3 Hr. Documentary about Celebrities Exposing Elite Pedophile Rings +
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
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As I recall there was a big hubbub made by Ashton Kutcher about child trafficking and sex markets. He started a foundation and software company, and testified to several gov't agencies about it.
I don't know what has been going on recently about it, but as of what, 2018 he was putting a lot of resources into rescuing kids and shutting down criminals.
Ashton was in bed with Mc No Name. Go watch his testimony to the Senate on child trafficking.
Ashton tries to hard to present as a good guy. I really don't think he is.
Out of Hollywood, I trust Mel Gibson and very few others.
I would add Clint Eastwood to the very small trustworthy group in hollywood.
agreed. sometimes i wish that mark wahlberg and bruce willis are "ok" but I know it's probably not the case.
I’m with Ya there…I think Ashton is fronting to cya. Isn’t Demi a pedo…she used to brag about being a cougar? Ashton knows a lot, BUT if he’s truly active (still? I know about his foundation’s PAST etc) in rescuing children then GREAT. Just being discerning.
listened to him talk about his friend's murder, he was called as an eye witness. guys on this thread would tear that video apart for the body language, speech pattern all that-- I think.
Danny Masterson, sexual assault pervert, is one of Ashton's good friends. Ashton has vocally supported Masterson.