Some military guys in Telegram channels have said the lack of craters and explosion pattern points to some type of explosive device being set off in the yard. Possibly an air burst artillery round, but definitely not an airstrike. Definitely staged though and definitely Azov, Ukie military, intelligence operatives, etc.
All I know for sure is the Russians are avoiding civilian casualties where possible and only targeting civilian infrastructure that's been militarized.
Some military guys in Telegram channels have said the lack of craters and explosion pattern points to some type of explosive device being set off in the yard. Possibly an air burst artillery round, but definitely not an airstrike. Definitely staged though and definitely Azov, Ukie military, intelligence operatives, etc.
What did they say about the nursery or whatever that looked like a tank had poked a hole in the wall?
Don't remember anyone saying anything about it.
All I know for sure is the Russians are avoiding civilian casualties where possible and only targeting civilian infrastructure that's been militarized.
Same tactics used by terrorist groups in all nations, Antifa, Hamas,.....
And sadly they hand wave it all away as "Russian propaganda" and people from both sides eat the shit up