I don't think the CCP could successfully take Tiawan. They do not have the forces that they can use to successfully project force... best everyone look at the trouble Great Britan had with invading the Falkland Islands they lost and had damaged some Major war ships that was caused by cheap handheld weapons. The problem for the CCP is that technologically Tiawan has all the tools to cheaply take out what ever navy comes close. The CCP would of taken out Tiawan years ago if was not an island.
It would be hilarious if the CCP invaded Taiwan during the state of the union address.
I don't think the CCP could successfully take Tiawan. They do not have the forces that they can use to successfully project force... best everyone look at the trouble Great Britan had with invading the Falkland Islands they lost and had damaged some Major war ships that was caused by cheap handheld weapons. The problem for the CCP is that technologically Tiawan has all the tools to cheaply take out what ever navy comes close. The CCP would of taken out Tiawan years ago if was not an island.
What if Taiwan was really a part of China all these years? They played at being 2 separate countries? Not my theory - I’ve seen it stated elsewhere.
Kiss the semiconductor industry goodbye if that happens.
china needs those chips though.