mods banned Norman a couple of months back for a piece of satire a user did not like and hit the deport button. link below to the post with comment that got deported... (i asked him to copy paste into an email for me, i copy pasted it immediately back into the thread... no ban)
look for my comment that begins with the first three paragraphs below the link. if you scroll up a little you will see a video link comment of mine to the user that deported Norman and essentially got him banned. it was supposed to be a two day ban but Norman has been unable to comment... he emailed me sometime back and said f**k it...
i browse his comment history and copy paste or link to comments (the posts anyway) when I see something relevant. there is a lot of q centric research archived there
Norman_F_Dixon just got banned for the comment below
as usual, Norman has done a deep dive and was trying to get an important message out, but a Karen and a mod who apparently have never heard of Jonathan Swift or sarcasm took umbrage and he got banned
the link to the video is real
all the things Norman points out in the video are real
Where is u/Norman_F_Dixon when shits just starting to get WEIRD. 😎
mods banned Norman a couple of months back for a piece of satire a user did not like and hit the deport button. link below to the post with comment that got deported... (i asked him to copy paste into an email for me, i copy pasted it immediately back into the thread... no ban)
look for my comment that begins with the first three paragraphs below the link. if you scroll up a little you will see a video link comment of mine to the user that deported Norman and essentially got him banned. it was supposed to be a two day ban but Norman has been unable to comment... he emailed me sometime back and said f**k it...
i browse his comment history and copy paste or link to comments (the posts anyway) when I see something relevant. there is a lot of q centric research archived there
Norman_F_Dixon just got banned for the comment below
as usual, Norman has done a deep dive and was trying to get an important message out, but a Karen and a mod who apparently have never heard of Jonathan Swift or sarcasm took umbrage and he got banned
the link to the video is real
all the things Norman points out in the video are real
want to know what is really funny...
norman posted the comment in a thread over on at the same time....
he didn't get banned
he got upvoted
u/MAGAdeburger u/v8power