'Got 'em scared and distrustful of almost everything and everyone because they realize they've lost A LOT of control and are more exposed and vulnerable than they ever thought they could be. ("They never thought she'd lose.")
Funny how constitutionalists have to recuse themselves when liberals demand it because of some imagined undue influence... yet there are no such calls by these same legal "pundits" when liberals such as Kagen who had direct influence on cases involving obamacare prior her tenure.... as the saying goes.. if not for double standards they would have no standards at all..
Oh yes, Clarence Thomas should recuse himself! Just like the Leftists with agendas recuse themselves when it conflicts with their politics and beliefs. How about the Activist on SDNY who vowed to get elected by going after Trump? Or how about Judge Sullivan with a General Flynn? Or how about Justice Kavanaugh who flip flops on religious rights-wonder what he is being threatened with. I have zero faith in the SC justices to be apolitical and uphold the Constitution. Our entire executive, judicial and legislative system is corrupt. It will take decades to root out and replace, if even then.
"Panic in DC"
'Got 'em scared and distrustful of almost everything and everyone because they realize they've lost A LOT of control and are more exposed and vulnerable than they ever thought they could be. ("They never thought she'd lose.")
Funny how constitutionalists have to recuse themselves when liberals demand it because of some imagined undue influence... yet there are no such calls by these same legal "pundits" when liberals such as Kagen who had direct influence on cases involving obamacare prior her tenure.... as the saying goes.. if not for double standards they would have no standards at all..
Or when a Clinton appointed Judge is assigned a RICO case directly involving a suit against a Clinton.
Oh yes, Clarence Thomas should recuse himself! Just like the Leftists with agendas recuse themselves when it conflicts with their politics and beliefs. How about the Activist on SDNY who vowed to get elected by going after Trump? Or how about Judge Sullivan with a General Flynn? Or how about Justice Kavanaugh who flip flops on religious rights-wonder what he is being threatened with. I have zero faith in the SC justices to be apolitical and uphold the Constitution. Our entire executive, judicial and legislative system is corrupt. It will take decades to root out and replace, if even then.
Thomas should do no such thing.
Kagen didn't recuse herself for the Obama Obamacare ruling.
Doubt it, they've been refusing to take election cases for over a year now.