Maybe "flat earth" is indeed a psyop that gets attached to ALL legit questions about the nature of earth and space in order to discredit anyone asking questions.
Kinda like how THEY just attach Qanon to any legit questions about voter fraud or child trafficking, etc......
Exactly. I had people screeching at me earlier just because I said they made a bad argument. Wasn’t even pushing flat earth, but man you would have thought I punched their mom.
Maybe "flat earth" is indeed a psyop that gets attached to ALL legit questions about the nature of earth and space in order to discredit anyone asking questions.
I see you are an old hand. Kudos!
Please join us on the community I created! I look forward to discussing the topic more seriously with you (assuming you are game!)!
Earth is spinning at 1k mph while traveling around sun at 66k mph , while moving at 483k mph through the galaxy that is moving 1.3 milly mph through space....
I sure would like to see a picture from a satellite of those upside down buildings , people and bodies of water from "Down under".....would be a hell of a shot!!!
The largest difference between (1) and (2) is that all of physics and all experiments support the second. There is no physical theory and no experimental support for the first.
In order for (1) to be true, it would require every experiment (millions? billions?) that supports the entirety of Newtonian physics (which is where we get most of our non-electrical engineering as well) having been incorrectly done, or purposefully fraudulent.
In order for (2) to be true, all that is required is that one short video clip that shows somebody launching a camera into space and "hitting the dome" to have been either incorrectly interpreted, or fraudulently done.
The largest difference between (1) and (2) is that all of physics and all experiments support the second.
Wrong. But we only believe such things due to conditioning through rote under the guise of education from childhood. I sincerely invite you to learn a lot more about physics and earnest flat earth research on the community I created specifically for it!
There is no physical theory
Correct. The shape of the world (regardless of what it is) is not, and cannot be, a scientific theory of any kind!
and no experimental support for the first.
Incorrect. Join us, and ask away, disagree - anything you want as long as you are earnest!
In order for (1) to be true, it would require every experiment (millions? billions?) that supports the entirety of Newtonian physics (which is where we get most of our non-electrical engineering as well) having been incorrectly done, or purposefully fraudulent.
Not at all! I am a fan of newton and know a LOT about him. Join us! Discuss! Maybe even learn, and teach!
In order for (2) to be true, all that is required is that one short video clip that shows somebody launching a camera into space and "hitting the dome" to have been either incorrectly interpreted, or fraudulently done.
The world, who's shape we are discussing, is down here! Launching cameras isn't the way we measure any physical object with certainty! Join us!
Wrong. But we only believe such things due to conditioning through rote under the guise of education from childhood.
This is an assumption that fraudulent education extends all the way through. Education is very fraudulent. You will get no argument from me. In fact I have written hundreds of pages on that very topic. However, it isn't all a fraud. The best lies are based on truth.
I sincerely invite you to learn a lot more about physics
I know a fair bit about physics. I'm not sure why you would assume I don't. In fact I have degrees in it. Most of my arguments against flat earth are based on experiments I have personally done. I do not trust physics to be true. In fact I know that it is not. However, it isn't all untrue. Within the scope in which it is applied correctly, it has millions of experiments in support of it. Any theory must include all of those experimental results. There is no flat earth theory that does. I have spent a lot of time engaged in that discussion. I have heard the arguments. Every time I offer an argument in return it is based on physics. All I hear is crickets in response. The most common one being "your education is a fraud."
I agree it is fraudulent in that it is full of unproven dogma, but it still has experimental verification of many things. Therefore if I offer experimental evidence that gets crickets in response every single time (such as Foucault's pendulum experiments) then I have every reason to believe that it is FE'ers that are being swindled, not me who demands that all experimental results be taken into account.
Join us, and ask away, disagree - anything you want as long as you are earnest!
I am always in earnest. But FE'ers are not. Answer how Foucault's pendulum works other than by being on a spinning sphere and then I will join the discussion.
The world, who's shape we are discussing, is down here! Launching cameras isn't the way we measure any physical object with certainty! Join us!
I have lived on the ocean (or near to it) almost my whole life. I have seen countless ships go over the horizon. Every single piece of evidence I have seen put out by FE'ers I have shown with math how the curvature of the planet shows that that is exactly what is expected to be seen.
I get no such work or respect from FE'ers.
I appreciate you believe what you believe, but the evidence does not support the theory. Until someone who has actually studied enough physics to have a mathematical discussion with me steps up to the plate, I am done with that engagement. I have seen your evidence, and it never stands up to debate.
However, it isn't all a fraud. The best lies are based on truth.
I completely agree! A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down (though this analogy makes a LOT less sense when you recognize that medicine AND sugar are both poison...).
I know a fair bit about physics. I'm not sure why you would assume I don't
Because of what you said! As I explained, you couldn't be more wrong - and newton was not a scientist. In any case, we can always stand to learn a little more (vice versa as well - perhaps you have much more to teach me than I you, and I relish such opportunity!)! Come discuss it with me!
Most of my arguments against flat earth are based on experiments I have personally done
You are only making me want to discuss and evaluate your research more thoroughly. Please! I'm already sold, come discuss and share it further in depth if you are at all interested!
However, it isn't all untrue
Of course not! Who said it was?
Within the scope in which it is applied correctly, it has millions of experiments in support of it.
Incorrect. No experiments of any kind ever could. Please ask me how I know this and how I can prove it. But let's do it on the other community so it can benefit others more readily (ideally) now and in the future! You won't regret it!
Any theory must include all of those experimental results
Agreed! I think you will find we agree about most things!
There is no flat earth theory that does
There is no flat (nor round, or any other shape) earth theory at all!
I have spent a lot of time engaged in that discussion
My condolences. I mourn your (largely) wasted time and effort, as I mourn my own!
I have heard the arguments
Now hear my research findings! If you are at all interested, that is. Argument and debate are for fools. Rational discourse and study for the learned!
Every time I offer an argument in return it is based on physics. All I hear is crickets in response. The most common one being "your education is a fraud."
The "FE" you have experience with is a heavily funded/advertised psyop. Come discuss it with an earnest flat earth researcher, and hopefully others will join in as well. We are students and intellectuals. That said, our education is largely fraud - but that isn't unique to this era, and is ubiquitous throughout all known human history,
then I have every reason to believe that it is FE'ers that are being swindled
Agreed. Agents of the psyop, profiteers, and the useful idiots that repeat the stupid things they are told.
not me who demands that all experimental results be taken into account
Me as well brother, or sister!
