The elephant in the room regarding all of this is the total absence of United States satellite imagery to prop up this false narrative.
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So the solution to the enemy using human shields if to go ahead and shoot the human shields? The real thing to do would be try to consider other options. Just because the enemy does something bad doesn't mean the other side should just sink down to that level and help kill civilians.
The law of war was established to identify responsibility and culpability. EACH side is responsible for segregating its armed forces from its population. To deliberately intermingle them is a war crime. To fire upon attacking forces, per se, is not. This is why Russia is not attempting to storm the cities, but to hold them under siege until the city authorities capitulate or they can infiltrate forces to eliminate the armed threat. Otherwise, you are approving of the doctrine of human shields.
The solution is to shoot the enemy and show them that such shields are no safe haven. Don't appeal to "other options" unless you can offer one. The U.S. has done this in wars past, with no apology. Perhaps you recall the bombing of Tokyo, Hiroshima, and Nagasaki?