If you think that in theory it should be okay for the government to charge people to vote then that's pretty fucked up.
Yeah I'm sure that'll never backfire. We should just trust them to make voting IDs easy to get right? I'm sure nobody corrupt will come into power and charge exorbitant fees to get IDs issued in counties that don't align with their politics...
The only people fighting to stop voter ID are fucktards that wanted the elections to continue to be stolen. Even the whiny bitches saying it would be racist are just using that excuse to allow them to keep on stealing the elections. Go the fuck away.
I think if there was assurance that voter ID's could be distributed freely then that pushpack would decrease. I can tell you that that's where my resistance comes from, so that's the only thing keeping me from coming to your side.
I'm fighting against voter IDs for this reason. To me it seems a pretty reasonable condition to have them be free and easily obtained by legal citizens
You are pushing the standard liberal talking points. Save it for your buddies that believe the same. You won't sell that bullshit here.
BTW: You should choose a different user name. Something like headstillplantedfirmlyinass would be more appropriate.
If you think that in theory it should be okay for the government to charge people to vote then that's pretty fucked up.
Yeah I'm sure that'll never backfire. We should just trust them to make voting IDs easy to get right? I'm sure nobody corrupt will come into power and charge exorbitant fees to get IDs issued in counties that don't align with their politics...
The only people fighting to stop voter ID are fucktards that wanted the elections to continue to be stolen. Even the whiny bitches saying it would be racist are just using that excuse to allow them to keep on stealing the elections. Go the fuck away.
I think if there was assurance that voter ID's could be distributed freely then that pushpack would decrease. I can tell you that that's where my resistance comes from, so that's the only thing keeping me from coming to your side.
I'm fighting against voter IDs for this reason. To me it seems a pretty reasonable condition to have them be free and easily obtained by legal citizens
The State of Georgia (one of the states being called "racist" for requiring voter ID) makes COMPLETELY FREE VOTER ID available to ALL VOTERS
I'll give you the link since you can't seem to do this basic research for yourself.