satanists who hate our guts 😂. And yeah, maybe I just need to take like 3 days to not pay any attention to the news. I don’t think I’ve taken even a day off from it in over two years. When so many things happen every day, it’s hard to look away without feeling like you’re gonna be behind. Plus I’m at home and bored a lot of times anyway so might as well look and see what’s going on. I do need to figure out how to come to terms with death… I have always been Christian, and even more so the past few years, but it still doesn’t stop me from being scared of it. I will check out that guy on YouTube. Thank you for real
don’t think I’ve taken even a day off from it in over two years. When so many things happen every day, it’s hard to look away without feeling like you’re gonna be behind
ive felt this way as have many on this site. consider this, biologically what is the drive for information, what does "knowing" whats going on provide you? from a survival standpoint it can provide you an advantage in preparation for what is coming. However, consider we were never supposed to have this much access at our finger tips. heck trump has tons of people working for him gathering info and he/they still dont know it all.
taking a step back what is going on? you're the deer in the headlights. you see it coming, but you're stop and you cant stop staring or move to avoid being hit. that is exactly what is going on when you stay in the matrix self too long.
You already know why you feel this way and you know what these monsters are capable of. So assume they will do it, then plan on how to mitigate some/all of it as best you can - the local self, have food/ water / some survival gear. if you plan this way you dont need to worry about the specifics of what happens as you will be prepared for everything.
If you havent taken a day off in 2 years..... please do. that would drive anyone crazy! the matrix will always be there, but the time you waste inside of it cannot be reclaimed.
Wish you the best ladypede! feel free to reach out if you want someone to ramble a wall of text back :P
ironically ive never been goal oriented but i have a math / science mind so i passively accomplished a number of goals without ever having goals (which isn't a good thing). My point of saying that is I've never really had goals because everything seemed so vanilla and predictable. I had no motivation because i didnt want for anything. However, because of the acceleration lately i've gotten more motivated to work out, more motivated to have and do life goals (just bought a house last year) etc. I 100% know how you're feeling, what i have found helpful for me is to identify 3 "selves" for lack of a better term.
my "immediate self", my well being, health, philosophy, beliefs etc. I focus on those things when i first wake up, stretch/yoga maybe some light exercize, mediation/breathwork etc. not all those things each morning, but a subset depending on time & how i feel what i need. I make sure i've got my food situated (ive got autoimmune/gut issues so i stick to an autoimmune palea diet and with that comes making food as most places to eat use things i shouldnt have). Also having a regular sleep schedule super important and ending the day if a nice tea and recapping how the day went, what can i do better, what did i do well, etc
i look at my "local self." This includes my job, house, "wealth," things i own, and neighbors, friends, city (mines relatively small). I work on those things during the day. I completely understand you on financial goals, but i know the system is screwy but I suggest sticking to what you know. For instance, i know i need a place to live so i put most of my cash in buying this house. then i bought tools and other things that have value in its use and still hold value to me if the system collapses. Also bought up food and vitamins / seeds / gardening stuff. THings that are shelf stable for at least a couple years. That way i buy bulk on things i know i will use before it expires (hedges against inflation) also buying bulk usually has good discounts. I spend some time working in my yard, trimming trees, admiring the plants/animals on this small piece of land i am custodial on. (quote from movie "kingdom of heaven" - for what good is a man if he does not improve his lands - something to that effect, great movie). That specifically is helpful, having a responsibility for something. Not joking when i do yard work i take care to watch where i step so i avoid doing any unnecessary damage to the plants and bugs etc. They are all under my "domain" and i feel in some ways responsible to give them the best opportunity at i could go on here as this thought process extends to frens, neighbors, job (career), etc
the "matrix self" no joke i find it so much easier to model the external world as the matrix and all the cliche movie lines apply, any one not freed from the matrix is a possible threat, some are hopelessly dependent on the matrix they will die trying to save it,.... some evil ass architects created it wanting to keep us under control and suck away our energy. so with that in mind, its always helpful to just laugh at how ridiculous it all is.... any ways just like in the movie, we have to operate within the matrix, we know its fake but it is a system of rules and predictable behaviors, your friend taking the booster, thats predictable, you knew she would, i knew she would, she's in the ssystem, we can still be friends but just understand the rules / the game. work within the construct to slowly red pill if possible, and remember they cannot be told, they have to ask for it and see it with their own minds, so instead of telling them the truth, ask questions and indulge their delusions and see if that doesnt slowly lead to more curiousity on their end.
