So if thats the case, what happens to their plan as the larp wakes up more and more until it becomes an unstoppable awakening, larp or not? Because that is what is happening and it makes their plan self defeating.
Your explaining the root problem with lies. They can never cover up truth. Maybe for a time but the truth will always overcome lies. Their lies will grow in intensity and size until they are left standing alone in their small circle of influence. Ukraine ain’t nothing. Strap in. The rocket of lies hasn’t even taken off yet.
Not necessarily. There's always been a contingent of the public who is aware that things happen behind the scenes, they politicians are generally corrupt, that the media does not represent the truth. Why not corral all those people together into one cohesive group following a larp, and then feed them nonsensical "coded" information that is worthless, while also making such truthers look even more ridiculous to normies, who would then be discouraged from believing such things? Just playing devil's advocate at least.
So if thats the case, what happens to their plan as the larp wakes up more and more until it becomes an unstoppable awakening, larp or not? Because that is what is happening and it makes their plan self defeating.
Your explaining the root problem with lies. They can never cover up truth. Maybe for a time but the truth will always overcome lies. Their lies will grow in intensity and size until they are left standing alone in their small circle of influence. Ukraine ain’t nothing. Strap in. The rocket of lies hasn’t even taken off yet.
Not necessarily. There's always been a contingent of the public who is aware that things happen behind the scenes, they politicians are generally corrupt, that the media does not represent the truth. Why not corral all those people together into one cohesive group following a larp, and then feed them nonsensical "coded" information that is worthless, while also making such truthers look even more ridiculous to normies, who would then be discouraged from believing such things? Just playing devil's advocate at least.