I am always in earnest
Then you have integrity, and I now beg you to join me and explore this topic further. I assure you it is well worth the effort.
But FE'ers are not.
That's the psyop. I don't know any flat earthers and there are none on my community. We are flat earth researchers. There is a huge difference, which I hope to share with you.
Answer how Foucault's pendulum works other than by being on a spinning sphere and then I will join the discussion.
Ok, but you won't like it and aren't ready to understand or evaluate/accept the answer. The deflections of pendulums, gyroscopes, and interferometers are caused by the swirling motion of aether, an ultrafine "gaseous" fluid media which pervades all available space. I told you you wouldn't like it!
I have lived on the ocean (or near to it) almost my whole life
You are very lucky!
I have seen countless ships go over the horizon
As have I.
Every single piece of evidence I have seen put out by FE'ers I have shown with math how the curvature of the planet shows that that is exactly what is expected to be seen.
This is incorrect. But it isn't relevant. Let's take our time and start slow shall we? You may be interested to take a look at (get a head start on) the content that is already on the community, as many of my views (as well as discussions with those of an antithetical perspective I've already conducted) are already there in some depth!
I get no such work or respect from FE'ers.
They aren't real, fren. It's a psyop. I am real, respectful and earnest!
I appreciate you believe what you believe, but the evidence does not support the theory
I endeavor to believe nothing, and to excise belief whenever I find it. Belief is the enemy of knowledge (especially scientific), and to objective study of any kind (it's called bias).
I have no scientific theory, nor is one possible/applicable for the shape of anything.
Until someone who has actually studied enough physics to have a mathematical discussion with me steps up to the plate, I am done with that engagement
Fair enough. I am gifted in mathematics and many other things, but it really doesn't have any relevance to this subject. Understanding why will take little more than time and interest on your part. Mathematics is merely a language used for description. When speaking (rational discourse), I prefer english.
I have seen your evidence, and it never stands up to debate
You presume much, though I do expect that you have at least seen some of my evidence. I am an independent researcher, and my research approach and findings are my own. My specific focus is on science and the history thereof. I have come to many interesting conclusions, which you may well never have encountered before.
Debate is base pageantry for sycophantic fools. I prefer rational discourse, and earnest study. Perhaps you may agree?
Please join us. It seems you belong there, and will benefit greatly from the experience (all earnest students do). I recommend beginning by reading my AMA (stickied top thread) but you may engage any way you wish!
Argument and debate are for fools. Rational discourse and study for the learned!
These are the same words. If you are applying differences to them, they are not inherent within their definitions.
Ok, but you won't like it and aren't ready to understand or evaluate/accept the answer.
Never assume such a thing about me. I am a seeker of Truth. I have no beliefs (as they are defined in the vernacular).
The deflections of pendulums, gyroscopes, and interferometers are caused by the swirling motion of aether, an ultrafine "gaseous" fluid media which pervades all available space. I told you you wouldn't like it!
I have no problems with aether. The Michelson Morley experiment showed only that on earth, there was no discernable difference in the speed of light with respect to the earths orbit around the sun. It showed nothing about "the medium" or "the aether" or "the substrate" or whatever you want to call it. At best it may have shown that the universe is not a "grid." I have been debating this with physicists for decades (and they always agree). That we teach there is no aether, and then go around calling it "spacetime" or "quantum foam" or "higgs field" etc. is the greatest fraud. I knew that long before I was awakened to the larger fraud.
Nevertheless, these "deflections" as you call it don't account for how they are exactly what one would expect based on latitude, and they change with latitude exactly as one would expect on a spinning sphere. You can create a sphere, spin it, put a device on it to measure that effect, and come up with the same results you get on Earth, at specific latitudes.
I endeavor to believe nothing, and to excise belief whenever I find it. Belief is the enemy of knowledge (especially scientific), and to objective study of any kind (it's called bias).
I suggest bias is not a bad thing at all, in fact it is both inevitable (we have our own perspectives) and an essential part of the debate process (rational discussion, whatever you want to call it). There is nothing wrong with "bias". The problem only comes in when someone believes their bias is truth. Nevertheless, I appreciate this statement, and I am sufficiently enticed to see what you have to say.
Mathematics is merely a language used for description. When speaking (rational discourse), I prefer english.
Both are necessary for me, but I can translate one from the other if I am motivated to do so.
You presume much
Fair enough. I grouped you with my past experiences. That was inappropriate. I apologize.
Debate is base pageantry for sycophantic fools.
I really think you don't understand what this word means. Perhaps you are basing your definition on some past bad experiences?
debate: to discuss a question by considering opposed arguments
argument: a coherent series of reasons, statements, or facts intended to support or establish a point of view
You will notice that reason and discussion are both fundamental part of those definitions. You say "reasoned discussion", I say "debate", or "present an argument" I'm fairly certain we mean the same thing.
I looked at all your posts in this thread. I can find no link to what "community" you have created for your discussion. I am willing to take a look, if I know where to look.
These are the same words. If you are applying differences to them, they are not inherent within their definitions.
They are in my lexicon, but I appreciate perhaps not all (or yours)! Argument and debate are pageantry and for entertainment and manipulation (convincing). I just discuss, and never want to manipulate (convince).
Never assume such a thing about me. I am a seeker of Truth. I have no beliefs (as they are defined in the vernacular).
My humble and sincere apologies. A fellow earnest student (interested in evaluating other viewpoints, including ones verboten in modern academia) like yourself is an extreme rarity! We are in accord, once again.
That we teach there is no aether, and then go around calling it "spacetime" or "quantum foam" or "higgs field" etc. is the greatest fraud. I knew that long before I was awakened to the larger fraud.
I feel we are already friends. I love physics too. It's not for everybody. I had a very similar experience/path.
Nevertheless, these "deflections" as you call it don't account for how they are exactly what one would expect based on latitude
Or perhaps they do!
You can create a sphere, spin it, put a device on it to measure that effect, and come up with the same results you get on Earth, at specific latitudes.
I recognize that, and with the "gravitational force" in/during that demonstration, that ought not be the case (not exactly anyhow - but perhaps close enough for government work).
I suggest bias is not a bad thing at all, in fact it is both inevitable (we have our own perspectives) and an essential part of the debate process (rational discussion, whatever you want to call it).
I agree with the spirit, and that bias is inevitable (we are subjective creatures) but otherwise you could not be more wrong. Bias/belief is what hinders science/knowledge, and is our enemy. Whenever identified it must be excised if we are to make any progress and/or have the slim chance at objective study. It does have limited use in generating hypothesis, but the vast majority of hypothesis derived from belief will be wildly wrong and a waste of time. Reality doesn't care what we believe, and humans are deluded subjective/religious/superstitious/mythologically inclined creatures.
