BOOM! Maria Zack lays out SOLID PROOF of election fraud at Kansas Senate hearing.
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Those are remarkable claims that require remarkable evidence to rise to the level of having been “proven.” It’s like something out of a bad fanfiction story.
Watching it now, will have to finish it later but I’m not seeing “proof” of anything. Maybe I’ll see it later in the vid. Keeping my mind open. Definitely WANT to believe.
But even just the Larry Johnson call. The voice on the phone identifying himself as Johnson proves nothing. No other names were even mentioned in the call so even if it’s him we can’t prove he was speaking about the people she claims. Then she says “lady and gentlemen, this IS PROOF.” (Paraphrasing)
Is it?
We have to stop throwing that word around it makes us look ridiculous when it’s nothing of the sort.
She says she has the Italian intercept. Ok. Where is it? Can you prove it’s real? She offers NOTHING in the way of verification.
She makes one claim after another that to a normal person would rightfully seem outrageous but offers nothing to back most of them up. This is infuriating. This is exactly how and why this type of stuff gets ignored.
There could be 50 million fraudulent ballots but until we can nail down how many exactly were for each candidate, or how many were switched to whom, we haven’t proven anything.
If Democrats can just say “maybe all those bad ballots were for Trump” we have haven’t proven anything. That’s the next line of defense that they are probably already preparing.
And for much of the rest of her claims they can simply brush it off as bad fiction. She does almost nothing at all to even begin backing it up.
I like how you didnt mention her giving documents to Durham.
It's a senate hearing with a one hour time limit. It's not a grand jury indictment. That's still to come.
Your Facebook-level understanding of how investigations are carried out means you probably came from reddit just now.
In all law schools, they teach as a fundamental principle in courts across the land that there is no such thing as 'justice'. However, there is the 'appearance of justice' though. Think about that for a moment and compare that to the word 'proof'.
Also, Maria Zack's speech was presented as the tip of the iceberg to the information and 'proof' she has. In her presentation was it a case of part of the proof and not the entire proof. It's hard to really know unless all her information is reviewed.
Open butt has a zero post score. I'm assuming open butt is a lurker and interjects at opportune times to discredit stories of high treason. I remember the instances, scenarios, names and countries Maria is talking about when this stuff was playing out live. There is lots of evidence, its just not mentioned here. Her presentation took an hour, if you want all the evidence you might need a week or a month. Take your blather elsewhere, I see what you are doing. If you are concerned about the content placed on this forum perhaps you should try contributing to it. Your negative comments, skepticism and nothing is happening routine makes you suspect. I vote to deport.
begone stealth account