Trying to understand the origin of the Q clock. I think it’s easy enough to understand from the older posts, blogs, videos I’ve found explaining how to read it. I understand why it starts at 12/7/2017. But who/how was it decided to use 60 seconds/stations on the circle? Was that confirmed?
Does anyone have a preferred site or clock they use? Sites that look on the past more than future? Just curious.
Where were the instructions on how to put that clock together? Someone came up with that on their own.
Clocks are mentioned, so are pens and watches. So what.
You can hand pick whatever you want and plug it into the slots on the clock. There is no known formula for what goes into it or not. Dates correlate to time, I get it, but other shit happened on those dates too.
What has been added to it, doesn't really reveal anything new by arranging the information this way.
To all Clock believers,...what the fuck does the clock do?
I dare u to go to the chans and ask the autists that made it...
Let us know how you fare
Typical response, you have no idea.