100%. But you really gotta wonder da balls on dees guyz, when they realized they were one jet short for bldg 7........and went ahead with it anyway. Yes govt job/President Scherff/CIA/Mossad/Khazarians whatever you wanna call them at this point.
Back in 1993 when Rush Limbaugh was talking about Vince Foster's death and the Clinton connection... that was my awakening. By the time 9/11 happened I was viewing the world though my "They Live" glasses 24/7.
Without a doubt, my red pill moment. As soon as I watched the first tower fall on itself so perfectly, I knew it was a very well planned detonation. When the 2nd tower did the exact same thing,... it was confirmation. Then there is building 7.
Oh, there was a reason,... it was because of all the paperwork in that building at the time that they needed to get rid of, and the gold in the basement that they needed to "make go away". Didn't the collapse of the building end up catching one of the trucks in the basement that was loaded with gold that was trying to make a get-away? I think I remember hearing that long ago.
That number is easy to decipher, it was “everyone” that shorted the airlines stocks the day before. At the time, it was a record amount of short puts on the stock market.
9/11 was my great awakening. 100% inside job.
This 100%
Same here.
Same same
100%. But you really gotta wonder da balls on dees guyz, when they realized they were one jet short for bldg 7........and went ahead with it anyway. Yes govt job/President Scherff/CIA/Mossad/Khazarians whatever you wanna call them at this point.
Yes, this! Big eye opener was the blatant complicity/involvement of the FAKE NEWS media!
Back in 1993 when Rush Limbaugh was talking about Vince Foster's death and the Clinton connection... that was my awakening. By the time 9/11 happened I was viewing the world though my "They Live" glasses 24/7.
Yes. This is what changed my veiw of this country
Without a doubt, my red pill moment. As soon as I watched the first tower fall on itself so perfectly, I knew it was a very well planned detonation. When the 2nd tower did the exact same thing,... it was confirmation. Then there is building 7.
Building 7 did the same thing for no good OR bad reason. Why did it fall? Because it was demolished.
Oh, there was a reason,... it was because of all the paperwork in that building at the time that they needed to get rid of, and the gold in the basement that they needed to "make go away". Didn't the collapse of the building end up catching one of the trucks in the basement that was loaded with gold that was trying to make a get-away? I think I remember hearing that long ago.
That number is easy to decipher, it was “everyone” that shorted the airlines stocks the day before. At the time, it was a record amount of short puts on the stock market.
Now that has been replaced by Gamestop thanks to the hedgies, who r fukt.
always have been