OMG, quick announcement, due to an uptick in general abuse, please note! The mod team will not tolerate shill faggots going after our based gay frogs! We love autists, whatever frender or orientation they might be! It's not their fault their mums drank the tap water! 🌈)))>>--❤️

I have gay friends that have stronger family values than the Portland "open relationship" soys do, that's for sure
Not just political. IMO it's pretty cut and dry, just saying:
Leviticus 18:22 “Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin." -NLT
It's just like any other sin, no better, no worse. Don't steal, rape, murder, covet, do homosexuality, etc.
Many gays hold generally conservative values, in terms of supporting individual liberty and fiscal responsibility, but politically side with the Democrats because of the religious right's influence on the Republican party. It's hard to side with people who consider you evil, have no empathy for your experience, and want you to live a loveless, sexless life in the closet as a second-class citizen. MAGA doesn't care if you're gay or straight.
I've seen quite a few testimonies here on this board where frogs became Christian due to the Q rabbit hole.
"So how did you decided to follow Jesus?"
"It's ok brother, we all have our stories, I'd really love to hear your testimony"
"OK so it all started when I looked into how the Rothchild's banking system..."
17 days later
"... and so in the end God wins, and Jesus is the way"
This 100x over.
Another common example are these peeps: well, I researched pizzagate during the 2016 election and realized all of these powerful people literally believe in all this crazy pedo blood sex magick.... And if this evil exists, then Im sure as shit not on that side fren!
There's many ways the Lord has awakened anons. Amazing stories one and all.
Define "abusive"
Nah mate, ya dodged...
Define "abusive"
Words do matter. This word has an inherently subjective nature. So define it. What constitutes "abuse" relative to the issue of deviance "tolerance" and/or promotion?
I'd like to hear what you believe to be the appropriate standards. For example, my views would go something like this:
(Abusive) - "die homos!"
(Not abusive) - "God condemns homosexual and other sexually deviant acts."
(Not abusive) - "Condoning and promoting sexual deviance is evil."
(Not abusive) - "God loves all and forgives all sins of those who repent."
(Not abusive) - "This community welcomes all sinners but promotion of evil will not be tolerated."
See the difference?
Indeed, we know the difference
And they are condemned to hell. If you care about people you'll make sure they know certain things are not acceptable not just for their good but also for that of anyone who could be influenced by their degeneracy, ideally without being antagonizing whenever possible.
Posting fag frogs is just enabling their selfdestruction for selfish reasons.