Finally popped my "account restricted on Facebook" cherry by sharing the following image with someone who insisted "there are no Nazis in Ukraine"...L M A O! 🤣 Full panic mode!
🧠These people are stupid!

Haha, kid you not - I did the EXACT same thing last week. Shared this photo and three others on a relative's post comparing Putin to Hitler. Got a 30-day restriction on my account.
And here I thought Facebook was making an exception and allowing the praising of the Nazis in Ukraine... (I wasnt praising of course, but merely posted w/o comment).
That’s where you went wrong, by not praising them.
It’s a flow chart:
Is the subject nazis?
If yes, then are they Ukrainian and/or left-wing?
If yes, then is the tone of the post negative? BAN!
Is the subject Trump?
If yes, is the tone positive or does not associate the word Nazi with Trump? BAN
Rotate the image 180 degrees on your phone and post. Algos don’t pick up picture that way. I post anything controversial that I know will get a ban that way and I haven’t gotten banned in a long time!
You are most likely shadow banned and they don't care what you post. I used to get temporary suspensions all the time, I would have to delete what I posted and they would give me access again. Then I noticed none of my posts were getting any likes, I could post anything I wanted, they didn't care because no one could see it.
Yeah, I am definitely shadow banned. But they were still dinging me for posting things they didn’t like. When I turn the images upside down they don’t touch those.