28 Fatty Greta's attempted comeback (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by penisse 3 years ago by penisse +29 / -1 21 comments download share 21 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Just what would this youngster know about what is happening in the Ukraine? Child exploitation.
Agreed. She has had her life stolen from her She has no identity of her own, just the programming of her NWO parents.
Spawn of satan.
She needs a mask mandate
yeah duct tape
Theory: Cabal chose Greta to push their agenda with teens because most teens have low self esteem and, therefor identify more with others that they would consider not attractive.
For a second there I thought she was holding up a 'Flannel Friday's' sign
FFF=666, coinkidink, I'm sure.
Classic fetal alcohol syndrome look.
Eat the peanuts out of my shit.
She reminds me of the kid who did the Kickapoo intro for Pick of Destiny... (NSFW/children, foul language)
The difference is, I enjoyed that kids stage performance and don't want to smack him with my dirty socks.
We will find out she is AI
Greta isn't a fatty, she is with child
Maybe Greta has a double now, too. 🤣
Whose dick did you suck to get an additional 15 minutes of fame, sweetie?