posted ago by flatissmooth ago by flatissmooth +8 / -0

I think it is high time we started shipping all of these people off to the sulfur mines!

Everyone knows that I am generally against killing people. So to keep in line with that I suggest that we forgo any upcoming executions and start sending these tarts off to the sulfur mines. I think it is only fair that they tried to enslave humanity that they might be enslaved and forced to work for us like we did for them. Of course this could be difficult in normal environments, meanwhile we need sulfur for stuff, I guess.

My suggestion is that anyone, and I mean anyone, that helped to push the plandemic should be shipped off yesterday. Anyone that enforced illegal actions and rules, anyone that forced people against their will to be a part of this entire shit show. From the school administrators and staff to the cops and sheriffs to the doctors to the nurses, those in the upper echelon of the military, anyone that worked for pharma, those producers of the vaccine and boosters and those that suggested to take them.

A huge thank you to all those that did act in this behavior, it made it far more simple than I could imagine to see you in broad daylight! Really shot yourselves in the foot, huh? Told you we were watching! Ignorance isn't an excuse, sorry!

Countries of the world unite, gather your undesirable population of slave masters and their workers and ship them out! Thar be sulfur in them hills! Hy-uck!