Just saying "Look at what that other person did!" is not going to do one damn thing to wake up anybody.
Doesn't matter if it's members of the worldwide elite; or the elected officials of any government; or the most famous film stars in the world.
You can show normies pictures/videos of those people doing the most horrific, unspeakable things, and normies in denial will simply shrug and turn away and go on with their lives.
If you ask them about it, trying to make them See What You See, they will just shrug and say it's fake or that you're crazy. "If that was real, it would be on the news. What's for lunch?"
There is one thing, and one thing only, that would wake up the masses in denial: Something that affects THEM, not someone else. Something that affects them PERSONALLY, DIRECTLY AND PROFOUNDLY.
As long as none of this stuff has a direct effect on their lives, they are free to ignore and dismiss it and go on being comfortable. That's how it's been all along and that's why there is so much frustration here and on patriots.win.
We need something that turns THEIR lives around to the point that they can never go back to the way it was.
What would it take? What would affect the normies enough to actually get their attention and stop them from hiding out ever again?
I agree with what you are saying. My daughter is in her mid 30s. Strong work ethic, friends, has travelled extensively, intelligent, a beautiful soul, and we are very proud of her. But she leans left. We are close and I love doing things together when she is not engaged otherwise. We talk and while she listens, it doesn’t sink in. I could not put my finger on it until we had a couple of days away together. This age group have NEVER known FEAR. Their lives are so easy, cosseted in many ways. She doesn’t want to hear anything bad, including what Epstein or Prince Andrew did. It’s too real. Yet this age immerses themselves in fantasy via books and cannot wait until the next violent XYZ movies come out. They live their lives thru fear that others get to act out. Not them. The adrenaline rush that lasts for 2 hours or less. They are happy for OTHERS to suffer, but not themselves. They have not seen a war, a great depression, a stock market crash or even unemployment. Their lives are in many ways perfect. The closest they have come to a crisis is covid and they embraced what the government wanted of them with both hands. They are not ready for war on their doorstep. They do not care if our politicians are fleecing them as long as at the end of the day they have a roof over their head and a meal in their stomachs. They prefer to virtual signal than to get their hands dirty. Give money to a cause rather than pick up a shovel and remove garbage from a hoarders home or throw some money to a homeless person in passing than take a homeless person for a meal. While I’m not saying they are all like that, most are. Both the education systems worldwide and social engineering have pulled the wool over their eyes. The media is their ONLY form of contact with what is happening and that’s ALL LIES. If the Band-Aid isn’t pulled off soon, we are going to have millions worldwide that will not cope with no internet, no power, no money and no knowledge of what overnight could land on their doorstep. I think as a parent this is my greatest fear. Losing them to propaganda that has been indelibly etched in their minds for 15-20 years. How the hell are we going to turn that ship around??
well, bit by bit, just like these "ladies" (the feminists I originally mentioned) they are waking up.
I have moved to a new community and it is mostly comfortable conservatives. Atleast they admit they are naive and can't wrap their heads around the life I lived in a blue state.
I'm right there with you.
Just saying "Look at what that other person did!" is not going to do one damn thing to wake up anybody.
Doesn't matter if it's members of the worldwide elite; or the elected officials of any government; or the most famous film stars in the world.
You can show normies pictures/videos of those people doing the most horrific, unspeakable things, and normies in denial will simply shrug and turn away and go on with their lives.
If you ask them about it, trying to make them See What You See, they will just shrug and say it's fake or that you're crazy. "If that was real, it would be on the news. What's for lunch?"
There is one thing, and one thing only, that would wake up the masses in denial: Something that affects THEM, not someone else. Something that affects them PERSONALLY, DIRECTLY AND PROFOUNDLY.
As long as none of this stuff has a direct effect on their lives, they are free to ignore and dismiss it and go on being comfortable. That's how it's been all along and that's why there is so much frustration here and on patriots.win.
We need something that turns THEIR lives around to the point that they can never go back to the way it was.
What would it take? What would affect the normies enough to actually get their attention and stop them from hiding out ever again?
Ten days darkness, maybe?
I agree with what you are saying. My daughter is in her mid 30s. Strong work ethic, friends, has travelled extensively, intelligent, a beautiful soul, and we are very proud of her. But she leans left. We are close and I love doing things together when she is not engaged otherwise. We talk and while she listens, it doesn’t sink in. I could not put my finger on it until we had a couple of days away together. This age group have NEVER known FEAR. Their lives are so easy, cosseted in many ways. She doesn’t want to hear anything bad, including what Epstein or Prince Andrew did. It’s too real. Yet this age immerses themselves in fantasy via books and cannot wait until the next violent XYZ movies come out. They live their lives thru fear that others get to act out. Not them. The adrenaline rush that lasts for 2 hours or less. They are happy for OTHERS to suffer, but not themselves. They have not seen a war, a great depression, a stock market crash or even unemployment. Their lives are in many ways perfect. The closest they have come to a crisis is covid and they embraced what the government wanted of them with both hands. They are not ready for war on their doorstep. They do not care if our politicians are fleecing them as long as at the end of the day they have a roof over their head and a meal in their stomachs. They prefer to virtual signal than to get their hands dirty. Give money to a cause rather than pick up a shovel and remove garbage from a hoarders home or throw some money to a homeless person in passing than take a homeless person for a meal. While I’m not saying they are all like that, most are. Both the education systems worldwide and social engineering have pulled the wool over their eyes. The media is their ONLY form of contact with what is happening and that’s ALL LIES. If the Band-Aid isn’t pulled off soon, we are going to have millions worldwide that will not cope with no internet, no power, no money and no knowledge of what overnight could land on their doorstep. I think as a parent this is my greatest fear. Losing them to propaganda that has been indelibly etched in their minds for 15-20 years. How the hell are we going to turn that ship around??
well, bit by bit, just like these "ladies" (the feminists I originally mentioned) they are waking up.
I have moved to a new community and it is mostly comfortable conservatives. Atleast they admit they are naive and can't wrap their heads around the life I lived in a blue state.
but you are right. something like that.