Nevertheless, I appreciate this statement, and I am sufficiently enticed to see what you have to say.
I really think you don't understand what this word means. Perhaps you are basing your definition on some past bad experiences?
I quote popeye, "I means what I says and I says what I means." Debate is a game and a pageant for fools. It has rules, and judges, and points. You appear to be using a colloquial definition of the word - a synonym for argument, which is likewise a pastime exclusively for fools. Rational discourse, very much including vehement dissent and disagreement, is never to devolve into base argument or debate - because it is a waste of time. Winning an argument or debate has never determined anything about manifest objective reality, and never could. It is merely a game for fools.
You say "reasoned discussion", I say "debate", or "present an argument" I'm fairly certain we mean the same thing.
As am I. Though I hope you can appreciate how rare this is, and regrettably uncommon your views.
I looked at all your posts in this thread. I can find no link to what "community" you have created for your discussion.
I don't like to spam the link. Some mods don't take too kindly to that, and I don't blame them!
If you click on a username the communities they moderate should show up on the top (one below the post/comment count box) of the right menu/panel under "Moderator for...". Please let me know if you don't see such a thing!
I am willing to take a look, if I know where to look.
There are millions of experiments that support us living on a spinning globe. I have personally done hundreds if not thousands of them.
There aren't any experiments that support flat earth that stand up to the debate process. Every single one is full of errors. I keep asking for evidence given in earnest (i.e. not already decided, but offered up for debate) and no one ever gives me any. FE'ers are so sure and so defensive they never want to engage in debate. They only want confirmation bias.
I am complaining that I have met every argument with a response based on evidence, and I get no reciprocation.
Within the sphere of debate, your statement is correct. That is not definitive, but within that scope, yes.
Granted, my responses are based on actual experiments, which in the realm of physics requires an understanding of math, and that is not a strong point for anyone I have engaged with that believes the earth is flat.
I literally question everything I’ve ever learned.
Beliefs shape our reality. Evil knows this
I’ve never been past “airplane level..” from the earth. From the plane it looks flat. My observations tell me I’m not spinning.. I see the sun moving. Yes, I’ve been taught everything you’ve been taught. But it has never made sense to me.
Why have we never been to the moon again? With our technology shouldn’t we have been there again by now? Didn’t Nixon have a phone call on a land line with the astronauts? Really? If we are on a spinning globe. Why are there no pictures from space from under the earth (looking from below up to earth? )
With all our awesome technology and cameras etc we have no awesome footage of anything. CGI only.
Just have an open mind.. what IF the things we’ve been taught are actually false? Don’t be mad.. be free to consider it. It’s quite freeing actually.
I’m in healthcare;
I just happened to look up the etymology of doctor and docere means to teach. Doctor means teacher. I looked up Medicine and it’s difficult to dig back for whatever reason (google search). But one source said Medea.. in Greek mythology, the goddess of Medea is an enchantress, sorceress, and goddess of illusion (leads with the subconscious mind by illusions)
Kings of Media also in book of Daniel.
Pharmakia - means sorcery
So my mind then says hmmm,
Doctors are teachers of medicine “illusions”
(“You are sick, take this medicine” and naturally we believe this to help!); yes they are also knowledgeable about the body etc and are very knowledgeable. The medicine part has just gone over the Top! Big pharm wants us medicated!
Media on tv gives us false illusions ALL the time!
I’m not saying doctors are bad.. it’s just what we’ve all been taught since the beginning of our lives, schooling etc so we BELIEVE it to be true. However, some are in on the secret.
I had a NEO moment when I was thinking about this.. the matrix pieces started falling down around me.
So is the earth a ball floating in outer space spinning ridiculously fast? Maybe not. Ask questions, don’t discount your intuition. Do we need vaccines to survive and be safe.. clearly not.
John 6:29 Christ tells his disciples the most important work of GOD is to believe on Him who he hath sent (paraphrased). He could have said any number of things. But look at the words carefully. BELIEVE on Him (#1) and Paul said to take every thought/imagination captive and make it obedient to Christ. WHY do you suppose?
Beliefs are the Key!
We’ve been fooled for awhile but now we get to be a part of the Great Awakening
Hope I didn’t offend anyone.. just my thoughts like “Jack Handy” . I don’t know much, I just realize I want to know the LORD most!
Blessings and Peace to all!
Because our world is micromanaged by the PTB. For whatever reason, they didn't want us to go back. It is even possible some of the footage from the moon landing was faked because of what was really found there. I'm not saying I think that is true, but it's possible and it does have some (small) evidential support.
If we are on a spinning globe. Why are there no pictures from space from under the earth (looking from below up to earth?
Which side is "under"? What does it mean to be "below the Earth"?
Which side is the "bottom" of a ball? How does that question make any sense to you?
If you mean pictures from the south pole, any picture of the South Pole from "above" is a picture of the Earth from "Below". Though from the perspective of America, any picture of Australia (or more likely, somewhere in the Indian Ocean) would be "below". As for fuckery of pictures of the South Pole, there is substantial evidence that there is a whole bunch of hidden shit there, so maybe that is why there are insufficient pictures of "below" to suit your needs.
It is also more difficult to get into a high orbit (hundreds of thousands of miles away) over the North/South poles because of the rotation of the Earth, the Earth's plane of orbit around the Sun (as well as all the other planets) and how we launch, so maybe that is what you mean? We would never launch something super high above a pole, because that is not a direction to anywhere interesting in our solar system, and there are no stable orbits there.
Just have an open mind.
I have a very open mind. I have looked at the evidence of flat earth and all of it does not match with experiment. I have looked at the most recent promoter of Flat Earth (Eric Dubay) and he is almost certainly a CIA operative, purposefully putting out disinformation to discredit those that "have an open mind."
yes they are also knowledgeable about the body
Doctors in my experience know jack shit about cellular and molecular biology (there are certianly some exceptions to that statement), which is what "medicine" is (vernacular). They get all of their information from pharma. They are taught enough to read pharma papers. That's the extent of their knowledge about biology. Do they know anatomy? Sure. Do they know how to take body parts off? Sure. Do they understand the nitty gritty of the human body? Not even in the slightest. They are fucking morons when it comes to that topic (again, in general, not specifically). Doctors know jack and shit and jack left town.
