Patel Patriot Forwarded from Learning2Human ☕️Morning coffee thought inspired by Patel Patriot's part 18...
Remember how the Dems and the MSM went apeshit because Trump asked Zelensky to coordinate with US DOJ to investigate corruption and Biden's claims of extorting $1 Billion for firing the Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating Burisma?
I'm seeing that same level of artificial indignation and insanity directed at Putin because he is finally doing something about the Ukrainian mess the globalists caused. The latest insanity by Senator Lady G calling for the assassination of Putin is evidence of his/her desperation. They are panicked. They know how deep their corruption goes.
In just the past week, all of the Rothchild's have gone public against Putin. George Soros crawled out from his dark hole to make several public comments against Putin. Loads of Hollywood celebs have sided against Putin. Most of the US Congress publicly side against Putin. The media quickly cranked up the propaganda machine against Putin.
Man, this happened fast! It's only been a week and all the hidden scum ran out of the shadows screaming feigned indignation and horror...even though a hot war in Ukraine has continued since 2014...but only the culturally Russian Ukrainian civilians were being terrorized and abused.
It seems that exposing Ukraine corruption is a very sensitive topic with the globalist treacherous filth. What do they know that they don't want made public?
So why was a mass land army invasion required? Because the globalists established a massive organized criminal syndicate masquerading as a nation-state. The globalists funded and trained a fully equipped military force to act as the "muscle" to extort and terrorize innocent Ukrainian people, and to protect their criminal network...under the auspices of national sovereignty.
It was brilliant. They created a legitimized storefront called "government" to clandestinely enable money laundering, human/drug trafficking, and even bioweapons development. All of that criminal activity was protected under the sovereignty of a legitimized puppet government.
Zelensky isn't the Mafia Capo. He's nothing but a puppet. He dances and sings for the hidden oligarchs who pull his strings...just like Trudeau, Macron, Ardern, Biden, Johnson, et. al.
We are witnessing an unprecedented use of cross-border mass military formations as "SWAT" forces to takedown a massive, militarized criminal organization.
Russian military force was required because the extent of the brazen global corruption had been left unchecked for decades and it has metastasized into an entire nation-state of organized crime in the West.
You bet the CCP is watching. The Chinese Communist Party is nothing but a brutal criminal organization too. They understand full well that after the White Hats takedown the globalist corruption in the West, they will set their sights on the criminal empire of the East...the CCP days are numbered.
Been mining BBNF u_Norman_F_Dixon 's comment history here and over on (link below). He, and plenty of others on both sites, were seeing signs that, under what appeared to be tense relations during Trump's presidency was a multinational Q coordinated clandestine operation to take down the international criminal syndicates that are at the root of the corruption of governments and government officials at all levels.
We are going to find out that a majority of multinational corporations and charitable organizations are, knowingly or unknowingly (it doesn't matter to the Q organization - its going to be biblical) fronts and cut-outs controlled by the puppet masters behind the NWO, WEF, WHO, United Nations (I hope Donald Trump gets to push the button when we drop that building in New York), IMF... you get the drift...
This one is from 1 April 2020... date is specific because there is a link to the press briefing on that day in one of the comments.
Listen to Trump carefully.
He has never laid blame on Xi.
He has never laid blame on Putin.
People hear China, they assume Xi.
People hear Russia, they assume Putin.
That is the filter planted in the subconscious by the deep state via MSM.
That is the preconscious processing used to manipulate capacity to reason.
Listen to Trump carefully.
You will never hear him blame Xi.
You will never hear him blame Putin.
Trump and Xi and Putin are all fighting the same silent war.
Trump and Xi and Putin are all fighting the same invisible enemy.
link to post with above comment
Link below to the post where this comment from over a year ago was submitted. The comment cannot be found in what is left of the post since it was in a thread that got deleted (among a lot of others), but if you click on Norman's .win username link below, sort by old and scroll back to page 3 you will find it there, and can follow it back to original post (where it was deleted when another user curated their comment history).
