29 Another one bites the dust: DuckDuckGo goes unneutral, will downgrade Russian based sites🤬 (archive.ph) posted 3 years ago by penisse 3 years ago by penisse +29 / -0 10 comments share 10 comments share save hide report block hide replies
ddg is the fox news of search.
Good one! Also the Black Rifle Coffee of search engines.
btw, you notice the flood? must be good stuff incoming that they want buried.
I knew there were issues with DDG, so what is the best search engine to use?
Well... after 3 years, Im done with DDG.
What is the best alternative, patriots?
I ditched duck duck go a year ago because I didn't trust them. I have brave now and not really comfortable with their liberal slant in search results and their news options.
Wow thanks cuckcuckgo
reposing possible alternatives:
brave as the others mentioned: search.brave.com
searx.me has search instances people run
yandex.com is russian
> post more
DDG is the same shit as the others. Don’t know why everyone pushed using it a while back. Ill stick with quant.