Lordvon coming in hot with the “your a cult burn”.......ouch..good one buddy. Life must be hard for you right now, looking around and seeing the world on fire but not really knowing what’s happening.
What if I told you, that for a onetime $5.95 membership fee, you can begin a new life free from all life’s troubles and ailments. If your interested I can send you some literature about joining our cult it’s very informing and enlightening. If after careful consideration and thought you would like to join, we require that first off you stop using your critical thinking skills and dissolve all thought process of individuality and begin to conform to groupthink, we will provide you with our information analysts to inform you of everything you need to now know so that you can connect with the hive mind. You must wear a face muzzle at all times and never speak out against your superior overlords, you must then disavow all worldly possessions(don’t worry you’ll be happy), and lastly allow our sycophantic staff to inject you with a special sauce we cooked up in the basement, it’s a bunch of poisonous weird shit but it’s fda approved so don’t worry. After initiation you will be informed that you now have aids and are part of the great culling of useless feeders and have greatly contributed to the better of humanity. We hope to see you soon. Be safe out there and thank you for considering our cult.
Has a million dollar house, makes a bunch of money. Yet spends his time on a forum with people he disagrees with just to come disagree. You lefties are fucking comical. And pathetic. I’d feel sorry for you but you’re just an NPC. Beep bop take your shot and sit down kid.
This is a complex situation my friend. The roots go so deep no one will get out of this untouched. One simple and honest question to you
are you aware of the complex network of infiltration throughout industry(fascism) and governments(socialism/communism) worldwide, both working hand in hand, simultaneously collaborating in a scheme to corral the entirety of global nations into a controlled one world banking system, identification system, and a world court governing system?
You make that much money and have time to come to a forum and make fun of people you don't agree with?? How flattering! We appreciate that we live rent free in your head. Now lemme grab my sunglasses glowie. You're hurting my eyes 😎
Just implying that he's a glowie more than anything lol. And making fun of him for bragging about his supposed "wealth". Which I think is a fabricated story anyways. Lots of shills on here these days fren
Lordvon coming in hot with the “your a cult burn”.......ouch..good one buddy. Life must be hard for you right now, looking around and seeing the world on fire but not really knowing what’s happening.
What if I told you, that for a onetime $5.95 membership fee, you can begin a new life free from all life’s troubles and ailments. If your interested I can send you some literature about joining our cult it’s very informing and enlightening. If after careful consideration and thought you would like to join, we require that first off you stop using your critical thinking skills and dissolve all thought process of individuality and begin to conform to groupthink, we will provide you with our information analysts to inform you of everything you need to now know so that you can connect with the hive mind. You must wear a face muzzle at all times and never speak out against your superior overlords, you must then disavow all worldly possessions(don’t worry you’ll be happy), and lastly allow our sycophantic staff to inject you with a special sauce we cooked up in the basement, it’s a bunch of poisonous weird shit but it’s fda approved so don’t worry. After initiation you will be informed that you now have aids and are part of the great culling of useless feeders and have greatly contributed to the better of humanity. We hope to see you soon. Be safe out there and thank you for considering our cult.
So full of shit.
Has a million dollar house, makes a bunch of money. Yet spends his time on a forum with people he disagrees with just to come disagree. You lefties are fucking comical. And pathetic. I’d feel sorry for you but you’re just an NPC. Beep bop take your shot and sit down kid.
Of all the things you could be doing, you've come to GA to save us all. You are a saint.
This is a complex situation my friend. The roots go so deep no one will get out of this untouched. One simple and honest question to you
are you aware of the complex network of infiltration throughout industry(fascism) and governments(socialism/communism) worldwide, both working hand in hand, simultaneously collaborating in a scheme to corral the entirety of global nations into a controlled one world banking system, identification system, and a world court governing system?
You make that much money and have time to come to a forum and make fun of people you don't agree with?? How flattering! We appreciate that we live rent free in your head. Now lemme grab my sunglasses glowie. You're hurting my eyes 😎
What does his income have to do with him posting here? Are you suggesting only people of lower income brackets post here?
Just implying that he's a glowie more than anything lol. And making fun of him for bragging about his supposed "wealth". Which I think is a fabricated story anyways. Lots of shills on here these days fren
"It's not that much"
I live comfortably on sub 30k a year where I live. It's about perspective. If 400k seems low to you, your perspective is skewed drastically