There are reports of foreign coordinators in the Mariupol. It explains why Makron wanted a permission to open a corridor to save his folks. Will see how it goes.
Maybe the Russians remember the 50 million Soviets that were actually murdered by the Bolcheviks while you were being taught the Nazis killed the jews.
Maybe the Russians saw the same video I did of Azov troops shooting Russian POW's in the legs as they got out of a van, one after the other, then leaving them to bleed on the ground....
Six helicopters went in to Mariupol and 3 were shot down. The corridor opened was back into Russia. The steelworks that Russia has surrounded and has the Azov Battalion is a prison now. No escape. There is talk that 250,000 fresh and not yet involved in the war Russian troops are getting ready for the final pushes. Zelinsky had a chance to not go to war and he thought the world would come to his rescue. The media played their part. Ukraine is done FOR THE GLOBALISTS. Putin told the EU after backing the Ruble with gold that Europe now had to pay with Rubles or gold to access their gas etc. The EU thought he was bluffing. The 2nd April told the EU he was not. He doesn’t need the EU as both India and China and other countries line up for Russia’s energy. The little people will soon know that it was the globalists that stole everything from them. Ukraine will be returned to the people and those Russians living in the Dombas areas will not longer live in fear of being used as sniper practice, being kidnapped and experimented on, having their land taken, bombed or made useless by Azov scum. 14,000 innocent people have died in this area but what did the world/globalists do? They were given seats on energy boards, infiltrated the government and removed those a threat to them (remember Biden openly threatening and mocking the AG that started to look into the Biden Crime family)? The globalists have used Ukraine as a piggy bank. Putin put a stop to what they were doing to the Dombas areas. He heard the biolabs were experimenting with viruses attacking only a particular ethnicity- Slovakian. He has planned this since the Minsk Agreement was trashed in 2014 by the globalists. This info is easy to find as there are MANY reporting without biases from within Ukraine.
Thanks. Must look them up. We just cannot and shouldn’t rely on the likes of CNN ABC, MSNBC for our news! They’re are the enemy and I cannot believe people go there. The only time I wander in is to see what the daily news is lying about. I wander in, drop some FACTS and truth bombs and wander out. It’s taken people around 2 years to realise that covid and the shots are really not what they were promised. There are many reporting from inside Ukraine and I watched a guy that went to some cities and he explained how the media are staging events by herding people into one door to a train station making it look like the citizens are fleeing, by sounding air raid sirens every 20 minutes but no sounds of bombs or gun fire. Of staged upside down burnout vehicles where the media crowd around for their photo op. as if hoping to win some photography prize. There is business as usual. Shops are open. Trains are running and he even showed a clip of this actor who cried live on news tv when she was shown a burning building claiming it was her house. Turns out it was footage from years ago.
There are reports of foreign coordinators in the Mariupol. It explains why Makron wanted a permission to open a corridor to save his folks. Will see how it goes.
Maybe the Russians remember the 50 million Soviets that were actually murdered by the Bolcheviks while you were being taught the Nazis killed the jews.
Maybe the Russians saw the same video I did of Azov troops shooting Russian POW's in the legs as they got out of a van, one after the other, then leaving them to bleed on the ground....
Six helicopters went in to Mariupol and 3 were shot down. The corridor opened was back into Russia. The steelworks that Russia has surrounded and has the Azov Battalion is a prison now. No escape. There is talk that 250,000 fresh and not yet involved in the war Russian troops are getting ready for the final pushes. Zelinsky had a chance to not go to war and he thought the world would come to his rescue. The media played their part. Ukraine is done FOR THE GLOBALISTS. Putin told the EU after backing the Ruble with gold that Europe now had to pay with Rubles or gold to access their gas etc. The EU thought he was bluffing. The 2nd April told the EU he was not. He doesn’t need the EU as both India and China and other countries line up for Russia’s energy. The little people will soon know that it was the globalists that stole everything from them. Ukraine will be returned to the people and those Russians living in the Dombas areas will not longer live in fear of being used as sniper practice, being kidnapped and experimented on, having their land taken, bombed or made useless by Azov scum. 14,000 innocent people have died in this area but what did the world/globalists do? They were given seats on energy boards, infiltrated the government and removed those a threat to them (remember Biden openly threatening and mocking the AG that started to look into the Biden Crime family)? The globalists have used Ukraine as a piggy bank. Putin put a stop to what they were doing to the Dombas areas. He heard the biolabs were experimenting with viruses attacking only a particular ethnicity- Slovakian. He has planned this since the Minsk Agreement was trashed in 2014 by the globalists. This info is easy to find as there are MANY reporting without biases from within Ukraine.
Right on. I have been following Gonzalo Lira on his YouTube videos. Very informed, very observant, very skeptical, very engrossing.
Thanks. Must look them up. We just cannot and shouldn’t rely on the likes of CNN ABC, MSNBC for our news! They’re are the enemy and I cannot believe people go there. The only time I wander in is to see what the daily news is lying about. I wander in, drop some FACTS and truth bombs and wander out. It’s taken people around 2 years to realise that covid and the shots are really not what they were promised. There are many reporting from inside Ukraine and I watched a guy that went to some cities and he explained how the media are staging events by herding people into one door to a train station making it look like the citizens are fleeing, by sounding air raid sirens every 20 minutes but no sounds of bombs or gun fire. Of staged upside down burnout vehicles where the media crowd around for their photo op. as if hoping to win some photography prize. There is business as usual. Shops are open. Trains are running and he even showed a clip of this actor who cried live on news tv when she was shown a burning building claiming it was her house. Turns out it was footage from years ago.
I saw one of the captives and he seemed like a kid