I do not blame them. I know what they are taught in medical school (and premed) and it is not what they need to know how to heal. They are taught how to rely on the system themselves, and how to keep their patients dependent on the system.
So is the earth a ball floating in outer space spinning ridiculously fast?
All evidence suggests the answer to this is yes. I have looked quite a bit into this, and not one shred of evidence that says otherwise stands up to debate. Not one.
Now that doesn't mean I really know what it means to say "we are on a ball floating in "outer space" spinning (not really all that fast)." That last seems to be a misconception. There is a force due to spin (centrifugal) that pulls us outward. That force goes as v^2/R, where v = 1000mph = 447m/s and R = 6370 km = 6370000m.
Therefore v*2/R = 447^2/6,370,000 = 0.03m/s^2.
Gravity = 9.81m/s^2 which rounds off to 9.8m/s^2
The "loss" of gravity due to spinning (at the equator, where it is highest) is 0.03 = 9.77m/s^2 which rounds off to 9.8m/s^2.
Going between the poles and the equator (the two extremes) you don't notice a thing.
Ask questions, don’t discount your intuition.
There is a difference between discounting your intuition, and believing it is telling you the truth (i.e. relying on it at the expense of the evidence).
Do we need vaccines to survive and be safe.. clearly not.
This is a false equivalence and a primary trap of The Matrix. It is exactly how a CIA operative can put out information about "Flat Earth" and capture (and discredit) those that are willing to question the narrative. Just because one things someone says is a lie, doesn't mean *all" things someone says is a lie. If that were the case, this whole thing would be easy. Finding out which parts are true, and which parts are misrepresentations is the difficult part. It is not straight forward, and there is no simple formula you can follow to find all the fuckery. Each step must be tread carefully.
Beliefs are the Key!
Beliefs are the fraud. If you "believe" you lose the ability to see evidence to the contrary to your beliefs. Allowing yourself to look at all evidence in earnest is the Key. Believing you already know the truth prevents you from using that key.
Hope I didn’t offend anyone
Speaking your truth is never offensive. Not listening to others when they do it is.
Thank you for your time and response to my thoughts. Appreciated! Sorry I got lost on tangents...this waiting on society to catch up is like a soap opera! (They are so bad to watch, you can get sucked in, and they seem to never end, same characters...)
Keep on soldier!
If you click on a username the communities they moderate should show up on the top (one below the post/comment count box) of the right menu/panel under "Moderator for...". Please let me know if you don't see such a thing!
I have to say, it does have a certain appeal. The problem with that theory is, the rest of the world outside of that crater is STILL round (likely spherical) and upon reflection, our world is really drab (50 shades of grey?).
Almost true. Actually the moon is a disc-shaped spaceship with a hemisphere of plasma-rock attached to its top and its far side is where the engines are. Why the Freemason Khazarian Nazi Phoenician Super Jews tried to keep it a secret well...that's hidden knowledge.
Well it's more believable than the brainwashing coming out of nasa. Anyone who still thinks America went to the moon as it was sold to the public obviously hasn't re-watch the footage. It's a hilarious spoof.
For folks that believe the Earth is flat. Good for you. It is nonsense, but I am a firm believer in folks doing, thinking and believing whatever they want. If you aren't hurting anyone else, then speculate away. The Earth isn't flat. It isn't quite round either. It is actually an oblong spheroid. It's mostly round, but a little narrower in the middle than the two poles of its axis. The curvature of the earth has an effect on line of sight. On a wide open field, you won't see the curvature, unless you have another known height object or person in the distance. At approximately 6 miles distance, two men at six feet tall will barely be able to see the tops of each others heads. In radio communications this becomes an issue. Utilizing UHF radios, the curvature of the Earth becomes a barrier to communications because the radio waves continue in a tangent line to the curvature of the Earth arc. At a certain distance the line continues out into the atmosphere where it penetrates the troposphere and out into space. The only way to extend UHF is to elevate your antenna for a higher angle relative to the Earth. Another way to simply say this is, if there is no line of sight, you aren't going to be able to communicate. Other bands have different properties and can actually curve around the surface of the Earth in what is called a ground wave. This occurs below the lower range of VHF frequencies, down into the HF range. The ground wave only travels so far and then it is lost due to surface absorption and dissipation (typically 40-65 miles). HF then has a unique ability to bounce between the ionosphere and the surface of the Earth to achieve long range communications, this is called a Sky wave.
Bro get the fk outta hear with that BS talking bout flat earth is a glowie psyop. That is now a worldwide movement in itself. The heliocentric globe model is the damn psyop
I hear where you are coming from, and agree in spirit - but the truth is, they are both heavily funded/advertised psyops (though they have differing purposes/objectives)
Please join us on the community I created to discuss and explore such topics!
Flat Earth is a psyop. When in the UFO community the subject of a Secret Black Budget Space Program was being talked about more and more (you even had conferences on the subject), that's when Flat Earth theory suddenly started popping up.
I remember this really well and to me it was clear it was an astroturfing campaign.
That is a heavily advertised (i.e. funded) psyop designed to keep you from ever seriously discussing or evaluating this important subject.
Please join is on the community I created to discover what earnest flat earth research is really about! It isn't at all what you are meant to think, and we are most all intellectuals.
Correct, it is heavily funded and advertised. However, the purpose of the psyop is to prevent you from ever seriously discussing or evaluating the valuable and important subject.
Please join me on the community I created specifically to discuss it and start learning more about what real earnest flat earth research is all about!
I think we can agree it's likely we are likely 1's and 0's on some AI quantum computer...flat hologram or globe hologram...that is the question,,, and does it change in multi-verse? G-string theory?
Why didn't the european aristocracy share the knowledge of the maps showing the western hemisphere? Why did columbus already know it was there, and recieve aristocratic funding to go there?
What happened when the peasant slave puritans in england learned about the "new world" which had been known about and on their maps for centuries if not millennia?
The answers to all these questions are the answer to yours!
Please join us on the community I created to discuss and explore this important subject (and such questions!) !
Our collective beliefs create the timeline we end up on
If you believe the earth is flat and you follow that belief your whole life you might end up on a timeline with a flat earth
Our beliefs control our thoughts which control our actions and our actions determine our reality.
Wrong (the way I infer you mean it, based on the above statements - what you literally said was completely correct)! Reality doesn't give a f*ck. Neither belief nor thought can bend its iron will nor change its demonstrable nature in any way, shape, or form. Manifest objective reality exists, and this is the foundation of all science!
