Flat out, Fearful Symmetry's "Righteous Russia" joins the world likes of Patel Patriot's "Devolution", Slag's "The Wartime Presidency," Will Zoll's "PrussiaGate," and of course all of Neon Revolt's epic posts, as some of the best analysis ever written in this movement.
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Sorry for long list, but you will probably recognize many other from this list of Voat Members I copied off at some point before site closed:
@Crensch @MolochHunter @bopper @Shizie @Shiziee @MadWorld @amarQ144 @Annie99 @Qdini @Lauraingalls @grace8 @Stonenchizel @toobaditworks @gr8tinfo @swimkin @spookyjumper @scoripowarrior @Crenschmod @pby @TRFBYTrC0mmies @maga1234 @Q20191776 @Backlot @DanijelStark @AbnormalSee @Podingo7 @WTFChuck @FSHLLtOW @mark7 @Power2Tread @Harpfor7 @tweety51 @MAGAman69 @IHateDisco @tradstew @Cheetah1964 @tessy2013 @PGLiterati2 @IAMthePie @VQTmom @VoatieMcVoatFace @Pricey @TSEdgar88 @Abracastabya @lsdflkoi @Queef_Anon @TrishaUK @Trish2020 @RightSideUp17and6 @realDonaldTrurnp @Kzintrooper2016 @vintagedaisy @Animals9 @RainDrops @Smells_Like_Tacos @alphazebra @Adopted-Patriot @amenanon @Cyberslueth-007 @bobdog123 @MudPuddlePie @Ziggyspeaks @hildberht @Worderman @itokktowakeupnow @owmyballs1337 @suomy_the_nona @AlphabeticalAnon @Patriotknife100 @GoodGodKirk @zaakir1 @Food4theGorg @OregonAngel2 @45andQ @ScotAnon17 @hamman365 @Keneo77 @Anarae @greatheart @Blacksmith21 @1618 @texas1st @QZikan @crystaliis @BlaQPatriot @Trfsrfr @AleiMira @OriginalRealityCheck @Scum123 @Shiftworker1976 @AngelofDeath @5c4RFAC3 @Rondiggity @qanon1776 @redstarkachina @MuckeyDuck @Justice_Will_Prevail @ShaneE11183386 @summerwind_US @kestrel9 @corrbrick @Zadim @Lonegunman65 @nomoss @17RedPills @rickki6 @Mammy @redtoe_skipper @TNway @BarelyGittinBy @Big_Plains_Junction @Star_Trek_Q @DammitMan @MAIDENanon @AndyMan_45 @we_kill_creativity @Johnny_Ninja @BadAssUncleSamNOLA @TimberGhost @Intlrnt2 @poni221 @goatboy1127 @Revodude2 @TSE @Flubber @UnitedStatesPatriot @KarlKastner @hailstone @newera @QPilledLib @Anon56 @Qackerjak @KimnanaT @721-AQZ @Hogitha @M16Gunner @nobilisbellum @JoRoy @petevoat @keeponsearchin @Celvii @Systematicparadox @late2thegame @LBQ @still_winning @ColonelFlag @MIDefender @sheepdoggie @Krivi_tuk @abattoirdaydream @dontmindthemess @Backoftheqanon @TheBRAINz @Flutterby49 @MACSOG68 @Steelerfish @Basballdude @1Paydaddy @SuckaFree @Hamnegg @caprica777 @rabernet @asymptote_12 @pissedonhurricane @Truthbetold51463 @Lightrush @davidw221 @ZombiClown @Quinceberry @SongDog @Mint_Julep @Lurker17 @praying71 @Black_beauty7 @justjakk @Stundo @turitelle @data_b0i @TNLunatick @Hastur77 @Balthsgirl @WildOneinVt @fogdryer @fringe--dweller @SpiritualPaper @TempoNick @restorefreedom @mom2nine @AllTheThings @Memanon @HateTheCabal @JohnQ-Arkenstone @ManOnFire @NevadaDesertPatriot @DickTick @mcpaperclip @gamepwn @BusBoy @On_Fire @GoTeam17 @special1nterest @RebelRed @ReverseDragon @BigRedDen @Don_Tomaso @NewSouthernBelle @StrugglingAutust @FogLight_Q @angel187 @MeetGeorgeJetson @Jonny_Ninja @PrayRosary @think500 @EuropeNeedsFixing @PacaGoat @CMAnon @FirstDamsel @Swervish @JJS1 @VRTECH @Empranch @SumfinElse @standwithuQ @Commahorror @Daffydil @argosciv @JollyPatriot @moderator99 @bk1978 @Ted_Zeplin @The3rdKey @divine_human @pooploser187 @cabalstone @Anonymous754 @SaltyAF @The_Impaler @Vindicator @QCanada @chocolatepatriot2 @Flying_Gabriel99 @Titaniumman @Six_Cents @MoonMooch @Ardithla @dukeplayshard @bdizzle3000 @KnownBand0 @1patriot99 @AO28-1 @FractalizingIron @ArielQflip @CTCZ @awakeQ1 @realneil @The_Real_Wahrheit @G45Colt_II @SoSpricyHotDog @andreastar00 @worried_needleworker @quinoa @serpentdove @YTuQueAnon @WhiskeyStr8Up @Free4ever @BT1100 @SouthernPride @USAMatters @jcuriousity18 @WezeBWoke @comprametu @SK63 @Hoppinmad @dudleydoright @Mageant @accurite @ScorchedEarthAnon @Weagle65 @Juneysunshine @ALS @SpreeFeech @BONFIRE_OF_VANITIES @Stephenheard2008 @top10shows @jhartz39 @pcherry17 @Qtiepie1 @Terribleshogun @Khemyst @SemperFortis99 @navybrat @WhyAserverWasBuilt @Lovecymru @threesevens @Snuffy_5_Smith @RakerKey @tanfhltu @Qd4Action @Francewhoa1905151045 @Goldenhawk @XeoStyle @CSweeny_74 @nevergiveup2them @PixieJean @Scrolleater @urbanaut @Sons_of_Patriarchy @Keywest @MAGAMOJO @Anonz55z @Lakotas @Chantebo52 @FuckUredditFuckuSpez @LuciferMF626 @rhanon @that_guy_pming_tits @joeneesima @HereComesTheSunny @strangejael @PtCPt @NoRoyalty @tomdogg @maggiethatcher @Pollycracker @Magpi @the_Green_Chain @pizzascand @Invicta @goldman1959 @DixiePatriot @Anonymouse_cheese @redmanjbj @passthepopcorn @CokeOrPepe @lightmeup77 @Vindice @HerbanGardener @Ddboomer @jadedgentleman @EarnYourVote @Jorcone @usmcProud1183 @docksofthebay @INK9 @CrispyJack @baccachew75 @DocWood45 @sunshine702 @nothinglasts4ever @SpaceForce @GoatWatcher @29again @Telstar @elites4prison @Charlesmelissa @Maga2004 @LadyPatriot @Micheal84 @letouejil @User7867 @banenya @flyingcuttlefish @Gitmo-or-Bust @TheSubversives @Oxnonstopox @Hardwoodfloors @y000danon @Moorgarten @SouthDakotaVet @candtalan @coulditbe4Q @Scoundrel @HumanPrimer @Sun-Q @therobots @queenicarius @Busangirl19 @deepstatebug @fhpxvg @138 @Astrotheologist @The_Savant @Ricardinho @LiberalBitchSlapper @bebeQ @Patriot3976 @ReallyLongTimeLurker @wyomiles @Archangel_79 @Christosgnosis @RToey @YoikesandAway @guru_meditation @yellowoodneepuks @Metanoiac @itsmytime @oceanside @whoyouis @german_bro @QNirmanakaya @TheRealBabyHand @kathydiane @PrincessCinderella @SentinalShield @Enaashby @Specific_Fox @cosmopolitan @aiiin1 @seawinder @Evoni @dclaffey @tjollahei @InABlinkOfAnEye @POdPatriot @Overwatch7 @Double_D @hg74rhyd9 @warned2 @Fat_Butted_Man @ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS @gatoreric @Mad_As_Helll @eddrell31 @ThreeBladedKnife @Hudat @BKAtheManScout @Anonymous_D2L @clickclone @willies85 @LanJon310 @Cat_anon @turkeylurker @incey @Psalm67 @Quisp @Paladin_Diver @BonnieRic @Headwest127 @Predestinarian @FTSIO @Jfunction @robertdebruce @imacoffeeaddict @ghost_of_aswartz @duhiki @HelloDolly @HMB-1 @gavin10 @Sheneyney @sfscubarob @KurtAlbert @DeathToMing @4TheRepublic @krytter4 @Terri-Bull1 @glownig @zettarose @Qfanz @UpwardBound @love_light_truth @Godsflawedsoldier @CottonMouthGin @Patriot4evr @Beewizer @Smell_the_Covfefe @truthseeker729 @SpodieOdie @R2-D11 @Voat78 @damessinger @solo7 @Deplorable_Badger @BroncoBill @summerstjohns @azdali @LadyDulcinea @FarPointPatriot @hydra12340 @FollowTheWhiteRabbit @harv @CanPatriot @Banky1974 @Deplorablejohn @Nachose @Karmy @frankenglock @themagarhino @ThirtySevenTen @KidCreole @CookieMonsterPolicy @FearlessFreep @HistoryQuest @Rajabesar @TurtleHermitZ9k @borborygmus @Jessecuster @X_1 @Publius1778 @COAnon @Ismokecutters @Silversonewish @Bigsweaties @FreedBy45 @John_2020 @Wwg1wga1972 @Justice-Formidious @p_ro @Centennial67 @dissembleu @Red_Piller @PATRIOTTEXAS5150 @SpiritQuest @UrinalFly @Revel4ti0n @PizzaMario @DenisPat @TalesRatKingsTell @Anonj456 @USf1rst @JaffaKree @clanofwolves @langoma @Wayshuba @Aslanisonthemove @TheWizardofOz @AUSAFVet @mkt4311 @MariaGoretti0706 @dontstopmenow @Rob529 @TheNightBeacon @aleksz @Lindorinel @michaelsuede @Notimportant36 @Ohhhhmega @TheInfoManCT @DaraChaos @starseedwakeup @Mil_Spec @barebrain @LSDBOOMER @Sir_snorky @pitenius @LoveOurCountry @Jewel516 @1019506 @ashlanddog1 @lawyer4justice @ThankQ @SquattingSquirrel @Ipodally @Necrophagist-2018 @toomuchcrapola @kathied7 @User890020 @JayWhoDat @Elfchiro @Maladaptivenomore @Wynterwhisper @davebeing @Ranger113 @RedHed @titletown @brapattack @patriot2008 @ElectionPredictor @B3H0ldAPal3H0rs3 @crippledgimp @Slechta5614 @KillerKap @Scrapedneepuks @Coolrobb @lovely1 @QDPie @funwithguitars @goldenagewhen @Demonologist @More_Cowbell @aekotra @FedExMeYourDrugs @Trash_Panda @Rival67 @Anon-Dan @BR549ER @Oldmanathome @God_bless_America @ssgrader @Unknown-Person @Day_of_the_rope @ynotask @BCKeeper @DerivaUK @notGreen @TivaGirl @qisalarp123 @Frank_Kelly @Jabber1 @qessence @Dingdong187 @TheTruthTheFacts @4John
@Pcpoet.....I am not on the list and was a member....its good to see a partial list of friends and idiots. I say idiots because some of those on the list were trolls that would show up to make things interesting...Voat taught me to listen to what everyone had to say about an issue and to not write anyone off because there was a fundamental difference in world view. never would have learned that on Redditt. Voat is responsible for me never posting on Redditt.
Who was the guy that died? Was it Stonechizel? And then remember his daughter came on an posted about his death, and commented how much joy he got during that end of his life from Voat comradery.
Didn’t he die right after the chyna flu started? He had some serious health issues and I’ve always wondered if that was what took him.
No, I remember his daughter commenting that he had been sick for quite sometime. In other words, he know he was dying. I seemed to recall him mentioning something about it in a comment, or a prayer request.
I'm not on the list either. Made a lot of good friends on VOAT, miss it.
Wow, I never realized that VOAT garnered it on research paper until I stumbled across this: (Think they are doing to same dataset collection on this board?)
Papasavva et al. [25] collect 0.5M posts from /v/GreatAwakening, /v/news, /v/politics, /v/funny, and /v/AskVoat to provide an empirical exploratory analysis of the QAnon community on Voat. They find, among other things, that /v/GreatAwakening is not as toxic as the general discus-sion subverses. Last, Aliapoulios et al. [4] compare Voat’s /v/GreatAwakening and /v/news posts to 4chan, 8kun, Reddit, and Q drops (posts posted by “Q,” the mastermind behind the QAnon conspiracy theory) on a large scale study on QAnon. They find that Voat posts are as threatening as Q drops and that content creators on Reddit and Voat only consist of a small portion of the total community
Don't know for sure when I saved that list. Could have been earlier on.
Probably after the VOAT reset. I lost my PW sometime before the reset, and had to start a new account. You have my second account name.