Incredibly, this group has a small faction that literally denies the Holocaust ever occurred, despite the mountains of absolute video proof. As if photoshop and deepfake digital technology existed in the 1940s.
Compared to that, denying that nukes destroyed Nagasaki and Hiroshima is child's play.
You are so correct. Along with flat-Earthers, Moon-hoaxers, chemtrail sniffers, and other mythmakers. There is so much paranoia, it is next to psychotic.
Incredibly, this group has a small faction that literally denies the Holocaust ever occurred, despite the mountains of absolute video proof. As if photoshop and deepfake digital technology existed in the 1940s.
Compared to that, denying that nukes destroyed Nagasaki and Hiroshima is child's play.
You are so correct. Along with flat-Earthers, Moon-hoaxers, chemtrail sniffers, and other mythmakers. There is so much paranoia, it is next to psychotic.
I of them must've downvoted me ;)