Multiverse, Simulation Theory, Dimensions, are all more interesting to me, to be honest.
When you open your third eye you will understand and all the pieces will fall into place.
There is no third eye. That's all fantasy, and delusion. If you can demonstrate otherwise, I am wildly interested! I have already concluded such things are nonsense, but I have been wrong many times before!
Reality is fun!
The matrix is out there, my friend. ;)
Yep, its a fiction movie made by trannies (who's work I am a fan of)! You seem very confused about that. Perhaps I can help!
I know of no such thing in reality. So, no. I have an imagination though!
I used to be skeptical until I tried it and my whole life changed.
I am still skeptical. Can you demonstrate your third eye? Or is it something you merely believe in blindly, and have no demonstrable evidence for?
Belief is extremely important
It is delusion, and the enemy of knowledge (especially science). Whenever identified it must be excised from where it does not belong if we are to make progress as students.
This world is not as it seems.
We are in agreement there!
Your supplied video was about the double slit observation. I am well versed in physics. What relevance do you think it has to our discussion? Please don't say "what the bleep do we know" or I will become a sad panda.
You may be interested in checking out, asking questions, sharing your views and otherwise earnestly engaging with the community I created to explore such things.
I look forward to our discussion, assuming you are game - and hopefully Zeitreise will be interested in joining as well!
Maybe "flat earth" is indeed a psyop that gets attached to ALL legit questions about the nature of earth and space in order to discredit anyone asking questions.
Kinda like how THEY just attach Qanon to any legit questions about voter fraud or child trafficking, etc......
Exactly. I had people screeching at me earlier just because I said they made a bad argument. Wasn’t even pushing flat earth, but man you would have thought I punched their mom.
I see you are an old hand. Kudos!
Please join us on the community I created! I look forward to discussing the topic more seriously with you (assuming you are game!)!
Either side is kinda silly right
Earth is Flat
Earth is spinning at 1k mph while traveling around sun at 66k mph , while moving at 483k mph through the galaxy that is moving 1.3 milly mph through space....
I sure would like to see a picture from a satellite of those upside down buildings , people and bodies of water from "Down under".....would be a hell of a shot!!!
The largest difference between (1) and (2) is that all of physics and all experiments support the second. There is no physical theory and no experimental support for the first.
In order for (1) to be true, it would require every experiment (millions? billions?) that supports the entirety of Newtonian physics (which is where we get most of our non-electrical engineering as well) having been incorrectly done, or purposefully fraudulent.
In order for (2) to be true, all that is required is that one short video clip that shows somebody launching a camera into space and "hitting the dome" to have been either incorrectly interpreted, or fraudulently done.
Wrong. But we only believe such things due to conditioning through rote under the guise of education from childhood. I sincerely invite you to learn a lot more about physics and earnest flat earth research on the community I created specifically for it!
Correct. The shape of the world (regardless of what it is) is not, and cannot be, a scientific theory of any kind!
Incorrect. Join us, and ask away, disagree - anything you want as long as you are earnest!
Not at all! I am a fan of newton and know a LOT about him. Join us! Discuss! Maybe even learn, and teach!
The world, who's shape we are discussing, is down here! Launching cameras isn't the way we measure any physical object with certainty! Join us!
This is an assumption that fraudulent education extends all the way through. Education is very fraudulent. You will get no argument from me. In fact I have written hundreds of pages on that very topic. However, it isn't all a fraud. The best lies are based on truth.
I know a fair bit about physics. I'm not sure why you would assume I don't. In fact I have degrees in it. Most of my arguments against flat earth are based on experiments I have personally done. I do not trust physics to be true. In fact I know that it is not. However, it isn't all untrue. Within the scope in which it is applied correctly, it has millions of experiments in support of it. Any theory must include all of those experimental results. There is no flat earth theory that does. I have spent a lot of time engaged in that discussion. I have heard the arguments. Every time I offer an argument in return it is based on physics. All I hear is crickets in response. The most common one being "your education is a fraud."
I agree it is fraudulent in that it is full of unproven dogma, but it still has experimental verification of many things. Therefore if I offer experimental evidence that gets crickets in response every single time (such as Foucault's pendulum experiments) then I have every reason to believe that it is FE'ers that are being swindled, not me who demands that all experimental results be taken into account.
I am always in earnest. But FE'ers are not. Answer how Foucault's pendulum works other than by being on a spinning sphere and then I will join the discussion.
I have lived on the ocean (or near to it) almost my whole life. I have seen countless ships go over the horizon. Every single piece of evidence I have seen put out by FE'ers I have shown with math how the curvature of the planet shows that that is exactly what is expected to be seen.
I get no such work or respect from FE'ers.
I appreciate you believe what you believe, but the evidence does not support the theory. Until someone who has actually studied enough physics to have a mathematical discussion with me steps up to the plate, I am done with that engagement. I have seen your evidence, and it never stands up to debate.
I completely agree! A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down (though this analogy makes a LOT less sense when you recognize that medicine AND sugar are both poison...).
Because of what you said! As I explained, you couldn't be more wrong - and newton was not a scientist. In any case, we can always stand to learn a little more (vice versa as well - perhaps you have much more to teach me than I you, and I relish such opportunity!)! Come discuss it with me!
You are only making me want to discuss and evaluate your research more thoroughly. Please! I'm already sold, come discuss and share it further in depth if you are at all interested!
Of course not! Who said it was?
Incorrect. No experiments of any kind ever could. Please ask me how I know this and how I can prove it. But let's do it on the other community so it can benefit others more readily (ideally) now and in the future! You won't regret it!
Agreed! I think you will find we agree about most things!
There is no flat (nor round, or any other shape) earth theory at all!
My condolences. I mourn your (largely) wasted time and effort, as I mourn my own!
Now hear my research findings! If you are at all interested, that is. Argument and debate are for fools. Rational discourse and study for the learned!
The "FE" you have experience with is a heavily funded/advertised psyop. Come discuss it with an earnest flat earth researcher, and hopefully others will join in as well. We are students and intellectuals. That said, our education is largely fraud - but that isn't unique to this era, and is ubiquitous throughout all known human history,
Agreed. Agents of the psyop, profiteers, and the useful idiots that repeat the stupid things they are told.
Me as well brother, or sister!
Then you have integrity, and I now beg you to join me and explore this topic further. I assure you it is well worth the effort.
That's the psyop. I don't know any flat earthers and there are none on my community. We are flat earth researchers. There is a huge difference, which I hope to share with you.
