Whenever anybody with some following or stature starts sounding more like Patriotic Populist, you can be sure that posts will show up either implying or directing us to hate on them.
We have obvious real opponents like Hillary, Pelosi, Fauci, Soros, and so on. Russell Brand is not the problem because he liked that Globalist once.
I dont always agree with Lap but he's right. This has been reposted on here daily ever since it first appeared. It gets reposted more than any of his videos that align with our own thoughts and ideas. Even his 60 second shorts don't get much attention and we've got a bunch of users that don't read articles or even comments with answers they were looking for lol. I'm of the position that folks like Elon/Rogan/AJ are controlled opposition but RB seemed like the closest possible match to an insider who has been kicked or left that inner circle. His ability to question the narrative on YT without censorship and still get roles in "big/mainstream" movies mean he's worth keeping an eye on.
Dude, if you were pointing out the facts, you would have titled this post as
"Whose side is he on?? Russell Brand THOUGHT This Psycopath Yuval Noah Harrari Is A Beautiful Person"
Because this is from 5 years ago. Which in terms of human history and human awakening is about 1000 years ago. Remember? Covid? Election theft? Ukraine? Mainstream Media lies?
It's absolutely not factual to post something that happened or was in place 5 years ago and assert that it is the present.
I mean, it's a valid question, but it looks like your own biases are making you think you're just 'pointing out the facts", when clearly you aren't.
Fact: This was him saying this on video..nothing more..nothing less..question everything..have you been paying attention as of late? I merely posed a question..I did NOT say he was on their side...you interpet my question as bias...I am subbed to him on BC and watch many of vids...I really like what he says..we should know he said this..just because I question something means it is notable and we should be aware..your bias is showing..
I'll confess to that bias. I like Brand, and what he is doing.
You are of course correct that it was him saying this recorded. But it wasn't factual (well, not accurate) to say "Russel Brand thinks....." because it was a rather significant time ago. Sadly, enough people will look simply at your title, at the photo, and conclude "Yes, this is what Russell Brand THINKS (now)...."
But I appreciate what you are saying: it's good to raise facts and question things.
I will also admit to a knee-jerk reaction. It rises when I see or perceive anons and pedes jumping to conclusions and just dumping on people or things based on rather flimsy evidence. This is something that aids the shills and downgrades the quality of the board. But, I think in hindsight I also jumped to the conclusion myself that you were doing that.
Thanks for the response. It clears things up.
On a larger scale, the problems related to this sort of thing exist because it can actually be hard to post to the board in a neutral questioning way, because we always have a squadron of members who will upvote and promote something based simply on a headline, or an image, without really applying either due diligence or serious cerebral input. In other words, low effort reactionism.
Thanks for the response..I appreciate it ..I really like Russel and hope he has seen the "truth"..I deleted the post because I don't want to preceived as a doomer so to speak..not the intention..I just thought it was note worthy..I myself have done more knee jerk reactions as of late..we are on the same side and we are all so so very tired..thnx brother..stay strong..
I never was on board with brand. He had some funny movies but he spiraled way out of control with drugs and similar luxuries and has had a million different things that he bent over to the establishment on. Trust none of them
The elite allow some “truth” tellers like this to exist as a pressure release valve for people that are starting to become aware of the vast manipulations being perpetuated against them.
They are there to give voice to your frustrations and then gently misdirect your energy and focus into another dead end.
He spiralled out, but overcame. That takes real, solid inner content. He was really, really messed up. But he got clean, and in recent years, has awakened powerfully to the bullshite of the entire Great Reset and Elites agenda.
People, fortunately, can change and grow. I've been noticing Brand for perhaps 7+ years now, and am happily surprised by the growth and development he's displayed. He's still growing, developing, but who here is perfect anyway?
Judge a man by who and what he is now, not by his past.
We can't declare guilty by association or we fall into the trap of extremism that can be just as bad as the far left. I'm glad Russel I. Able to communicate with these types of people or we wouldn't really understand what they are really planning for us now would we?!
A very important point. We just had a discussion on this yesterday,
Firstly, this is from 2018. Did YOU know that the WEF is evil incarnate at that time? I didn't.
This is Brands style. And, he's dropping massive red pills. All the time. To people who would NEVER be exposed to them if he didn't.
