Usually when corrupt organizations go belly up, instead of paying what they owe, they pay more for the future endeavors they won’t be apart of. Almost like a “cash out fee”. So maybe this really is the end. This is the final transaction. Now you tell me why that would be.. hmm
Ukraine has been used as a congressional slush fund dumpsite since Bill Clinton took office. It needs to be protected at all costs. Putin knows this, and that's why he went in now. To root out the Nazi's who are the ones getting their 10% along with Congress. If you look up where our tax dollars go to in foreign aide around the globe, you will notice one thing in common.....those countries never get better, despite billions in US $$$ every year being pumped into said countries. Where does it go you ask??? It gets divvied up amongst senior Senators, and Congress critters, and a few local dirtbags get a cut, as a few million to them, is like Trillions to us. It's the old Potomac two step.
Mitch is just another swamp creature enriching himself and his family. The DC swamp rats do not care about the American people. Their day of reckoning is coming. I hope jail or the guillotine is in his near future.
Earlier today it was reported that Pelosi wanted to give $10 billion to Ukraine. This evening RINO Mitch McConnell decided to up that amount to $14 billion. No one really knows where this money will actually go.
We reported earlier that corrupt Speaker Pelosi wanted $10 billion for Ukraine. The country is in shambles and is being taken over by Russia. The government is basically not in charge but Pelosi wanted to give the country, whoever that may be, $10 billion. This is more than all but a few hundred corporations make in a year in the US. It is so much money to be going to where? The past few years it appeared that the money to Ukraine went to US politicians and George Soros.
Gourmet ice cream costs money!
Prices are going up, you know.
... and don't expect Pelosi to drink 2nd rate Scotch either. Nothing but the best for her. The $4 Billion will be put to good use.
Not to the people, that's for sure.
Usually when corrupt organizations go belly up, instead of paying what they owe, they pay more for the future endeavors they won’t be apart of. Almost like a “cash out fee”. So maybe this really is the end. This is the final transaction. Now you tell me why that would be.. hmm
To the Deep State, as usual.
Ukraine has been used as a congressional slush fund dumpsite since Bill Clinton took office. It needs to be protected at all costs. Putin knows this, and that's why he went in now. To root out the Nazi's who are the ones getting their 10% along with Congress. If you look up where our tax dollars go to in foreign aide around the globe, you will notice one thing in common.....those countries never get better, despite billions in US $$$ every year being pumped into said countries. Where does it go you ask??? It gets divvied up amongst senior Senators, and Congress critters, and a few local dirtbags get a cut, as a few million to them, is like Trillions to us. It's the old Potomac two step.
Mitch is just another swamp creature enriching himself and his family. The DC swamp rats do not care about the American people. Their day of reckoning is coming. I hope jail or the guillotine is in his near future.
Earlier today it was reported that Pelosi wanted to give $10 billion to Ukraine. This evening RINO Mitch McConnell decided to up that amount to $14 billion. No one really knows where this money will actually go. We reported earlier that corrupt Speaker Pelosi wanted $10 billion for Ukraine. The country is in shambles and is being taken over by Russia. The government is basically not in charge but Pelosi wanted to give the country, whoever that may be, $10 billion. This is more than all but a few hundred corporations make in a year in the US. It is so much money to be going to where? The past few years it appeared that the money to Ukraine went to US politicians and George Soros.