"Be on the watch for deployment of Japanese, Chinese, Russian and Mexican narco-terrorism personnel to assist in rolling up Yakuza, Triad, Russian Mafia and Mexican / South America drug cartels. The operational and linguistic support will be key to quick take down, capture and tactical interrogation of the narco-terrorists. You don't think that Russian An-225 was just carrying medical supplies."
Making sense now that 35 Russians were declared Persona Non Grata and two diplomatic facilities were closed in late December 2016 by the Obama administration. Walk back the cat... walk back the cat.
in another comment in another post he explains why...
"Criminal gangs have their own jargon. Your average Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Japanese speaking American linguist is not conversant in the criminal jargon of foreign originated criminal gangs. This expertise will be provided by special squads when taking down Russian Mafia, Triads, Cartel members from Spanish speaking countries, Yakuza... . Time will be of the essence in interrogation of mid and top level narco-terrorists from foreign countries. (List of countries above exemplitive and by no means exhaustive.)"
Haven’t seen Norman here in a long while? He should be here and not PW imho. He’s a great autist and maybe there’s just more exposure over there, but I miss his analysis fwiw.
he's been banned from greatawakening...
Oohhh…! Whoopsie!!
mod claimed he was a shill...
banned him
here is link to his comment history u/Norman_F_Dixon
the comment that got him banned (one of his long satire pieces) is the 3rd one down if sorted by "new".
if you go to the original post...
that the comment was posted to before the mod deleted it... and scroll down, you will see that the comment has been put been put back into the thread... without comment...
like it never happened
got an email a few weeks back, he wrote he could log in here and on but could not comment... and then said something like a pox on both their houses but used more colorful language.
banned here and on
like all his comments that use satire, if you ignore the satire and check the links and the references, he is pointing out something of great interest... in this case, that he was stating (and i share this opinion now) that mike lindell and his media platform is part Q's psy-op.
if you check out my history, based on the data that norman used to expose lindell and his platform are a psy-op... i am adding , , and , to this list.
too much to explain in one comment, analysis, for example for zerohedge, is in my recent comment history.
go back 7 to 8 months in norman's greatawakening comment history to where he begins dissecting Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposiun held 10, 11, 12 August 2021. In particular find the comment with the link and transcript of Dr. Shiva being interviewed on Bannon's Warroom. After Shiva does a power point analysis of Lindell's "extrapolated" data he claims that the golden ratio of 4.2 % proves that all of Lindell's analysis is a hoax either on Lindell (useful idiot) or Lindell himself is executing a hoax on the American people. This interview is at the end of the last day, Bannon says he will have Shiva on the next morning to go over his numbers and the math in detail... Shiva has not been a guest on Warroom since. Shiva has since made 3 appearances on Lindell TV and or on Bannon Howse Live on the frankspeech platform and this subject was not addressed. Here is an interesting aside, Howse was the contact that was given the internet monitoring data (34 terabytes) in November of 2020 by the "guy" who collected the data... Howse's story is that he did not have the resources to exploit the data and contacted Lindell on 9 January 2020 and turned the PCAP (packet capture) data over at that time. In April of 2021 Lindell stood up the frankspeech platform that eventually showcased the Cyber Symposium in August 2021. Bannon Howse is basically the CEO and chief news anchor of the media arm of the frankspeech platform.
there is a point to all this history, and in centers on Shiva's 4.2% comment. At the time Shiva points out that 42 is the same as this 42
norman reseached this further to discover that douglas adams nickname early in his career was, more or less, 42 because he was always working the number into his early short stories, tv scripts, etc. adams was a fan of Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and there is a reference to a Rule 42 near the end of the story where Alice challenges's the validity of Rule 42 that the King tries to use to have her expelled from the courtroom. Its all about making up the rules on the spot to get the result that you want. Adams denied the source of the number was from Carroll's Alice in Wonderland and that the choice was random.
However, there is a little more information to file away for now that may be of interest later... and that is some of the properties of the number 42. In the video below a mathematician explains the unique properties of the number 42 ( it is a pronic number, a primary pseudoperfect number, and a Harshad number ) besides being the answer to life, the universe and everything. Math nerds watch link below...