I watched part of the video of the discussion he had with Harari run by Penguin. He constantly challenges harari, and most importantly, challenges the notion that its Ok for "Elites to decide who or what is relevant or valuable"
No one needs you to pay attention to him. How completely self-aggrandising that comment is.
Brand is dropping serious red-pills to an audience that would not be found 1000 miles near here, or any of the patriot channels, or other folks who are significant elements in the Great Awakening. He is dropping red pills to an audience that is traditionally lefty, new-agey but conscientious people.
It's not about YOU. It's about them.
The great awakening needs thousands of proponents, and you are not going to wake up humanity by having everyone sound like or even coming from the same place that Gen Flynn is, or whoever.
Gonna drop a comment I made on Yesterday's thread:
If you just have kneejerk conclusions, you going to make a LOT of mistakes. Finding truth is like zero-ing in on it. You take in the facts, the evidence, the context, all of it, and zero in on the picture it paints.
So, consider the facts and the context, etc.
2018, Brand was NOT aware, as most of us probably weren't, that the WEF is the devil incarnate.
Brand rose up in the entertainment world, has made mistakes, overcome them, been through the shit like most probably haven't. He gets paid for his work. This was a talk set up by Penguin, not Brand. Brand constantly counters and engages the "guest" the professor, in a way that is certainly not promoting or propagandizing the Professors views.
Brand is who he is. He loves people. He had this gig, engaged with Harari, and gave the guy a hug. It's completely consistent with Brands style, if you watch or know a bit about him.
2022, Brand is dropping red pills like no one's business, pills that are perfectly tailored to His target audience, the vast majority of who would be left-leaning, almost new-agey, conscientious people.
Me? I'm a reborn person for the last 40 years, and I'm very clearly in what was traditionally the "right" side of the aisle. I'm openly Christian, but have also worked in the interfaith field. My brother, who is very awake in many ways, is traditionally left. In the last few years, we've come closer and closer in our views, but he has been apolitical most of his life.
But he gets good info these days via Brand, so when I tell my brother about this thing or that, like Ukraine, like WEF, etc, or raise the topic of Gates and the Injections, etc, he gets it, because Brand is a point of reference that suits him. He probably can't relate to Trump quite yet (we're not American, by the way), but he's keeping up with the Great Awakening via Brand's stuff, mostly.
My approach to truth is this: I need to see a coming together of three axes: 1, the spiritual/internal/intuition or guidance of the holy Spirit, scripture 2. Logic, reasoning, clear thinking and mental clarity 3. The evidence, real world facts, results, experience etc. Where these three intersect the closest, that's likely to be the closest to the truth.
Personally, I think that anons who see one picture or take a few points of reference, and try to draw the WHOLE conclusion based on that, are doing themselves and and the awakening movement a disservice.
3 years ago, I had ZERO idea about Schwab, the WEF, or the Great Reset. And I was awake to a LOT of things.
I think it's fine to withhold judgment until you have enough evidence. I think there's nothing wrong with being skeptical or NOT investing trust or giving credence to someone until you have enough input to be able to make that judgment. "I don't trust him yet" isn't a bad thing, as long as you leave your mind open to learning more and getting more input.
Personally, what I don't think is useful or productive is drawing conclusions without a significant preponderance of evidence, facts, context and reasoning, but I guess we all do that some times.
Final PS. I've been aware of brand for about 6 years+. I've listened to him talk on various things, and also watched stuff he was doing 10, 12 years ago when he was in the thick of the entertainment stuff. I've noticed his development and am really happily surprised that he's dropping this red pills now.
Think about JP sears. Also dropping red pills, heaps. About a month ago he came out and talked about an anti-gun video skit he did about 3 years ago. He apologized, and just came clean, saying he just had no idea. Now, he is full on 2nd amendment. He's another who has come from the more liberal side of town, but who is undergoing an awakening.
And here is the older version of Russell Brand mocking Klaus Schwab for exactly why we don't like Klaus or his WEF or DAVOS.
The more RB attacks the elite, the more random criticism will show up here and elsewhere.
Just pointing out the facts..nothing more.
You could also post a picture of Trump with Epstein with a similar title.
Just pointing out the facts!
Yup. It is a pattern.
Whenever anybody with some following or stature starts sounding more like Patriotic Populist, you can be sure that posts will show up either implying or directing us to hate on them.
We have obvious real opponents like Hillary, Pelosi, Fauci, Soros, and so on. Russell Brand is not the problem because he liked that Globalist once.
