posted ago by 5DWeBe ago by 5DWeBe +14 / -0

I cannot find a direct link to the video. You will have to scroll down the page to find the bonus video with the below description. It’s all interesting information but the 13 Constellation video is one I’d like to hear some thoughts on!

13 Constellations There are, 13 constellations, 13 moon cycles in a year & 27-29 days per cycle. Our ancestors knew this knowledge and have divided a year into 13 months. All ancient civilizations used this calendar, which followed a natural order of nature and cosmos, and was immensely more intune with our body’s biorhythm. You can imagine why parasites changed it, and subtracted one month in order to sever the connection between the people and the sun, moon & other celestial bodies, which all have huge energetical influence on our wellbeing. ~ awakenedspecies
