Tested positive=I'm in trouble (undefined here, but code known to all deep staters) and under surveillance and/or detained 2. Description of symptoms as mild=the trouble/situation is not too bad (yet) 3. feeling fine=OK, don't panic 4. vax and boosters= protections still in place (reason for gratefulness). To DS: Make sure your protections are in place if you have not already done so. (And keep your cyanide pills handy/get ready to run to your escape location?)
Bill and Michelle test negative=not in trouble at this time.
Other: Keep up the C19 Vax narrative. Lots more killin' to do.
They don't really need to tell the whole world they got a nonexistent virus. They never got the real shots, anyway.
Also, Hillary asked for movie recommendations. Maybe that is comms for: Any advice about my next moves?
Comms, definite comms.
My wild guess of a broad type of decode:
Bill and Michelle test negative=not in trouble at this time.
Other: Keep up the C19 Vax narrative. Lots more killin' to do.
They don't really need to tell the whole world they got a nonexistent virus. They never got the real shots, anyway.
Also, Hillary asked for movie recommendations. Maybe that is comms for: Any advice about my next moves?
Obama's "I've had a scratchy throat for a couple days" sounds like he's saying he hasn't said anything.
Makes a lot of sense, ty.