-Offer to pay him a dollar to take it off.
-Ask to see it a second, just to check. Sniff it, make a sour milk face then hand it back using only two fingers at full arms length. Walk away.
-Ask them if their face diaper is pampers or huggies.
-Ask if they are going to rob a bank. Only theives wear masks.
-Give them a face mask (superhero eye covering). Tell them your OCD compelled you to help them complete the look.
-Tell them its not on right, pull it higher, no higher. Keep going until it covers their eyes. Say its perfect now.
-Ask if you can sign their mask, use a stinky marker.
-Use a fezzik accent, ask, "why are you wearing a mask, were you burned by acid or something?"
-Tell them it sounds like they have a disease ridden cloth over their face when they talk.
-Snease in a tissue, show it to friend. Ask if they sneeze in their mask.
-Start a cardio program at lunch. Invite the masking friend, they'll find out quick to take it off during exercise, or pass out. Either way you've deal with the problem.
-Offer free masks, crochet them. Big holes.
I don’t give a fuck if someone chooses to be an idiot. I just care when they try to mandate shit on me.
Still, these are hilarious! 🤣
Nothing funny about retards.
Yes, I just want to be left a l o n e.
I usually pretend I can’t hear them
That’s what I do. I keep saying, “Huh?” or “Excuse me?” Until they are forced to pull it down then I say, “There you are!”
Have another person they've never met walk up with you. Tell your friend that the person is deaf, but they can read lips. Have the other person remain silent, just nodding.
If they remove the mask to talk, then good.
If not, have the supposedly deaf person tap you on the arm and gesture towards the mask. Then point out how RUDE it is of them to wear a mask and exclude a handicapped person from the conversation. 😊
Keep it up until they finally are shamed into taking off the mask to talk.
When you walk away, have your "deaf" friend tell them "Goodbye. Nice talking with you.".
Brilliant, love it!
Offer to pay a dollar
say they have to take the mask off first
if taken off, say the dollar will be paid when Briben cancels your/their student loans
gloat on how good it feels to play them like Briben