Q changed his header to a Q surrounded by P’s. People are trying to figure it out. Is he surrounded by Pepe’s?
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thats 28, which is next Monday.
My birthday!!
Wow Nola, your l posts would suggest you're far more experienced than 21 you ol' soul you 😉
Happy bday!
You have no idea! Just getting to the point of unleashing
21 Again! Have a Splendid Day.
Thank you!
One of the greatest persons I've known is also born on the 28th of Feb. Then later in life I met another great man also born on the 28th. I also know a wonderful woman so sweet,caring also born on the 28th of Feb. I see a trend here. Have the bestest Birthday ever you wonderful person!! BTW Mine is the 21st.
That’s the greatest birthday wish Eva! Us 28th’ers were always wishing we held out for a leap year but fell a day late and dollar short. We carry on! ;) Happy belated to you!
happy birthday!
Thank you fren!
how many generals were in the "the calm before the storm" meeting at the white house?