I dont always agree with Lap but he's right. This has been reposted on here daily ever since it first appeared. It gets reposted more than any of his videos that align with our own thoughts and ideas. Even his 60 second shorts don't get much attention and we've got a bunch of users that don't read articles or even comments with answers they were looking for lol. I'm of the position that folks like Elon/Rogan/AJ are controlled opposition but RB seemed like the closest possible match to an insider who has been kicked or left that inner circle. His ability to question the narrative on YT without censorship and still get roles in "big/mainstream" movies mean he's worth keeping an eye on.
Dude, if you were pointing out the facts, you would have titled this post as
"Whose side is he on?? Russell Brand THOUGHT This Psycopath Yuval Noah Harrari Is A Beautiful Person"
Because this is from 5 years ago. Which in terms of human history and human awakening is about 1000 years ago. Remember? Covid? Election theft? Ukraine? Mainstream Media lies?
It's absolutely not factual to post something that happened or was in place 5 years ago and assert that it is the present.
I mean, it's a valid question, but it looks like your own biases are making you think you're just 'pointing out the facts", when clearly you aren't.
Fact: This was him saying this on video..nothing more..nothing less..question everything..have you been paying attention as of late? I merely posed a question..I did NOT say he was on their side...you interpet my question as bias...I am subbed to him on BC and watch many of vids...I really like what he says..we should know he said this..just because I question something means it is notable and we should be aware..your bias is showing..
I'll confess to that bias. I like Brand, and what he is doing.
You are of course correct that it was him saying this recorded. But it wasn't factual (well, not accurate) to say "Russel Brand thinks....." because it was a rather significant time ago. Sadly, enough people will look simply at your title, at the photo, and conclude "Yes, this is what Russell Brand THINKS (now)...."
But I appreciate what you are saying: it's good to raise facts and question things.
I will also admit to a knee-jerk reaction. It rises when I see or perceive anons and pedes jumping to conclusions and just dumping on people or things based on rather flimsy evidence. This is something that aids the shills and downgrades the quality of the board. But, I think in hindsight I also jumped to the conclusion myself that you were doing that.
Thanks for the response. It clears things up.
On a larger scale, the problems related to this sort of thing exist because it can actually be hard to post to the board in a neutral questioning way, because we always have a squadron of members who will upvote and promote something based simply on a headline, or an image, without really applying either due diligence or serious cerebral input. In other words, low effort reactionism.
Anyway, one step at a time.
Thanks for the response..I appreciate it ..I really like Russel and hope he has seen the "truth"..I deleted the post because I don't want to preceived as a doomer so to speak..not the intention..I just thought it was note worthy..I myself have done more knee jerk reactions as of late..we are on the same side and we are all so so very tired..thnx brother..stay strong..
I never was on board with brand. He had some funny movies but he spiraled way out of control with drugs and similar luxuries and has had a million different things that he bent over to the establishment on. Trust none of them
The elite allow some “truth” tellers like this to exist as a pressure release valve for people that are starting to become aware of the vast manipulations being perpetuated against them.
They are there to give voice to your frustrations and then gently misdirect your energy and focus into another dead end.
Exactly. He needs to be written off for good. People who still support him are the ones who enjoy being lied to.
He spiralled out, but overcame. That takes real, solid inner content. He was really, really messed up. But he got clean, and in recent years, has awakened powerfully to the bullshite of the entire Great Reset and Elites agenda.
People, fortunately, can change and grow. I've been noticing Brand for perhaps 7+ years now, and am happily surprised by the growth and development he's displayed. He's still growing, developing, but who here is perfect anyway?
Judge a man by who and what he is now, not by his past.
That was years ago. Before the pandemic and Great Reset.
Brand has done recent videos quoting and condemning this guy’s statements.
Don't trust him. He is as fake as the rich kids who have Che posters on their walls.
He's always plugging his other channel which is all new age hooplah. Look at his tattoos, all symbolism.
Well he was seen hugging Harrari, so I would say a picture speaks volumes. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.
Someone here or on Patriots.win said that his girlfriend is a Rothschild or something along these lines. Is this true? I can't trust Russell.
look at him he is female 2 male and yes he dates the illimuniati they all do
A comment under the video:
A very important point. We just had a discussion on this yesterday,
Firstly, this is from 2018. Did YOU know that the WEF is evil incarnate at that time? I didn't.