Occam's razor time. Is it a coincidence that all Lindell's data is derived from an extrapolation algorithm based on a pronic, primary pseudoperfect, Harshad number or did someone do it to troll us all.
i think we are being trolled bigly
following norman's baseline analysis i, and a few other anons here, have been tracking how the reference to 42, 4.2, or some oblique reference to 42 has kept showing up in the press and reporting (mocking the mockingbird press) at what appeared to be a rather high frequency for a few weeks... then dropped off.
so, curiouser and curiouser, i have been focused on this series of Q drops on TRUTH...
where recently Q has messaged using (in order) Morse Code, Binary, Braille, and Alpha-Numeric substitution code [ is Q telling us to learn to code : ) ]. Just Ovaltine level fun... but (always a but)...
I was examining some information on computer character encoding methods an ran across a chart displaying ASCII Hexidecimal and Binary code standard values.
An interesting note, generally speaking, as computers can only understand numbers (wonder if this true of advance A.I.), ASCII, as the most common character encoding standard was originally developed from telegraphic codes... in other words, ASCII was originally developed from Morse Code.
To the point...
ASCII text for the letter B translated to hexadecimal is 42.
the letter B
Remember the kerfuffle back in May when everyones' Q alarms went off and this drop posted (an alert anon got a screen shot), then was deleted a few hours later.
B 05/29/21 (Sat) 15:24:40 No. 111
Fact Vs. Fiction
We will not tell you which is which, the choice is yours.
Who gave you the Playbooks?
Who helps you answer Questions?
Best to read norman's history on (sort on old to read chronolgically) and here on (same, sort on old and read chronologically). because he has all the links back to original sources, links to research, and of course his analysis.
one more thing, here is a picture of Brannon Howse, the guy who was given the 34 terabytes of election hacking who passed it on to Mike Lindell
See his hankerchief monogram...
B = 42
He has said he has been wearing these hankerchiefs for years.
I think we are being trolled bigly...
Well I’m going to look at both his history threads now more thoroughly, and as a matter of fact he told me to go through his PW threads after a discussion we had. I only got through a small percentage of it, as my world is full of distractions (like most people’s) and time is a crucial resource obviously. I’m not a programmer per se, however understand hexadecimal, ASCII and binary as I am a network admin; more as a hobby & not professionally (retired). Surface-level; 42 is divisible by 3 making it a “holy” product which is of interest. Lindell certainly is quite a conundrum in our movement, that’s for sure. I think Mike’s a straight-shooter but like Trump some of those that surround him are either leading him astray, seek the limelight and/or are BH trollers. As far as Dr Shiva…gotta love his intelligence and being an American first-gen Indian his love of America is genuine. I believe he’s being very careful to avoid getting painted into a bad corner considering his political ambitions. I haven’t kept-up with him does he still have them? Political ambitions I mean? Either way as far as PCAP data WE KNOW there was foreign interference & help with the steal & I figure that’s all part of what the military has. Recall they had…what was it a 30 or 45 day window to examine everything after Jan 20 to ensure the election was legit & write that report? It’ll come crashing-down but like I try to remind everyone I know TIMING IS EVERYTHING. What will be the precipice? We’re almost there; can Ya FEEL IT? I’m gonna go over your long & well-written Comment as the day progresses & will try to add more thoughts. Like I said I have a ton on my plate right now & am helping a neighbor with her cancer & chemo, and another Pede here write an overdue report for her too so... Norman’s not a shill and am disappointed he was banned; like I originally said I miss his analysis' on things 👍🏽
first watch this introduction to Derren Brown... this a fun video (norman has turned a lot of us on to Brown) (timestamp and watch all the way to the end of the clip)
in the next Brown video, Miracles for Sale, is the role Mike Lindell is playing, Lindell is a creation... as a secular faux evangelist, faux former drug addict, faux rags to riches pull yourself up by the bootstraps success story, faux Joan of Arc character... its a long vid ( one hour 13 minutes)
save this for when you have the time to watch without interruption / recommend not / not to speed up play back... watch at normal speed
oddly, brown moved his operation to New York 2015 2016 time frame... but has been much less the showman... no more television series, etc...
