It's actually happening (repost from 4chan)
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This link should get you access to loaded so you can retrieve the link above. Right now you have to have qagg news open in your browser and as MAGA states, the right box checked to be able to retrieve a link.
Select the TRUTH pull down menu and note that each box has been checked, TRUMP, TRUMP, DELETED, and OTHERS.
Note that the menu box Q drops in this menu configuration is not "grey" so you are only accessing drops that are filtered from the TRUTH SOCIAL platform. This is helpful if you want to view only the TRUTH drops in chronological order, if the Q drops button is selected (turns dark grey) then you will get all of the old 8 kun Q drops in addition to all TRUTH drops... which is a lot of stuff. Best to open a separate tab with a dedicated site just for the old 8kun Q drops and not mix Q drop seletion with TRUTH selections.
Here are the TRUTH SOCIAL users / posts this configuration allows you to view (in order the qagg site added the users to the filter, not necessarily the chronological order of when their posts appeared... once added to the selection filter in qagg, library of posts was backfilled (changing all relevant post series numbers).
Back to who's who... gotta get and fill out that score card... you know, that second thing you do...
Devin Nunes
Q is Q
President Donald Trump is President Trump
Though some say this is Donald Trump...
Others say...!/quality/90/?
but if that were true, then who is President Trump saluting in the helicopter departing the White House on 6 October 2020.
Whoever it is flew with the President from Walter Reed hospital in Marine 1, remained on the helicopter as the President ascended the staircase to the the South Lawn Balcony, where the President waited for the helicopter to begin its take off and departure to render and hold a salute as the helicopter departed.
Dan Scavino
The most important thing you need to know about Dan Scavino is that he fingered Sean Spicer ( ) for the covfefe debacle but so far Spicer has remained tight-lipped about the whole affair.
Rick Grenell ... let's just say that Rick is a wartime consigliere, the rare right man at the right time.
Kash Patel ... the kind of guy that walks into Rick's Cafe and drinks on the house.
General Michael Flynn ... our very own Horatius.
Melania Trump
Some say this is the real Q...
Donald Trump Jr.
Note the following:
Trump posts are prefixed with a "T", and numbered chronologically. he has only posted once so far (between posts 41 and 42) and looks like this TT1, that is read Truth Trump 1. All other posts (so far) are prefixed TO, read Truth Others - and are all mixed together.
You can view posts either chronologically or in reverse chronological order using the sort order button in the upper left.
For a hoot, go to the Tweets tab and check the IL DONALDO ... what can be said about the Don....
Horatius you say? I like John Buford... hold the high ground at all costs... delay the enemy until reinforcements arrive
Interesting how throughout history, one of the attributes most commonly promoted by all cultures is the heroic act of self sacrafice for the greater good, agape love... I'd suggest that there's something biblical about this phenomenon...
Humans love our heroes, even if those heros die in no-win last stands e.g. Thermopylae, the Alamo (big domino of the slavery extension conspiracy), Custer (ugh the arrogance) etc. But is "martyrdom" always the best long term strategy? Why waste such brave leaders? Delaying tactics > committing to unavoidable defeat. So I look at somebody like Buford as a true hero. He did as much as he could for as long as he could, without committing all of his forces to certain death. Can't say the same for his enemy on Day 2 and even more so on Day 3 of Gettysburg... order your men into certain defeat and death... that's insanity, monstrous... and yet still today, masses of Americans truly believe that charge was heroic, and that their commander was a brave, noble heroic leader. Truly amazing.
"To every man upon this earth
... Death cometh soon or late,
And how can man die better
... Than facing fearful odds,
For the ashes of his fathers,
... And the temples of his gods."
p. 30, XXVII, lines 220-225.
by Thomas Babington MaCaulay
ISBN 978-1449574116
i'm in heaven...
qagg just added 5 Calendar Select options
Damn... filling out baseball scorebooks brings back some memories!!
Can't wait for the entire cast to be revealed... CURTAIN CALLS! first 3 to 5 seconds...
... are the people who have "died" but are alive and "kicking", some literally. Deaths have been faked by accident, drug overdose, sudden illness, etc.... Incredible deniability and protects families. Best movie ever.
Thanks for the 🍪🍪🍪