"False Claims of U.S. Biowarfare Labs in Ukraine Grip QAnon: The conspiracy theory has been boosted by Russian and Chinese media and diplomats."
See the flag? Q🚩

Victoria Nuland says otherwise:
The labs don't. Exist. Furthermore they were not making weapons. Fauci assures the bioweapon labs that don't exist are safe and only used for defensive purposes. There are no bats near the virus factories and certainly nobody eats bat soup. In unrelated news, the USA is helping Ukraine prevent these bioweapon factories from falling into Putin's hands due to the extremely dangerous nature of the weapons created and stored in the factories. If Russia did control the bioweapon factories the entire world be in grave danger and would need to pay a climate change tax.
I found evidence of DTRA intentionally recruiting former Soviet bioweapons developers in old government contracting paperwork: https://greatawakening.win/p/142B11unlU/us-official-russian-invasion-of-/
Their Statement of Objectives (end goal) is:
Now look at that as well as the Georgia biolab documentary where the journalist describes people transporting those viruses and pathogens using State Department diplomatic pouches...
Documents leaked by anonymous "insiders" that aren't named. Can't really trust that, can we?
Well - there's also this: https://washingtontechnology.com/2018/06/dtra-taps-six-for-970m-threat-reduction-program-support-contract/348784/
DTRA taps six for $970M threat reduction program support contract
Also more info on BTRIC / CTRIC II
which comes from a US government website... https://sam.gov/api/prod/opps/v3/opportunities/resources/files/950a405ee92f0a91b22e64b05b52af59/download?&status=archived&token=
Sounds like you are 🦇💩 crazy.
I don't think you understood the thinly veiled sarcasm, fren.
It certainly helps using an /s or using the actual word "sarcasm" wouldn't it?
Which is why we should add - /s when we are being sarcastic.
100% friend
yeah exactly, just harmless research but if Russians get it it would be dangerous because Russians somehow have the knowhow to turn harmless research into dangerous weapons but somehow cant manage to do that somewhere in Russian soil, none the less. After all Russia is only like 20 times as big as Ukraine so where could they possibly find a place to do that?
Why must they keep ruining perfectly good conspiracy theories?
She doesn't say bio warfare labs tho
She is a skilled liar and isnt going to offer the term “warfare” to the investigative committee...
Besides, we got confirmation its true here:
and here: