You see the problem with body doubles is that if these parasites die a "natural death", well then none of this shit matters. Because they will go out like heroes and the state will remember them as brave progressives instead of tyrants. These people need to have their legacy raped. It's not enough to just kill them off and spread rumors of body doubles.
This is one of the fundamental problems I have with Q, white hats and patriots in control. Everything is "LOOK! CANT YOU SEE?". And for a while I didn't have a problem with that but there needs to be a point where the full retard normies are shown something. The majority of society is full on retarded. Until someone they know and have seen their entire lives on the brainwashing box is arrest for some heinous fucking crime, and it can't be some fraud or financial related bullshit. It has to be what we've been telling them is real; pedophilia, human sacrifice etc.
Until then, none of this secretive bullshit coded nonsense matters. And I hate the idea that we are told many of these rats will have their legacies remain clean because of "family" for information in return.
If you have everything, you don't need to give anyone anything. You just clean house and get on with it.
I don't see how at this point not one major household name pedo has been arrested.
The problem isn't just that the MSM doesn't report if such a thing like arrests were to occur. So many people here say msm always lie, yet readily post MSM links about current events or whatever to back up their arguments. My point being that that is just fine in many cases, because MSM does in fact report on true events, even if their reporting language or perspectives may be biased.
But the msm certainly can't even possibly report on all these "habbenings" if nothing concrete is actually occurring, and it's all just coded events or messages that would take an entire education on q through the years. Bottom line is that many (see most) predictions and supposed events have never occurred, and continue to not occur. Even if we see the underlying goals and have been educated by the q team on their plan to take out the deep state, nothing concrete occurs.
I'm of the opinion that the world wouldn't go completely crazy if the satanic pedophilic behavior were to come to light. People saw the Epstein events including his death as all as the Maxwell trials occur, and there was quite a bit of MSM fanfare about these events occuring. I don't know anyone who freaked out or didn't believe those two weren't guilty of child sexual abuse, or that there's was a larger network of elite people who were involved. And I'm talking leftists and normies I know, they totally accepted it and understood these two evil people are guilty. Any cold hard facts and solid evidence that could be provided to the pubic will in fact be accepted and people, even normies, would understand and want such people to be held accountable and fact justice. Bottom line is no such cold hard, rock solid evidence that could be proven in court has surface for a good 6 years by now... Even if there is a plan, sure seems like the white hats aren't very motivated to actually expose and hold these evil people accountable. Anyway, a bit of a rant, but your comment touched something in me and just needed to get my two cents out there, even if a lot of people here on GAW may take issues with my point of view.
The offices of Corporate Government have been bought, sold and traded for the longest time, hence Corp XXX who are big in Pharma, can purchase the office and it's legal powers and insert their own actor to perform to their music. If said actor becomes unable to deliver, then a double (of varying quality) is inserted and the band plays on.
Crime cabals can purchase LE and legislative offices, The MIC buy up the Military executive, etc etc.
You see the problem with body doubles is that if these parasites die a "natural death", well then none of this shit matters. Because they will go out like heroes and the state will remember them as brave progressives instead of tyrants. These people need to have their legacy raped. It's not enough to just kill them off and spread rumors of body doubles.
Especially with NO proof they’re doubles.
This is one of the fundamental problems I have with Q, white hats and patriots in control. Everything is "LOOK! CANT YOU SEE?". And for a while I didn't have a problem with that but there needs to be a point where the full retard normies are shown something. The majority of society is full on retarded. Until someone they know and have seen their entire lives on the brainwashing box is arrest for some heinous fucking crime, and it can't be some fraud or financial related bullshit. It has to be what we've been telling them is real; pedophilia, human sacrifice etc.
Until then, none of this secretive bullshit coded nonsense matters. And I hate the idea that we are told many of these rats will have their legacies remain clean because of "family" for information in return.
If you have everything, you don't need to give anyone anything. You just clean house and get on with it.
I don't see how at this point not one major household name pedo has been arrested.
this is a long movie, and we don't know what page of the script we are up to.
The problem isn't just that the MSM doesn't report if such a thing like arrests were to occur. So many people here say msm always lie, yet readily post MSM links about current events or whatever to back up their arguments. My point being that that is just fine in many cases, because MSM does in fact report on true events, even if their reporting language or perspectives may be biased.
But the msm certainly can't even possibly report on all these "habbenings" if nothing concrete is actually occurring, and it's all just coded events or messages that would take an entire education on q through the years. Bottom line is that many (see most) predictions and supposed events have never occurred, and continue to not occur. Even if we see the underlying goals and have been educated by the q team on their plan to take out the deep state, nothing concrete occurs.
I'm of the opinion that the world wouldn't go completely crazy if the satanic pedophilic behavior were to come to light. People saw the Epstein events including his death as all as the Maxwell trials occur, and there was quite a bit of MSM fanfare about these events occuring. I don't know anyone who freaked out or didn't believe those two weren't guilty of child sexual abuse, or that there's was a larger network of elite people who were involved. And I'm talking leftists and normies I know, they totally accepted it and understood these two evil people are guilty. Any cold hard facts and solid evidence that could be provided to the pubic will in fact be accepted and people, even normies, would understand and want such people to be held accountable and fact justice. Bottom line is no such cold hard, rock solid evidence that could be proven in court has surface for a good 6 years by now... Even if there is a plan, sure seems like the white hats aren't very motivated to actually expose and hold these evil people accountable. Anyway, a bit of a rant, but your comment touched something in me and just needed to get my two cents out there, even if a lot of people here on GAW may take issues with my point of view.
wouldn't Jill know?
Yes, of course. The idea that he’s a double is dumb.
He had a lot surgery to tighten the neck and face skin in order to make him look youthful and more friendly, like your dear old grandad.
But he still says inappropriate things and creeps on children.... because it is creepy Joe.
The offices of Corporate Government have been bought, sold and traded for the longest time, hence Corp XXX who are big in Pharma, can purchase the office and it's legal powers and insert their own actor to perform to their music. If said actor becomes unable to deliver, then a double (of varying quality) is inserted and the band plays on.
Crime cabals can purchase LE and legislative offices, The MIC buy up the Military executive, etc etc.
Totally agree!