Ok, but you won't like it and aren't ready to understand or evaluate/accept the answer. The deflections of pendulums, gyroscopes, and interferometers are caused by the swirling motion of aether, an ultrafine "gaseous" fluid media which pervades all available space. I told you you wouldn't like it!
You are very lucky!
As have I.
This is incorrect. But it isn't relevant. Let's take our time and start slow shall we? You may be interested to take a look at (get a head start on) the content that is already on the community, as many of my views (as well as discussions with those of an antithetical perspective I've already conducted) are already there in some depth!
They aren't real, fren. It's a psyop. I am real, respectful and earnest!
I endeavor to believe nothing, and to excise belief whenever I find it. Belief is the enemy of knowledge (especially scientific), and to objective study of any kind (it's called bias).
I have no scientific theory, nor is one possible/applicable for the shape of anything.
Fair enough. I am gifted in mathematics and many other things, but it really doesn't have any relevance to this subject. Understanding why will take little more than time and interest on your part. Mathematics is merely a language used for description. When speaking (rational discourse), I prefer english.
You presume much, though I do expect that you have at least seen some of my evidence. I am an independent researcher, and my research approach and findings are my own. My specific focus is on science and the history thereof. I have come to many interesting conclusions, which you may well never have encountered before.
Debate is base pageantry for sycophantic fools. I prefer rational discourse, and earnest study. Perhaps you may agree?
Please join us. It seems you belong there, and will benefit greatly from the experience (all earnest students do). I recommend beginning by reading my AMA (stickied top thread) but you may engage any way you wish!
These are the same words. If you are applying differences to them, they are not inherent within their definitions.
Never assume such a thing about me. I am a seeker of Truth. I have no beliefs (as they are defined in the vernacular).
I have no problems with aether. The Michelson Morley experiment showed only that on earth, there was no discernable difference in the speed of light with respect to the earths orbit around the sun. It showed nothing about "the medium" or "the aether" or "the substrate" or whatever you want to call it. At best it may have shown that the universe is not a "grid." I have been debating this with physicists for decades (and they always agree). That we teach there is no aether, and then go around calling it "spacetime" or "quantum foam" or "higgs field" etc. is the greatest fraud. I knew that long before I was awakened to the larger fraud.
Nevertheless, these "deflections" as you call it don't account for how they are exactly what one would expect based on latitude, and they change with latitude exactly as one would expect on a spinning sphere. You can create a sphere, spin it, put a device on it to measure that effect, and come up with the same results you get on Earth, at specific latitudes.
I suggest bias is not a bad thing at all, in fact it is both inevitable (we have our own perspectives) and an essential part of the debate process (rational discussion, whatever you want to call it). There is nothing wrong with "bias". The problem only comes in when someone believes their bias is truth. Nevertheless, I appreciate this statement, and I am sufficiently enticed to see what you have to say.
Both are necessary for me, but I can translate one from the other if I am motivated to do so.
Fair enough. I grouped you with my past experiences. That was inappropriate. I apologize.
I really think you don't understand what this word means. Perhaps you are basing your definition on some past bad experiences?
You will notice that reason and discussion are both fundamental part of those definitions. You say "reasoned discussion", I say "debate", or "present an argument" I'm fairly certain we mean the same thing.
I looked at all your posts in this thread. I can find no link to what "community" you have created for your discussion. I am willing to take a look, if I know where to look.
They are in my lexicon, but I appreciate perhaps not all (or yours)! Argument and debate are pageantry and for entertainment and manipulation (convincing). I just discuss, and never want to manipulate (convince).
My humble and sincere apologies. A fellow earnest student (interested in evaluating other viewpoints, including ones verboten in modern academia) like yourself is an extreme rarity! We are in accord, once again.
I feel we are already friends. I love physics too. It's not for everybody. I had a very similar experience/path.
Or perhaps they do!
I recognize that, and with the "gravitational force" in/during that demonstration, that ought not be the case (not exactly anyhow - but perhaps close enough for government work).
I agree with the spirit, and that bias is inevitable (we are subjective creatures) but otherwise you could not be more wrong. Bias/belief is what hinders science/knowledge, and is our enemy. Whenever identified it must be excised if we are to make any progress and/or have the slim chance at objective study. It does have limited use in generating hypothesis, but the vast majority of hypothesis derived from belief will be wildly wrong and a waste of time. Reality doesn't care what we believe, and humans are deluded subjective/religious/superstitious/mythologically inclined creatures.
I quote popeye, "I means what I says and I says what I means." Debate is a game and a pageant for fools. It has rules, and judges, and points. You appear to be using a colloquial definition of the word - a synonym for argument, which is likewise a pastime exclusively for fools. Rational discourse, very much including vehement dissent and disagreement, is never to devolve into base argument or debate - because it is a waste of time. Winning an argument or debate has never determined anything about manifest objective reality, and never could. It is merely a game for fools.
As am I. Though I hope you can appreciate how rare this is, and regrettably uncommon your views.
I don't like to spam the link. Some mods don't take too kindly to that, and I don't blame them!
If you click on a username the communities they moderate should show up on the top (one below the post/comment count box) of the right menu/panel under "Moderator for...". Please let me know if you don't see such a thing!
Most excellent! Here is the link :
I very much look forward to our discussions/exchanges. It has been a sincere pleasure to meet you!
Very disingenous repsonse.......
Generalized maybe, disingenuous... How?
There are millions of experiments that support us living on a spinning globe. I have personally done hundreds if not thousands of them.
There aren't any experiments that support flat earth that stand up to the debate process. Every single one is full of errors. I keep asking for evidence given in earnest (i.e. not already decided, but offered up for debate) and no one ever gives me any. FE'ers are so sure and so defensive they never want to engage in debate. They only want confirmation bias.
Go are right and they are wrong.....
I am complaining that I have met every argument with a response based on evidence, and I get no reciprocation.
Within the sphere of debate, your statement is correct. That is not definitive, but within that scope, yes.
Granted, my responses are based on actual experiments, which in the realm of physics requires an understanding of math, and that is not a strong point for anyone I have engaged with that believes the earth is flat.
I literally question everything I’ve ever learned. Beliefs shape our reality. Evil knows this
I’ve never been past “airplane level..” from the earth. From the plane it looks flat. My observations tell me I’m not spinning.. I see the sun moving. Yes, I’ve been taught everything you’ve been taught. But it has never made sense to me. Why have we never been to the moon again? With our technology shouldn’t we have been there again by now? Didn’t Nixon have a phone call on a land line with the astronauts? Really? If we are on a spinning globe. Why are there no pictures from space from under the earth (looking from below up to earth? ) With all our awesome technology and cameras etc we have no awesome footage of anything. CGI only.
