377 Umm. Guys? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by laurabranigan1 3 years ago by laurabranigan1 +381 / -4 80 comments download share 80 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I fail to see any "bitter and dooming" in their comment. it was literally just a question lmao
It was an incredibly stupid question for anyone who knows the first thing about Q
He's either dooming or he's a moron take your pick, how could someone not know what was apparent about that picture?
Love your username, one of the two cannabinoids naturally produced by the human body
Yeah if only I could stop using the exogenous kind I might be able to make some of my own lol
who knows? maybe they are just a moron, or maybe they're tired and not in a good state of mind or something. it's honestly kinda unfair to just assume they're dooming or stupid when for all you know they just had a brain fart or something.
That's fair, but I doubt it.
Don't disrupt the hopium hive mind.