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This is 100% it. People go through school and college and don't even know how to write a check.
Truth. They got rid of HomeEc for a reason.
They also prey on college freshman aged students for a reason w loans and credit cards.
Fitts is brilliant and well worth keeping an eye on.
To my knowledge she was the first person banned across the internet by name in 2021. It was amazing to see. Her name for them is “Mor Global” and she released a video called Planet Lockdown that caused the banning. She detailed the obvious financial moves to usher in the WEF Global Biomedical Control Grid.
She also referred to the as the tapeworm. No wonder they don't like Ivermectin.
Certainly spreads like one
Do you have the planet lockdown video .Gmail deleted mine TY
Ya I have everything. Check
Bookmark it’s the business
And I am glad I was taught before that happened.
They now have done away with Penmanship/cursive
Now I wonder if heiroglyphics were the emojis of the Egyptian plebs.
Who even uses checks anymore? I have a situation needing a check once every couple years it seems, if that. Makes sense younger people don't know much about writing checks when it's essentially not needed for anything anymore. Same with not teaching cursive anymore. They often teach typing though. Which is going to be used more in today's world? The ability to write cursive, or the ability to type with a QWERTY keyboard? Are we also going to be upset that most people don't know how to use a slide rule?
I just had to write a check to the police station for my handgun permit. Some places like golden state mint don't have e-check set up and check is the cheapest way of buying metals unless you want to pay an extra 10% for using a card.
A lot of people pay rent in checks.
Checks are proof of payment where cash payments don't always get receipts. You may not use them, but they are still used pretty frequently and it's a simple enough skill to teach.
Also, a lot of schools don't have typing classes, I have worked in schools that give everyone a chrome book, but have no sort of typing class whatsoever.
Cursive, a lot of historical documents and primary sources that haven't been transcripted are written in cursive so one should at least know how to read in cursive.
It's not just the constitution, obviously print versions and copies of that exist but for many MANY other documents, letters, old journals, etc are in cursive.
There are often no financial literacy classes and if there are, they are usually electives in high school or for finance field majors in college.
Most people don't write hand written letters with any frequency if at all, but it should still be learned. Letter format and checks are things that take minutes to teach, literally.