Just have an open mind.. what IF the things we’ve been taught are actually false? Don’t be mad.. be free to consider it. It’s quite freeing actually.
I’m in healthcare; I just happened to look up the etymology of doctor and docere means to teach. Doctor means teacher. I looked up Medicine and it’s difficult to dig back for whatever reason (google search). But one source said Medea.. in Greek mythology, the goddess of Medea is an enchantress, sorceress, and goddess of illusion (leads with the subconscious mind by illusions) Kings of Media also in book of Daniel.
Pharmakia - means sorcery
So my mind then says hmmm,
Doctors are teachers of medicine “illusions” (“You are sick, take this medicine” and naturally we believe this to help!); yes they are also knowledgeable about the body etc and are very knowledgeable. The medicine part has just gone over the Top! Big pharm wants us medicated! Media on tv gives us false illusions ALL the time!
I’m not saying doctors are bad.. it’s just what we’ve all been taught since the beginning of our lives, schooling etc so we BELIEVE it to be true. However, some are in on the secret.
I had a NEO moment when I was thinking about this.. the matrix pieces started falling down around me.
So is the earth a ball floating in outer space spinning ridiculously fast? Maybe not. Ask questions, don’t discount your intuition. Do we need vaccines to survive and be safe.. clearly not.
John 6:29 Christ tells his disciples the most important work of GOD is to believe on Him who he hath sent (paraphrased). He could have said any number of things. But look at the words carefully. BELIEVE on Him (#1) and Paul said to take every thought/imagination captive and make it obedient to Christ. WHY do you suppose?
Beliefs are the Key!
We’ve been fooled for awhile but now we get to be a part of the Great Awakening
Hope I didn’t offend anyone.. just my thoughts like “Jack Handy” . I don’t know much, I just realize I want to know the LORD most! Blessings and Peace to all!
Because our world is micromanaged by the PTB. For whatever reason, they didn't want us to go back. It is even possible some of the footage from the moon landing was faked because of what was really found there. I'm not saying I think that is true, but it's possible and it does have some (small) evidential support.
Which side is "under"? What does it mean to be "below the Earth"?
Which side is the "bottom" of a ball? How does that question make any sense to you?
If you mean pictures from the south pole, any picture of the South Pole from "above" is a picture of the Earth from "Below". Though from the perspective of America, any picture of Australia (or more likely, somewhere in the Indian Ocean) would be "below". As for fuckery of pictures of the South Pole, there is substantial evidence that there is a whole bunch of hidden shit there, so maybe that is why there are insufficient pictures of "below" to suit your needs.
It is also more difficult to get into a high orbit (hundreds of thousands of miles away) over the North/South poles because of the rotation of the Earth, the Earth's plane of orbit around the Sun (as well as all the other planets) and how we launch, so maybe that is what you mean? We would never launch something super high above a pole, because that is not a direction to anywhere interesting in our solar system, and there are no stable orbits there.
I have a very open mind. I have looked at the evidence of flat earth and all of it does not match with experiment. I have looked at the most recent promoter of Flat Earth (Eric Dubay) and he is almost certainly a CIA operative, purposefully putting out disinformation to discredit those that "have an open mind."
Doctors in my experience know jack shit about cellular and molecular biology (there are certianly some exceptions to that statement), which is what "medicine" is (vernacular). They get all of their information from pharma. They are taught enough to read pharma papers. That's the extent of their knowledge about biology. Do they know anatomy? Sure. Do they know how to take body parts off? Sure. Do they understand the nitty gritty of the human body? Not even in the slightest. They are fucking morons when it comes to that topic (again, in general, not specifically). Doctors know jack and shit and jack left town.
I do not blame them. I know what they are taught in medical school (and premed) and it is not what they need to know how to heal. They are taught how to rely on the system themselves, and how to keep their patients dependent on the system.
All evidence suggests the answer to this is yes. I have looked quite a bit into this, and not one shred of evidence that says otherwise stands up to debate. Not one.
Now that doesn't mean I really know what it means to say "we are on a ball floating in "outer space" spinning (not really all that fast)." That last seems to be a misconception. There is a force due to spin (centrifugal) that pulls us outward. That force goes as v^2/R, where v = 1000mph = 447m/s and R = 6370 km = 6370000m.
Therefore v*2/R = 447^2/6,370,000 = 0.03m/s^2. Gravity = 9.81m/s^2 which rounds off to 9.8m/s^2
The "loss" of gravity due to spinning (at the equator, where it is highest) is 0.03 = 9.77m/s^2 which rounds off to 9.8m/s^2.
Going between the poles and the equator (the two extremes) you don't notice a thing.
There is a difference between discounting your intuition, and believing it is telling you the truth (i.e. relying on it at the expense of the evidence).
This is a false equivalence and a primary trap of The Matrix. It is exactly how a CIA operative can put out information about "Flat Earth" and capture (and discredit) those that are willing to question the narrative. Just because one things someone says is a lie, doesn't mean *all" things someone says is a lie. If that were the case, this whole thing would be easy. Finding out which parts are true, and which parts are misrepresentations is the difficult part. It is not straight forward, and there is no simple formula you can follow to find all the fuckery. Each step must be tread carefully.
Beliefs are the fraud. If you "believe" you lose the ability to see evidence to the contrary to your beliefs. Allowing yourself to look at all evidence in earnest is the Key. Believing you already know the truth prevents you from using that key.
Speaking your truth is never offensive. Not listening to others when they do it is.
Thank you for your time and response to my thoughts. Appreciated! Sorry I got lost on tangents...this waiting on society to catch up is like a soap opera! (They are so bad to watch, you can get sucked in, and they seem to never end, same characters...) Keep on soldier!
Deep thoughts. RIP hartman.
Please join us on the community I created for this subject. You clearly belong there!
I look forward to discussing your views and journey, assuming you are game!
Which community? Will check it out!
If you click on a username the communities they moderate should show up on the top (one below the post/comment count box) of the right menu/panel under "Moderator for...". Please let me know if you don't see such a thing!
In any case, here is the link :
The moon is a reflection of our world, our 'flat earth' is inside one of its craters. (I really like that theory!)
I have to say, it does have a certain appeal. The problem with that theory is, the rest of the world outside of that crater is STILL round (likely spherical) and upon reflection, our world is really drab (50 shades of grey?).
