Huh. How "jabbed" you are influences your perceptions of whether Russia I committing war crimes in Ukraine. This is just... Wow. Yup.
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Is being contrarian any better? TV tells you Russia bad? Russia good! You didn’t do any more research, you didn’t apply any critical thinking, you just disagreed because you believe your role in this war is to be contrarian. And even if you’d do research, you purposefully looked for contrarian sources because that’s what those who have been leading these sheep of a different flock want you to believe. It’s just as bad honestly, and it runs rampant here.
Oh? So you’re saying that Russia and their counterparts have no incentive to pass along their own psyops? Does that really make sense to you?
And you’re wrong, most often the truth lies in the middle, not the extremes of either side.
If “the enemy of your enemy is your friend” stance is the one you really want to take them I assume you’re a big Kim and Taliban fan? That’s such a simplistic view that is flawed I’m many ways.
Speaking of flaws, you’re understanding of my statement is flawed at best. I never said the truth varies, it’s that the truth is likely not what the US nor what Russia is saying, it’s in the middle. Simple as that.
To answer your question, anything that the majority agree on, I believe the opposite is true. It has served me well in my life. Whatever the mainstream opinion that is pushed by the media, the elites, Holllywood, etc., I go the other way. Is Putin, the good guy? I don’t know, but what I do know, the people telling me he is the bad guy are either liars or corrupt.
What’s amazing too is Killary does Uranium-1 then screams Russia bad all pointing fingers at Trump. That says a LOT.
So do you believe that the sky isn’t blue? That water isn’t wet? That food doesn’t provide sustenance? Your argument is one of convince. Globalists aren’t just magically opposed by counter globalists, they’re opposed by other globalists with a different vision.
You are talking about things that I can see for myself or prove for myself. Not the same. Of course I do not deal in absolutes, but for the most part this is the rule I follow.
You sound like a TV addict to be honest. It sounds like you’re lashing out at everyone because your drug of choice is slipping away.
Everything on TV is a lie. Most of history is a lie. We were all completely fooled by Rockefeller and Rothschild schools. We are just cattle to them and they have been treating us as such for centuries.
It's easy to be a critic, help solve the problem.
I am, by being a critical thinker and realizing that Russia is pumping out as much bullshit as the US is. The bio labs exist, but they didn’t create Covid. Putin wants control of them not to destroy them, but because he wants bioweapon superiority. This isn’t that hard.
I agree they didn't create covid. But they are illegal and up to no good, otherwise they would not be in Ukraine.
There are biolabs all over the world, including the US
I agree, and I also agree that putin wants to control them, not destroy them.
Are you suggesting "Oppositional Defiant Disorder" is a mental deficiency none the less?
Ah of course, every day we get new scape goats. Your simplistic view of good and evil is entertaining.