This war is Biblical and the only way we can overcome is with God's Help
I hope you've seen humanity without God is not good
Because of Greed, Power, and the very plans of Satan...we have wickedness, disease, and starvation
Nobody likes to be called a sinner
Well, you are one... without Christ, we are as loathsome as the stinkbugs we get rid of in our homes
Compared to good, you are a filthy rag
If you've never heard's time you do
If you were let in Heaven, the way you would stink up Heaven and bring death to a perfect atmosphere.
You are born that can't change it
God can tho...
Me going deep into why the Bible is real and Jesus holds it all together, using science, archaeology, History and everything logical to prove to you...
That will never work on lost people...that's just red meat for the saved
You have to see yourself the way God does
Did you know in the end....Does Jesus have to keep us all from killing each other?!
The elements will burn with fervent heat....sounds like nuclear
You don't need to worry about climate change
Humanity will never give that a chance....this Earth would probably like to puke us out
We are a curse to it
When you see how lost you are, then you may come to get saved.
That's why the Gospel is good news
Some of you took a red pill
But what you really need is the Gospel
Paul was given the task via the Holy Spirit's inspiration of writing down a large portion of the doctrines of the church. He had been trained as a pharisee, which would have been useful for being very familiar with OT scripture. However, it was the ascended Christ who had to "re-teach" Paul what the OT says concerning Christ. As you may recall, the other apostles were taught the true meaning of the OT after the resurrection and before the ascension. Paul was the main missionary to the gentile world. The only way that we sinners can be righteous is in the righteousness of Christ himself and his perfect and complete works culminating in his sacrificial death upon the cross. No cross, no forgiveness. In Genesis, Abel is said to be righteous and Cain is said to be "of that Wicked one," Satan. And how can we know? Cain brought an offering of the best fruits he had grown. Abel brought a lamb from his flock. God did not accept Cain's offering. It was the work of his own hand, not of faith in the blood of the Lamb of God. Cain was so jealous of Abel and so angry, he killed Abel. Trusting in any portion of our own works for salvation is self-righteousness and condemns us. God requires perfection, and that perfection is found in Christ alone. This is why I do not believe in "decisional regeneration," for one is not then trusting in Christ only, but trusting in a decision one made, ie, a work. Different churches teach different works one must perform in order to ensure salvation. This is anti-gospel. The only "Good News" for me is the one that says Christ did absolutely everything necessary for my salvation. If it depended upon myself in anyway, well, I would just fail. Probably the first day. No, make that the first hour. Well, actually, I'm sure I would mess up within the first minute. Christ is the one and only God-Man, and he alone lived a perfect and sinless life, perfect obedience on behalf of all of his people, even unto death. The debt has been paid in full, and his people are given eternal life and have nothing to fear. They are washed clean in the blood of the Lamb.
Yes. According to Paul. Do you know what circular logic is?
Me: "I don't think Paul was a true disciple of Christ. I think he was a false prophet."
You: "But he can't be a false prophet, because he clearly says he isn't one right here."
Me: "..."
And what did the Pharisees believe? Who did they worship? Who did Jesus say they worshipped/followed? These were not merely Old Testament scholars, my friend. These were Talmudic Jews. If you don't know what's in the Talmud, I suggest you research it.
According to Paul.
Yes. And in my opinion, a false missionary, going about teaching Old Testament idolatry with a Christian spin.
Says Paul.
Says you, based on your understanding as a Pauline Christian.
Says you and Paul.
Ah. Pious bragging masked as humble self-deprecation. Lovely.
Maybe according to you. But not according to Christ. At least not how I read what he says in John chapter 10: "Jesus said to them, 'I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?' 'We are not stoning you for any good work,' they replied, 'but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.' Jesus answered them, 'Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods"’? If he called them ‘gods,’ to whom the word of God came—and Scripture cannot be set aside—what about the one whom the Father set apart as his very own and sent into the world? Why then do you accuse me of blasphemy because I said, ‘I am God’s Son’? Do not believe me unless I do the works of my Father. But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me, and I in the Father.”
Pretty pesky word Jesus keeps throwing in there ("works") huh? Also pretty pesky scripture he decided to quote if in fact you and Paul are right and we're a bunch of pathetic dung beetles who should be worshipping Jesus like an old Testament idol.
Given that perfect is a subjective term, this statement is meaningless to me. Is a rose with one thorn or two more perfect? It all depends on the preference of the person you're asking. What makes you think you aren't perfect? Because you sin? And what evidence do you have, other than Pauline dogma, that Christ himself never made any mistakes growing up?
Anyway, like I said, I don't buy Paul's take on Jesus. I just don't. So you can quote Paul until you're blue in the face. Remember, Christ said these false prophets, these wolves in sheeps clothing, these whited sepulchres would manage to deceive even the elect. With all the self-deprecating you've done so far I doubt you'd arrogate yourself to be one of them. So what makes you think you haven't been deceived yourself?
Food for thought. Take care.
You are not yet a Christian because you do not yet understand the "good news" of Christ's Gospel, but I hope you will one day by the grace of God. But I cannot engage in further debate because at this point it would be counter productive.
Yes I believe it would be. And I'll keep calling myself Christian despite your protestations based on Pauline definitions. Good day.