It is the color it is because of the rarefied air which is ionized/turned to cold plasma!
Join us on the community I created to discuss and explore further!
This is interesting, and potentially possible.
Please join us on the community I created to discuss and explore further!
Almost true. Actually the moon is a disc-shaped spaceship with a hemisphere of plasma-rock attached to its top and its far side is where the engines are. Why the Freemason Khazarian Nazi Phoenician Super Jews tried to keep it a secret well...that's hidden knowledge.
That is some excellent fan fiction! I like "plasma rock" - great stuff!
Please join me on the community I created to share your views and expose them to rational criticism for their refinement!
Well, you're half right (j/k).
Please join us on the community I created specifically for such discussion, and share your views!
Wouldn't it be hilarious if Q and saving the world turned out to be a coalition of top level masons and the Jews? Just to see the look on some faces.
You will know them by their fruits...
Maybe in part. Everything is a limited hangout with the C_A
Well it's more believable than the brainwashing coming out of nasa. Anyone who still thinks America went to the moon as it was sold to the public obviously hasn't re-watch the footage. It's a hilarious spoof.
If they have eyes, let them see!
Please join us on the community I created specifically to discuss such things!
For folks that believe the Earth is flat. Good for you. It is nonsense, but I am a firm believer in folks doing, thinking and believing whatever they want. If you aren't hurting anyone else, then speculate away. The Earth isn't flat. It isn't quite round either. It is actually an oblong spheroid. It's mostly round, but a little narrower in the middle than the two poles of its axis. The curvature of the earth has an effect on line of sight. On a wide open field, you won't see the curvature, unless you have another known height object or person in the distance. At approximately 6 miles distance, two men at six feet tall will barely be able to see the tops of each others heads. In radio communications this becomes an issue. Utilizing UHF radios, the curvature of the Earth becomes a barrier to communications because the radio waves continue in a tangent line to the curvature of the Earth arc. At a certain distance the line continues out into the atmosphere where it penetrates the troposphere and out into space. The only way to extend UHF is to elevate your antenna for a higher angle relative to the Earth. Another way to simply say this is, if there is no line of sight, you aren't going to be able to communicate. Other bands have different properties and can actually curve around the surface of the Earth in what is called a ground wave. This occurs below the lower range of VHF frequencies, down into the HF range. The ground wave only travels so far and then it is lost due to surface absorption and dissipation (typically 40-65 miles). HF then has a unique ability to bounce between the ionosphere and the surface of the Earth to achieve long range communications, this is called a Sky wave.
Bro get the fk outta hear with that BS talking bout flat earth is a glowie psyop. That is now a worldwide movement in itself. The heliocentric globe model is the damn psyop
I hear where you are coming from, and agree in spirit - but the truth is, they are both heavily funded/advertised psyops (though they have differing purposes/objectives)
Please join us on the community I created to discuss and explore such topics!
Flat Earth is the ultimate in goal-post moving.
That is the heavily advertised (i.e. heavily funded) psyop.
Please join us on the community I created to learn what earnest flat earth research really is!
Flat Earth is a psyop. When in the UFO community the subject of a Secret Black Budget Space Program was being talked about more and more (you even had conferences on the subject), that's when Flat Earth theory suddenly started popping up.
I remember this really well and to me it was clear it was an astroturfing campaign.
The level of intellect possessed by a flat Earther is evident.
That is a heavily advertised (i.e. funded) psyop designed to keep you from ever seriously discussing or evaluating this important subject.
Please join is on the community I created to discover what earnest flat earth research is really about! It isn't at all what you are meant to think, and we are most all intellectuals.
Correct, it is heavily funded and advertised. However, the purpose of the psyop is to prevent you from ever seriously discussing or evaluating the valuable and important subject.
Please join me on the community I created specifically to discuss it and start learning more about what real earnest flat earth research is all about!
earth is smooth, smooth is flat... earth is...?
It is what it has always been, a language game to confuse and divide.
Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Keep my autocross sayings out yo mouff.
Smack me, bitch! Say what I want.
Earth is still flat, though.
I think we can agree it's likely we are likely 1's and 0's on some AI quantum computer...flat hologram or globe hologram...that is the question,,, and does it change in multi-verse? G-string theory?
Nothing is more vapid/stupid that simulationism.
Please join us on the community I created to explore such topics, and present your view!
I'm up for some virtual conworlding!
Why didn't the european aristocracy share the knowledge of the maps showing the western hemisphere? Why did columbus already know it was there, and recieve aristocratic funding to go there?
What happened when the peasant slave puritans in england learned about the "new world" which had been known about and on their maps for centuries if not millennia?
The answers to all these questions are the answer to yours!
Please join us on the community I created to discuss and explore this important subject (and such questions!) !
You clearly belong on, and could greatly contribute to, the community I created to explore and discuss these topics!
Please join us!
I understand! You know where to find us if you change your mind, or have some free cycles!
My pleasure, and likewise!
No. Manifest objective reality is very real, and it doesn't at all care what anyone believes it is.
Belief has NO place in knowledge and is directly across purposes to it as well as objective study of any kind (it's called bias)
Please join us on the community I created specifically to explore such topics!
Wrong (the way I infer you mean it, based on the above statements - what you literally said was completely correct)! Reality doesn't give a f*ck. Neither belief nor thought can bend its iron will nor change its demonstrable nature in any way, shape, or form. Manifest objective reality exists, and this is the foundation of all science!
Fiction is fun! Reality is out here, my friend!
There is no third eye. That's all fantasy, and delusion. If you can demonstrate otherwise, I am wildly interested! I have already concluded such things are nonsense, but I have been wrong many times before!
Yep, its a fiction movie made by trannies (who's work I am a fan of)! You seem very confused about that. Perhaps I can help!
I don't know, what is it?
I know of no such thing in reality. So, no. I have an imagination though!
I am still skeptical. Can you demonstrate your third eye? Or is it something you merely believe in blindly, and have no demonstrable evidence for?
It is delusion, and the enemy of knowledge (especially science). Whenever identified it must be excised from where it does not belong if we are to make progress as students.
We are in agreement there!
Your supplied video was about the double slit observation. I am well versed in physics. What relevance do you think it has to our discussion? Please don't say "what the bleep do we know" or I will become a sad panda.
You may be interested in checking out, asking questions, sharing your views and otherwise earnestly engaging with the community I created to explore such things.
I look forward to our discussion, assuming you are game - and hopefully Zeitreise will be interested in joining as well!