Iran = Obama sends $150 billion in cash to Iran before leaving office in 2016. John Kerry’s daughter is married to an Iranian national.
Ukraine = Hunter Biden/Joe Biden dealings & corruption, stealing millions from American tax payers to funnel money to Ukraine.
Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul sits on the board of a Ukrainian energy company. Romney’s son does too. John Kerry’s son. Biden’s son.
Now you know why we're "helping" Ukraine & why Pelosi is running again.
Having fun yet?
The tentacles of Ukraine corruption capture Cofer Black of Bush's 9/11 cabinet, Obama, Biden, Soros, Schiff, Pelosi, Bolton, John Kerry, Romney, & the Clintons.
Great video to revisit by Glenn Beck, given President Trump gave him an interview....
Seeing as how all of these people are running around free, no, I am not having any fun.
The fun part is knowing they soon will not be able to walk down the street, and that much of what we are seeing now is a choreographed show to walk the normies toward the truth.
This definitely a walk of faith...which in many ways isn’t easy and yet having that faith helps to make the journey bearable.
Those with a lot faith are having the most fun, for sure 🙏🏻❤️🇺🇸🙏🏻
If that's the case then we have some serious ethics issues with "good guys" pretending bad guy things are happening or straight up letting or orchestrating bad guy things happening and actually destroying innocent lives....
Don't give me the "for the greater good" excuse because that's what the cabal uses to justify everything they do
"Greater good" is an oversimplification, for sure.
Consider this hypothetical: the deep-state cabal is standing over a button that will kill almost everyone on the planet, and they have surrounded themselves with innocent people. You are in charge of a SWAT team standing outside. Do you have the fortitude to send them in - knowing innocents could be killed? Do you see how the alternative leads to a monumentally worse outcome?
Then what is the solution? Do nothing and let innocents be killed anyway?
I would argue there is no option other than to send in the SWAT team and try your best to minimize collateral damage.
Maybe the SWAT team is already on its way in, and there are a lot of steps between them and the target.
How many years are appropriate to wait for said swat team? The Detroit police response time has nothing on the time it's apparent taking white hats swat team to arrive on scene and actually start taking some concrete actions that would end the standoff one way or the other.
Hang around here long enough - and pay attention - and you'll see how silly it is to claim that nothing is happening.
You totally don't get it do you? When you and those who are confused like you do get it. Then it will end.
I'm referring to the "chronographed show" part. If this "show" is truly orchestrated by the "good guys" where innocent lives are being destroyed then that's where the serious ethics issues come up
So we’re ready and waiting to seize victory and end the harm of innocent people …. But we can’t until people like this guy “get it?”
You don’t believe that.
You need to check your info on the sons of these vermin sitting on the board of an Ukrainian energy company.
{And by all means if you find actual sources for it post it}
The only one that truly can be connected to that degree is Hunter. And while I'm quite certain they all are involved, I see no actual proof for it.
There are tenuous links
Yes, I'm interested in the same. I had someone tell me that wasn't true. I did find info that Paul Pelosi was on a board in 2017. I find it hard to believe that buydem is the resident and Pelosi would leave that position. I'd love additional sauce if anyone can point me in the direction.
The $150 billion that Obama had delivered to Iran wasn't some chunk of tax payer money or something like that. It had always been Iran's money. It was financial assets of Iran that had been frozen here in the United States when sanctions were applied to Iran over their nuclear development program. So basically this money was always sitting around just frozen, and didn't come out of tax payer's pockets. When Iran came into compliance of nuclear guidelines agreed to buy multiple other nations and Iran themselves, the United States eased sanctions on them, and unfroze those assets that had always been Iran's. Therefore, since the assets were no longer frozen, the money was given back to Iran.