Maybe not today...but there are many ancient stories that mention them. It's possible they were confusing them with prehistoric reptiles or birds that might have looked like a "dragon". It reminds me of Herodotus. He wrote about "flying snakes" in Arabia around 450 BC, but he clearly says he was just writing down whatever the locals told him. So who knows? However, there are many creatures we know existed that resemble "dragons", and even "flying snakes", so I think it's possible for sure.
Look into mudfossils (see Mudfossil University) and look on Google Earth at the top of Africa where you can see a large dragon making up most of Morocco and it was attacking a giant fish just below it. Just below the fish is the Eye of the Sahara, which is probably Atlantis.
you are on to something there. the more i learn about paleontology, the more wierd it gets.
imagine my delight, after years of always forgetting dinosaurs predate humans, discovering that paleontologists have found human and dinosaur remains together.
will get harder to find as they scrub the internet of evidence.
The "dragon" or "reptile" represents what we would call a sociopath: A human who has no empathy and no conscience, just like an actual reptile.
It's amazing how many, many, many myths, legends and stories all through history up to today show the villain/bad guy as being a snake, dragon, or other reptile
Look again at your favorite sci-fi and fantasy books and films, and you'll see it.
If you seriously take a look at legends worldwide over many centuries ie;
Dragons, Bigfoot (Sasquatch), Mermaids, Aliens, there has been found through archaelogy, even Biblically discovery much disputed (by supposed fact checkers) which the Evil left destroys and hides so the public will not believe or know
fun fact. my very innocent daughter (let's call her mathy with some delay in her social skills) was assigned to read and do a report on a sexualized version of the St. George story in the 11th grade. The rescued girl was into the dragon, not George.
That's a depiction of St. George slaying an evil dragon (or demon) that was demanding human sacrifices as tribute from villiagers.
Lots of similarities between that dragon and moloch, baal, saturnus, lucifer, and all the other names satan goes by.
Its still very suitable for our current times
You mean literally?
Dragons are reptiles. [they] are reptiles. Russia is doing the heavy lifting re: EuroZone and Ukraine.
Hence, Putin/Russia good, GloboHomo bad.
Dragon's aren't real kek
Maybe not today...but there are many ancient stories that mention them. It's possible they were confusing them with prehistoric reptiles or birds that might have looked like a "dragon". It reminds me of Herodotus. He wrote about "flying snakes" in Arabia around 450 BC, but he clearly says he was just writing down whatever the locals told him. So who knows? However, there are many creatures we know existed that resemble "dragons", and even "flying snakes", so I think it's possible for sure.
Look into mudfossils (see Mudfossil University) and look on Google Earth at the top of Africa where you can see a large dragon making up most of Morocco and it was attacking a giant fish just below it. Just below the fish is the Eye of the Sahara, which is probably Atlantis.
you are on to something there. the more i learn about paleontology, the more wierd it gets.
imagine my delight, after years of always forgetting dinosaurs predate humans, discovering that paleontologists have found human and dinosaur remains together.
will get harder to find as they scrub the internet of evidence.
Or they were allegorical substitutes for a Mongol satrap who could not be named. Ancient memery.
The "dragon" or "reptile" represents what we would call a sociopath: A human who has no empathy and no conscience, just like an actual reptile.
It's amazing how many, many, many myths, legends and stories all through history up to today show the villain/bad guy as being a snake, dragon, or other reptile
Look again at your favorite sci-fi and fantasy books and films, and you'll see it.
You could say that about all predatory animals…
If you seriously take a look at legends worldwide over many centuries ie; Dragons, Bigfoot (Sasquatch), Mermaids, Aliens, there has been found through archaelogy, even Biblically discovery much disputed (by supposed fact checkers) which the Evil left destroys and hides so the public will not believe or know
Tell that to Saint George.
It is the same devil.
And not only that. Learn about Sviatoslav 1st of rus.
fun fact. my very innocent daughter (let's call her mathy with some delay in her social skills) was assigned to read and do a report on a sexualized version of the St. George story in the 11th grade. The rescued girl was into the dragon, not George.
She was, as you can imagine, HORRIFIED.