528 Pfizer, a major sponsor of the Academy Awards, announces a new drug for Alopecia. (media.greatawakening.win) posted 2 years ago by Fringe--dweller 2 years ago by Fringe--dweller +529 / -1 110 comments download share 110 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Hair loss is indeed a side effect. My aunts both lost hair at their hairline after their first shot. After my husband got vaxxed, I started losing hair too.
A lot of people who had the Rona also lost some hair, but it all grew back after a few months.
I’ve heard this too. Weird ass set of symptoms and after-effects, to be sure!
This is a result of toxicity, not auto-immunity. The immune system is compromised and is weakened due to the toxicity of the vaxx.