First, this goes without saying but this is disgusting and deserve more than jail time. But second even if it where for adults, there is nothing sexy about those women they show, they all look like ham beasts. They probably all have pastrami on rye or philly cheese steak cooters.
Oh, the same ActBlue that Evan Heifer donates to. You know, the owner of Black rifle coffee company. Hmmm... Ex CIA, donates to organizations with pedophile associations...
Gender Exploration: Confused-as-fuck ham beast wants you to be confused, just like it is. It’s pronouns are hungry, and bitter.
Sex Liberation: No one wanted to date cream puff beast in high school, or be seen with her—so she passed pieces of ass around until it rotted off and an unknown strain of VD was named after her. Chlamydia B wants you to be an empowered puff too!! Who needs stupid love and relationships-?! Sleep around, baby!
BDSM: fugly puff loves it when her part time boyfriend puts her in a dog collar and degrades her, just like her rapey stepbrother use to do. Nothing says empowered like being locked in the basement while your man takes his wife and kids to the movies! Sign up!
Being a Prostitute: Camp counselor Itchy Coo is here to teach you that meth ain’t gonna pay for itself. Sometimes a puff gotta hustle. You can shake that money maker all day long when your not runnin from the po po. And yes—you need to start charging your stepdad! Ass Gas or Grass no one rides for free!!
I keep having this conversation with God, "I know you are slow to anger and quick to forgive but for the love of you, send your son back here now, I am so done with what the human race has become."
Here's for the ones that think that all pedophiles are weirdo guys in trenchcoats with white vans or catholic priests.
So vulgar it seems like a shitpost.
Sadly it's not. hillbilly buddies will not think highly of this...
A proper hillbilly would close this camp down....Appalachian style.... Scots Irish.....
Will there be a video stream?
"Self-managed abortions"...on children...witch burnings need to become the newest trend to "manage" these whores.
> but I'm not a real witch!!!
Doesn't matter to the fire.
*toss them in*
Exactly. There's no more co-existing with these demons. Send them back to their fires of hell.
Oh this sick shit with a cameo pedo appearance with Ron Howard? Is that a dome cam above her bed or is it some kind of light?
First, this goes without saying but this is disgusting and deserve more than jail time. But second even if it where for adults, there is nothing sexy about those women they show, they all look like ham beasts. They probably all have pastrami on rye or philly cheese steak cooters. encouraging toddlers to masturbate
-- the founder identifies as a "witch". She uses tarot cards, crystals, and sex toys as part of her practice and encourages people to "join her coven."
-- As part of the Sexy Summer Camp's "self-pleasure workshop," instructors promise to give a "hands on" lesson simulating masturbation on students' hands.
-- the original post w all the founders of this camp
Oh, the same ActBlue that Evan Heifer donates to. You know, the owner of Black rifle coffee company. Hmmm... Ex CIA, donates to organizations with pedophile associations...
Sexy Summer Camp Schedule:
Gender Exploration: Confused-as-fuck ham beast wants you to be confused, just like it is. It’s pronouns are hungry, and bitter.
Sex Liberation: No one wanted to date cream puff beast in high school, or be seen with her—so she passed pieces of ass around until it rotted off and an unknown strain of VD was named after her. Chlamydia B wants you to be an empowered puff too!! Who needs stupid love and relationships-?! Sleep around, baby!
BDSM: fugly puff loves it when her part time boyfriend puts her in a dog collar and degrades her, just like her rapey stepbrother use to do. Nothing says empowered like being locked in the basement while your man takes his wife and kids to the movies! Sign up!
Being a Prostitute: Camp counselor Itchy Coo is here to teach you that meth ain’t gonna pay for itself. Sometimes a puff gotta hustle. You can shake that money maker all day long when your not runnin from the po po. And yes—you need to start charging your stepdad! Ass Gas or Grass no one rides for free!!
⛺️⛺️⛺️🦨 I’ll let myself out.
Absolutely disgusting
Omg! I saw this on the You Are Here podcast and was thoroughly disgusted that this is now a “thing”. Sexy summer camp? It’s truly clown world! 🙈
I didn't watch the video that was posted yesterday of her but I read the comments, so many people agreeing with her.
All I could think was asteroid now, we don't deserve to be here any more.
I keep having this conversation with God, "I know you are slow to anger and quick to forgive but for the love of you, send your son back here now, I am so done with what the human race has become."
Where in KY is this!!!
I sure wish I knew also, sick sick people