New post from the @Q account on Truth who may or may not be Q decide for yourselves I’m just sharing for those who don’t have access to the app yet
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔

"Is this the real Q?"
The question you should instead be asking yourself is: Would a social media site built literally by Donald Motherfucking Trump, for the sharing of truths no less, featuring an IMPOSSIBLE-TO-GET single character username, that somehow just so happens to be the letter 'Q' (of all things), that then gets brought to people's attention NOT organically but by Devin Fucking Nunes (of all people), for an account that was created on a date -- the letters of which add up to 17 -- and that too PRIOR TO the creation of the account of the literal motherfucking owner of the said platform...
... do I even need to say anything more STILL???
How many "coincidences" before mathematically impossible?
This! 👆
The funny thing is, even if the (Truth Social version of) Q never confirms that this account is indeed them, [as they've already said "NO comms made outside this platform" (are to be considered legit) previously]...this STILL doesn't stop the owner of the account itself from redpilling and truth-bombing left, right, and center.
And if someone from the MSM openly calls out team Truth Social on giving the "dangerous QAnon" a platform, they can straight up call out their lie and link them to the comm made by Q which outright denies the legitimacy of any outside comms.
But alas, the MSM can't ask that question (and risk receiving that answer) because then, they would actually have to LINK PEOPLE to comms from their own biggest enemy, the notorious "QAnon."
Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. Plausible deniability 5D chess checkmate for the win.
Correct me if I'm wrong, and sometimes I can be, but didn't the Pepe memes START on 4 Chan or 8 kun or whatever? And Truth's hosting server is named "Pepe". Would that not indicate Truth's connection to that original board thus making it internal site COMMs?
Pepe is a transcendant-archetype meme, he is essentially an Internet everyman. The meme grew in 4chan but by now is much bigger.
It's not the strongest comm by itself, to me it seems like more of a cutesy in-joke.