When you have less to work with, you get clever with the tools you do have.
Geometry used to be the end-all-be-all of knowledge.
Now we have systems in place and standardized dimensional modularity (like 2x4 boards, cinder blocks, bricks, etc.) that takes all the thinking out of it.
It used to be that every hewn board was built for the project at hand. Now, we frame projects around the standard dimensions of our material.
Geometry scholars produced a fool-proof system, and in doing so made it unnecessary for everyone to understand the geometry; thereby creating more fools than ever before.
When you have less to work with, you get clever with the tools you do have.
Geometry used to be the end-all-be-all of knowledge.
Now we have systems in place and standardized dimensional modularity (like 2x4 boards, cinder blocks, bricks, etc.) that takes all the thinking out of it.
It used to be that every hewn board was built for the project at hand. Now, we frame projects around the standard dimensions of our material.
Geometry scholars produced a fool-proof system, and in doing so made it unnecessary for everyone to understand the geometry; thereby creating more fools than ever before.
Much like cell phones made it so that memorizing numbers is a lost art.