Unfortunately that drunk got up to clap when the resident mentioned soldiers. But his remarks were of negative nature. She got up to clap. Understood the bumbling baboon and rubbed her hands as to not look too awkward (didn't work) she didn't want to clap for soliders getting lung cancer or whatever. Then when the resident mentioned soliders in a positive manner she got up so quickly to clap (to correct her self on the first attempt) that the drunkard tripped on her chair. I think her knuckle rub is being blown way out of proportion. She's trying to show she finally cares about military because right now, they need them on their side. My two cents
Do you remember when Trump didn’t shake her hand? If you look, freeze frame it when her hand it out. On the meat of her thumb is a dark object. This is believed to be a “poison prick” or something. The odds of her having any blemish on TV at such a moment and the first time she offers her hand first…I’m saying it was. She’s an evil person.
Interesting. I thought of this right away, as soon as I read this thread.
A Word from the Lord - given to Amanda Grace Feb 7-8, 2022 “ Europe is very restless, says the Lord of Hosts. And not only protests, but other explosions in Europe, as there shall be a very serious assassination attempt against one of its Hallmark leaders, says the Lord of Hosts.”
Also, another Word given Jan 27, 2022 to Amanda Grace: “Crashes are necessary to break what is corrupt, to bring low what has lifted themselves up in their hearts and spoke forth, ‘We are untouchable, we are on high’. And says the Lord of Hosts: I shall bring you down low, oh leadership, oh house. I shall bring you down low, oh Russia, as you snarl looking to advance upon prey! I, the Lord thy God, am wrestling the bear, and their leadership shall suffer yet another strike, and a blow to the head, for their advancement against such. And those who are secretly backing them in this maneuver shall be exposed.”
If interested, you can read full transcripts of these prophecies and others on amandagrace4Him.blogspot.com
We need a quick check on this Anons, and if there are any of our Russian Anon brothers or sisters here, can they get some message to the right people? If I had the Kremlin number I’d call, but I bet I can’t from DemoLib California. I’m sure AT&T have blocked us from calling there.
Does anyone remember Nancy setting up a really awkward handshake with Trump at one of his SOTU? If I remember correctly, it looked like she had a flesh colored "flap" on the palm of her hand, the meaty part of the thumb... I always thought that was a sort of "poison jab" that very well could have killed Trump. He did not shake her hand.
Umm... probably not. If Nazi Pelosi had such power in the first place, she would simply summon someone to her in person and give the order. It's more likely (at least to me) that Pelosi is in the early stages of alcohol-induced Korsakoff's syndrome ( https://www.alz.org/alzheimers-dementia/what-is-dementia/types-of-dementia/korsakoff-syndrome ) and is exhibiting it in strange hand gestures and arm flailing. She's barely coherent at the best of times.
I doubt Nanci Pelosi has any power at all.
She's no different than Joe Biden: their only job is to read Khazarian Jew script from the teleprompter.
Do you have a higher res pic?
When is this cunt going to face justice? I hate her more than I hate Hillary.
That's a big call!
Unfortunately that drunk got up to clap when the resident mentioned soldiers. But his remarks were of negative nature. She got up to clap. Understood the bumbling baboon and rubbed her hands as to not look too awkward (didn't work) she didn't want to clap for soliders getting lung cancer or whatever. Then when the resident mentioned soliders in a positive manner she got up so quickly to clap (to correct her self on the first attempt) that the drunkard tripped on her chair. I think her knuckle rub is being blown way out of proportion. She's trying to show she finally cares about military because right now, they need them on their side. My two cents
Do you remember when Trump didn’t shake her hand? If you look, freeze frame it when her hand it out. On the meat of her thumb is a dark object. This is believed to be a “poison prick” or something. The odds of her having any blemish on TV at such a moment and the first time she offers her hand first…I’m saying it was. She’s an evil person.
Yes! I just commented the exact same.
Interesting. I thought of this right away, as soon as I read this thread.
A Word from the Lord - given to Amanda Grace Feb 7-8, 2022 “ Europe is very restless, says the Lord of Hosts. And not only protests, but other explosions in Europe, as there shall be a very serious assassination attempt against one of its Hallmark leaders, says the Lord of Hosts.”
Also, another Word given Jan 27, 2022 to Amanda Grace: “Crashes are necessary to break what is corrupt, to bring low what has lifted themselves up in their hearts and spoke forth, ‘We are untouchable, we are on high’. And says the Lord of Hosts: I shall bring you down low, oh leadership, oh house. I shall bring you down low, oh Russia, as you snarl looking to advance upon prey! I, the Lord thy God, am wrestling the bear, and their leadership shall suffer yet another strike, and a blow to the head, for their advancement against such. And those who are secretly backing them in this maneuver shall be exposed.”
If interested, you can read full transcripts of these prophecies and others on amandagrace4Him.blogspot.com
We need a quick check on this Anons, and if there are any of our Russian Anon brothers or sisters here, can they get some message to the right people? If I had the Kremlin number I’d call, but I bet I can’t from DemoLib California. I’m sure AT&T have blocked us from calling there.
Does anyone remember Nancy setting up a really awkward handshake with Trump at one of his SOTU? If I remember correctly, it looked like she had a flesh colored "flap" on the palm of her hand, the meaty part of the thumb... I always thought that was a sort of "poison jab" that very well could have killed Trump. He did not shake her hand.
Umm... probably not. If Nazi Pelosi had such power in the first place, she would simply summon someone to her in person and give the order. It's more likely (at least to me) that Pelosi is in the early stages of alcohol-induced Korsakoff's syndrome ( https://www.alz.org/alzheimers-dementia/what-is-dementia/types-of-dementia/korsakoff-syndrome ) and is exhibiting it in strange hand gestures and arm flailing. She's barely coherent at the best of times.