If it goes on too long, maybe people will start getting too uppity and wondering why they even have a government at all.. since there has been no negative at all in having the non-functional sites. The same thing happened during the 'shutdown' in the US.. it was supposed to be a threat.. but when everyone loved it, it got hastily repealed. Cant have people getting used too comfortable with the idea that government is a vestigal appendage that can be cut away without any problem!
False cyber flag incoming?
Klaus Schwab WEF Bill Gates Cyber Polygon
10 days... C'mon 10 Days.....
If it goes on too long, maybe people will start getting too uppity and wondering why they even have a government at all.. since there has been no negative at all in having the non-functional sites. The same thing happened during the 'shutdown' in the US.. it was supposed to be a threat.. but when everyone loved it, it got hastily repealed. Cant have people getting used too comfortable with the idea that government is a vestigal appendage that can be cut away without any problem!
Are you talking about 10 days and 10 countries from last December?
Archived link:
No, I was hoping for a Sodom and Gomorrah kinda ending here