OK, with those 3 selves in mind. If you focus on the immediate self, and keep your health up/exercise etc it will keep your mind clear and will make it easier to work on your local self. Both of those selfs are about building you up, 1 is internal/physical being the other is your close surroundings your stockpile of buried nuts in prep for winter (if you were a squirrel). As long as you contribute to those 2 selves daily, even if small, it will give you the strength to continue and even able to participate in the matrix. If the matrix starts weighing you down, unplug. You're not doing yourself or anyone around you any good if you're not continueing with selves 1 & 2. And remember, that is what they want of you, they want you broken physically and mentally. Don't give them that. You're strong then that, you're better then that and more importantly, they exist in the matrix. you exist primarily in selves 1&2 where YOU have the control! Consider people who live in prison who have turned their lives around and are positive. they have taken control of 1&2, their matrix is far worse then ours. We are at war, our forefathers fought civil wars and all kinds of things, feel their strength it resides inside of you as well, we are in a war and that is the battle field.
I find Wes Watson on youtube to be really helpful. He's a former 10 year prison inmate, his message now is epic and it falls inline with my thoughts on selves 1&2 and being responsible / caring for something thats not you. He uses the term "your people." meaning your familiy, friends, neighbors, anyone you make promises to, be accountable to your people, be the best you for THEM.
also hope you have / find a partner pede, im missing that piece of the puzzle but i know it will also help a lot.
Anyways maybe the ramblings give a different perspective, clearly i wouldnt have written so much if i didnt care and wasn't also dealing with the same thoughts, like a lot of us. Cheers fren!
Thanks for taking the time to write this.
This is awesome. I love the idea of the “matrix self.” I think the problem I run into is that I get to feeling like the matrix is literally going to kill me and it makes me not want to care about the immediate and local self. Idk… I know for a fact that we will win in the end. I know that God always wins. I know that patriots will win too. There is just some sort of dark feeling in the back of my mind that tells me that I’m not gonna be one of the ones who survives it. I have no clue why I feel like that, but I do. I had so much confidence during the election and even months after the steal. Somewhere along the way that confidence had been lost
first off, be honest. you do know why you feel that way. its logical to feel that way.
secondly, again, if the matrix is too much at the moment. step away from it. focus on the immediate self first, then the local self. MAKE YOURSELF DO IT. you will realize, lifes not that bad, Also, dont fear death, we all die and you will hasten it worrying :P accept it. sit with it. meditate with it. were all going to die. now you have a choice. wait for it, or stand up to it, laugh at it. if youre going to do down, be the strongest, fittest, best looking version of yourself. Give death a challenge. Dont rely on hope for your confidence, be the confidence that gives others hope. seriously watch wes watsons videos on youtube. And if you want tell me your workout schedule, i'll message you on those days to hold you accountable. we are all in this together, you need to be strong for us, we need you to be strong, dont let us down.
I’ll admit it- I feel that way bc the whole world is ran by pedovore satanists who hate our guts 😂. And yeah, maybe I just need to take like 3 days to not pay any attention to the news. I don’t think I’ve taken even a day off from it in over two years. When so many things happen every day, it’s hard to look away without feeling like you’re gonna be behind. Plus I’m at home and bored a lot of times anyway so might as well look and see what’s going on. I do need to figure out how to come to terms with death… I have always been Christian, and even more so the past few years, but it still doesn’t stop me from being scared of it. I will check out that guy on YouTube. Thank you for real
ive felt this way as have many on this site. consider this, biologically what is the drive for information, what does "knowing" whats going on provide you? from a survival standpoint it can provide you an advantage in preparation for what is coming. However, consider we were never supposed to have this much access at our finger tips. heck trump has tons of people working for him gathering info and he/they still dont know it all.
taking a step back what is going on? you're the deer in the headlights. you see it coming, but you're stop and you cant stop staring or move to avoid being hit. that is exactly what is going on when you stay in the matrix self too long.
You already know why you feel this way and you know what these monsters are capable of. So assume they will do it, then plan on how to mitigate some/all of it as best you can - the local self, have food/ water / some survival gear. if you plan this way you dont need to worry about the specifics of what happens as you will be prepared for everything.
If you havent taken a day off in 2 years..... please do. that would drive anyone crazy! the matrix will always be there, but the time you waste inside of it cannot be reclaimed.
Wish you the best ladypede! feel free to reach out if you want someone to ramble a wall of text back :P