It's a huge ask to challenge someone to get caught up on 18 Devolution articles, 4 Addenda and myriad pieces published in between the proper articles, but if you want to understand the depth and breadth of the solution that many of us have embraced by an embarrassment of Trump Executive Orders and more, I highly encourage any/everyone to commit to doing the work and make their way through all of PP's articles.
does this reinforce the theory that Trump is still CINC?
In a full Devolution scenario, we currently are without a proper POTUS with full Constitutional authority over the US Military for now.
I am aware of the Devolution series but have not had time to consume that. Can you point me to the list of vids so I can start from the beginning? main splash page. Most articles have a reading link/video, but not all
Devolved video series (produced in conjunction with PatelPatriot Devolved is a little easier to consume, as it's less than 2H for the 3 current episodes
It's a huge ask to challenge someone to get caught up on 18 Devolution articles, 4 Addenda and myriad pieces published in between the proper articles, but if you want to understand the depth and breadth of the solution that many of us have embraced by an embarrassment of Trump Executive Orders and more, I highly encourage any/everyone to commit to doing the work and make their way through all of PP's articles.
Commander and Chief?
yes there are many saying Trump is still commander in chief of the military.