Legitimate discussion I think needs to be had, after seeing recent Elon and Russel Brand posts. Can people who have once served an evil agenda change their ways and take part in awakening the masses for the betterment of humanity?
I think so. God forgives all who repent their wicked ways. Why can’t we forgive if God does?
This does also trouble me, because I don’t think I have it in me to forgive child abusers… and I know hurt people hurt people, but.. I’m only human.
My opinion yes,Saul to Paul for example,Samson,Moses disobedience.But God specially names punishment for those who hurt children.He also says you may kill a thief in the night to protect your family.The street watch,not neighbors aide is available at night.Child molesters sneak around in ways that are not noticed,just like the thief.Plus he prays on those unable to defend themselves,just like sleeping victims.When the watch no longer protects us,in fact,allows things like nambla,pushes child sex in public schools.Even God has drawn this line.Child predators must be removed from our society.I will gladly be the hangman.
Came here to say this.
Same. God specifically denounces any form of harm towards children. And yes there's the "turn the other cheek" crowd out there, but God never said we can't defend ourselves and the ones we love. I mean in the old testament, God destroys pagan nations for disobedience and idolatry. Jericho anyone....?
I struggle with this too fren.
Lord help us to be forgiving as you are.
Help us to practice discernment and to be just.
Jesus we cannot do this without you.
Yes, we are all sinners and those who seek to turn away from Evil are who we all are. Rearranging Pogo a bit... we are them.
Criminals are accountable to a nation's Laws tho, in our case we are Blessed with a Constitution which is itself based upon God's Laws. Those who transgressed are forgiven but still owe Society a physical debt, not every criminal or Enemy servant will deserve harsh punishment but many will.
But regardless of the criminal nature of their lives, if they seek Christ and repent they are forgiven, sure. Forgiveness relates to their Souls, if they owe Society a debt that needs be accounted, we must pay our debts.
They can work out their sh*t on some island somewhere, with armed guards and heavily sharked waters.
We have a reasonable civilization to run here.
Yes, just as easily as a good man can be corrupted.
We are each responsible for ourselves and we can change at will.
Exactly. God gave us all free will to decide how we want our lives to end up. Follow Him, or reject Him. And it's never too late to repent and follow the one true King of all
What if you've never heard of Him and live in the remote jungle?
If I had an answer for that I would let you know fren. There's still so much I don't know. I feel like God tries to come to us all in some way or form in our lives. That's why Jesus sent out His apostles to spread the word of God to everyone on the earth, but I think that's a better question for God and a good trip through scripture to see what it says. But as of now I don't have a good answer for you
I believe in God wholeheartedly I just believe that religious texts have been corrupted over time and that's always one of the questions that has plagued me.
I personally just don't see how God could set up life in that way, creating endless diversity only to require a belief in one person.
Either way we agree. God is good and Man can change.
Our ways are not His ways. He's omniscient, we are not. We could try to understand His grand plan, but how can we do something like that when our understanding of the universe is infinitely smaller than His understanding. I don't think we're meant to know questions like that till we meet our King at the pearly gates IMHO. Faith is what we have. Adam and Eve chose to eat from the tree of knowledge, and as a result humanity is cursed. We choose whether or not we want to follow God. That's what free will is. Lots of humans turned away from God, and at the tower of babel came the divergence point. Many disobedient humans scattered across the earth and brought their occult disobedience with them. And as a result they've become "lost sheep" always being sought after by the good shepherd. I don't know if I can help ease the thoughts that plague you, but talk to God for peace and understanding. My knowledge is limited, but God shows me what I'm meant to see and teaches me things at the proper time. Rest your weary head on Him fren
I agree that we cannot understand, that's why I have such an issue with religious authorities claiming to know just that.
I think scripture is full of wisdom but I just don't think I accept the premise of messianic Judaism at all.
And that's your choice. We all were created with free will. Angels and humans alike. If a pastor or religious leader claims to have the answers, they're flat out wrong. There are things we just can't understand and aren't meant to understand, as our understanding is limited to the first 3 dimensions. Whereas God's understanding spans limitless and infinite dimensions. However, rejecting that Jesus Christ came down to pay the full blood price of our curse (sin) is to reject the fundamental message that God gives to us all. That we are no longer owned by death, we have been bought from death with the blood of Christ simply because God loves us all deeply and eternally. Even beyond what we can imagine. No matter what we do. Jesus understood that as the perfect man. Fully God and fully human. That in itself it's so cool! Our repentance and service to Him is our payback price, which is infinitely better than paying the wages of our sin. Which is death in the most absolute sense. Either way I hope God continues to reveal things to you and teaches you on your path forward. Much love and many blessings my beloved fren 😁
Asked that myself.Not sure either.
I think the only thing God wants is for his creations to learn and grow within his creation, nothing more and nothing less.
All of these divisions and edicts and proclamations come from Man far as I can tell.
Agreed,I think if you wish to be good,your heart will know the difference.Same with bad.A bad heart,born with or hardened by life.Must not be allowed to harm,particularly harm innocence.If a person cannot be trusted to deny themselves harmful cravings.Then within any established society their life is forfeit.People who seek a god they must fear,are weak people.That is my belief.
It's up to God to forgive them once they're dead, we still have to be wary of them for as long as they're alive and can affect our lives.
Great book on the question called "Crime and Punishment."
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 ESV
Enmity between the seeds of the serpent and woman.
Evil needs to leave, a person who is evil needs to repent, get the Holy Spirit in them and demons out. Then of course. But God doesnt expect me to give them anything, I dont know them. God forgives when someone repents bc He knows if their repentance is real. Theres no biblical basis for me to forgive someone I dont know personally or have a relationship with. Its discernment that needed on how I see them or trust what they say. So I just know vengeance is His and I rest in that. Its not on me to forgive or not for those I dont know.
But among our relationships, with personal harm and offenses, thats different.
^^^^ This resonates.....
The butterfly effect....everything that happens is for a greater purpose and reason. We can’t explain it, and we should not try to control it. God/Source has it all planned out.
I appreciate your honesty, fren! And I agree.
I am no saint myself.. I thought for the longest time God would not accept me. But He did, and does and I can feel it.