This is Brands style. And, he's dropping massive red pills. All the time. To people who would NEVER be exposed to them if he didn't.
I watched part of the video of the discussion he had with Harari run by Penguin. He constantly challenges harari, and most importantly, challenges the notion that its Ok for "Elites to decide who or what is relevant or valuable"
If he gets removed from YouToob and Twatter I will start paying attention to him,, not before.
What a tool you are, sir.
No one needs you to pay attention to him. How completely self-aggrandising that comment is.
Brand is dropping serious red-pills to an audience that would not be found 1000 miles near here, or any of the patriot channels, or other folks who are significant elements in the Great Awakening. He is dropping red pills to an audience that is traditionally lefty, new-agey but conscientious people.
It's not about YOU. It's about them.
The great awakening needs thousands of proponents, and you are not going to wake up humanity by having everyone sound like or even coming from the same place that Gen Flynn is, or whoever.
Gonna drop a comment I made on Yesterday's thread:
If you just have kneejerk conclusions, you going to make a LOT of mistakes. Finding truth is like zero-ing in on it. You take in the facts, the evidence, the context, all of it, and zero in on the picture it paints.
So, consider the facts and the context, etc.
2018, Brand was NOT aware, as most of us probably weren't, that the WEF is the devil incarnate.
Brand rose up in the entertainment world, has made mistakes, overcome them, been through the shit like most probably haven't. He gets paid for his work. This was a talk set up by Penguin, not Brand. Brand constantly counters and engages the "guest" the professor, in a way that is certainly not promoting or propagandizing the Professors views.
Brand is who he is. He loves people. He had this gig, engaged with Harari, and gave the guy a hug. It's completely consistent with Brands style, if you watch or know a bit about him.
2022, Brand is dropping red pills like no one's business, pills that are perfectly tailored to His target audience, the vast majority of who would be left-leaning, almost new-agey, conscientious people.
Me? I'm a reborn person for the last 40 years, and I'm very clearly in what was traditionally the "right" side of the aisle. I'm openly Christian, but have also worked in the interfaith field. My brother, who is very awake in many ways, is traditionally left. In the last few years, we've come closer and closer in our views, but he has been apolitical most of his life.
But he gets good info these days via Brand, so when I tell my brother about this thing or that, like Ukraine, like WEF, etc, or raise the topic of Gates and the Injections, etc, he gets it, because Brand is a point of reference that suits him. He probably can't relate to Trump quite yet (we're not American, by the way), but he's keeping up with the Great Awakening via Brand's stuff, mostly.
My approach to truth is this: I need to see a coming together of three axes: 1, the spiritual/internal/intuition or guidance of the holy Spirit, scripture 2. Logic, reasoning, clear thinking and mental clarity 3. The evidence, real world facts, results, experience etc. Where these three intersect the closest, that's likely to be the closest to the truth.
Personally, I think that anons who see one picture or take a few points of reference, and try to draw the WHOLE conclusion based on that, are doing themselves and and the awakening movement a disservice.
3 years ago, I had ZERO idea about Schwab, the WEF, or the Great Reset. And I was awake to a LOT of things.
I think it's fine to withhold judgment until you have enough evidence. I think there's nothing wrong with being skeptical or NOT investing trust or giving credence to someone until you have enough input to be able to make that judgment. "I don't trust him yet" isn't a bad thing, as long as you leave your mind open to learning more and getting more input.
Personally, what I don't think is useful or productive is drawing conclusions without a significant preponderance of evidence, facts, context and reasoning, but I guess we all do that some times.
Final PS. I've been aware of brand for about 6 years+. I've listened to him talk on various things, and also watched stuff he was doing 10, 12 years ago when he was in the thick of the entertainment stuff. I've noticed his development and am really happily surprised that he's dropping this red pills now.
Think about JP sears. Also dropping red pills, heaps. About a month ago he came out and talked about an anti-gun video skit he did about 3 years ago. He apologized, and just came clean, saying he just had no idea. Now, he is full on 2nd amendment. He's another who has come from the more liberal side of town, but who is undergoing an awakening.
Russell Brand made a joke about the Gestapo and the ADL forced him to bend over and apologize. Brand has been bending over for them ever since.
See who you can't criticize to find out who ownes the world.
hello RB is a PLANT~
Anyone that gets that lose to Klaus Schwabs lapdog and doesn't want to have it euthanized is not my friend.
It was in 2018.