Mike Lindell is a creation of the Q movement to become the flypaper for the evangelically inclined... his modus operendi is to set up a model of a true believer or redeemed individual:
(Tina Peters, Mesa County elections clerk who was dramatically show cased on day two of Lindell's Cyber Symposium as having braved Dominion (biblical term that loudly resonates with evangelicals). Her "gold star mom" back story (without any proof i firmly believe her Navy Seal son did not die in a sky diving accident and is alive and part of a Q wet work squad of special forces military (all of whom "died" in some accident, or even in combat (the SEAL team that took out bin Ladin and killed when their helicopter was shot down) who operate blacker than black and since they do not exist, their families are safe).
his pitch to get people to contact him (has promised to provide legal protection, lawyers, etc) to anyone who comes forward to confess their participation in election trafficking / fraud. This is one of the reasons the Cyber Symposium was held, and why his law suit filings keep being slow rolled... he drips out what information they have without presenting the exact evidence... works on peoples' conscious (who are faith based in their world view) to literally go to confession, contact him and he absolves them of their sin at the same time the lawyers are taking depositions. Just a couple of days ago he said he has over 200 statements from people who have come forward and confessed. This information is used to approach people up the election fraud chain of command to pressure for a confession, and if not forth coming, information is turned over to Durham for grand jury presentation. Confessions are much more difficult to refute in court than evidence that "good" lawyers can create reasonable doubt about in jurors' minds. Since many courts / judges are corrupt, and jurors can either be placed or compromised on juries... this approach avoids the trap of taking the issue to a court for resolution, but takes the issue directly to the American people and to the ballot box for resolution... once you clear out the corrupt politicians who provide cover for all kinds of "legal" criminal activity, the playing field gets leveled and then the courts can be used.
Steve Bannon plays a similar role in pulling in people who are politically literate (vice the faith based world view audience)... creating grass roots political activism, again, in drawing back the curtain on the pervasive corruption of the political machines of the Democrats and the Republicans, he is leading a secular crusade to bring down the whole system, not just this or that politician. Again, the promotion of certain individuals (Dr. Malone as the focal point for exposing the fraud not just about Covid, the vaccines, lock downs, masks = weapons of psychological warfare) but the alliance of international and national institutions and government agencies and the pharmaceutical industry constituting Control and Command Parties constituting the general staff under the control of the puppet masters instituting the New World Order (sorry for the jingoism - but it is just the quickest way to communicate the overall concepts).
watching and reading foreign media is revealing that the same kind of activity is going in in other countries... when you watch a reporter in the field going on and on about how terrible it was that Ukrainian Nationalists had shelled a village of civilians 17 times in a 24 hour period, and the money shot is a close up of a young girl huddled in a doorway holding her cat that has a collar on it that has the Batman bat icon repeating on it... well, you just know your watching WWagTheDog III in real time...
know you are busy, so will cut this short... go to u/Norman_F_Dixon comment history... scroll back to about 7 months ago... find the beginning of when he starts commenting on Lindell's Cyber Symposium, he provides conclusive evidence that it is a Q psy-op...
read his break down of Dr. Shiva's presentation that is a litany of "17s", and in particular find the thread where he identifies the source of this picture of the American flag near Gastonia NC and Kings Mountain NC, location of a pivotal Trump Rally on 21 October 2022 (13 Days... 13 Days), the day before the final Trump / Biden skirmish (debate) at Belmont College... all of which you will find deep analysis of in norman's history. the comments on all those elements will change how you understand what is happening at the end of October in 2020.
Mike Lindell is part of the Q operation... knowingly.
#patriotsincontrol #patriotsincommand
An even sketchier banning was of ExpertBread aka NotExpertBread aka "Space force Chaplain" (for those who connected with him on email). A never revealed mod banned Bread. No reason given. Users inquired. We got the ring around... "the mod didn't remember why he banned Bread." Nonsense. Shady shit, but I digress....
Bread was Norman × 100 plus an even better sense of humor. Losing Bread and Norman has been a massive disservice to the community.